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The Dark Bard

The first born of paternal twins and a fraternal triplet, Zayre has ever been the protecter of her younger sisters. Constant rejection by their mother who had little time to devote to her children, caring for them only when she felt they could improve her position at court, instilled in Zayre at an early age a chill distance to nearly all but her own sisters, especially those who try to lay claim to airs that they have not earned.

Known widely as the Dark Bard, Zayre is the ruthless counterpart to her sister's more gentle ways. Never one to shy away from doing what needs to be done, she is a law unto herself and follows her own code of ethics that is not quite what one might expect from an elf. This of course has earned her a rather unsavory reputation in some circles.

Never far from her side is her companion Lazy Fish. A magical creature called a bhaergala known for both it's bardic talent, and it's tendancy to consider anything bi-pedal as a tasty dish. This fierce creature is a compliment to Zayre's own slightly jaded nature, and she finds the reactions of those who are familiar with the creature amusing. Having further instilled Lazy Fish with magical abilities through her bond as a companion only makes the already dangerous bhaergala that much more lethal.

Oddly enough one of Zayre's true joys is working with her own hands in the many flower beds that bloom from early spring until late fall all about the grounds of ShadowSpire. A true glimpse of the woman behind the mask of civility she often presents to the world can be seen each year in the beauty and splendor of her gardens.

A rose with many thorns.

Fireworks Emporium
Dark Bard Stables
Rae N'Alsia
Coffee Time
House N'Alsia Lumber Works
