||Triple H comes out from the back of the WXE Stage area. The fans that once watched the WWE are slowly moving over after the companies abrupt bankrupt. NWA-TNA is the only other competition, some old WWE Wrestlers took their tails over there, but not Triple H. The Game walks down the ramp and steps into the ring. He rubs his nose and walks around the ring. He stares at the ground. And paces. He goes to the side and grabs an WXE mic||

~Triple H 'The Game'~

Well, look at this place. A ring, fans, a paycheck everyweek. It's not the WWE and it never will be, but what you are all staring at right now is the same man that was in the WWE. I am stil; Triple H the game, and no matter where I am, I am still that damn good. See, let me shed some light on what happen. Go back a few years to the days of the WWF. Ratings were high, people enjoyed the program, yours truely was running with a group called D-Generaion X ~Cheers from the fans~ Oh shut up. Then, DX disbanned, ratings slid until Rock came along and brought them back up. Rock and Austin and Me. Then we had Austin's injury, which I also was the mastermind behind and all you people had to see was me and Rock everynight going at it. So the year passes and Austin comes back, ratings jump back up and everyone is enjoying a good sum. Take back a few months ago. Rock leaves for Hollywood, Austin is off the air now and I get injuried again and what happens? Raw goes under, so when Raw went under, so did Smackdown. You fans didn't want to see low talent wrestlers, you wanted stars and we couldn't be there. So what happens? Vince breaks the bank, sells the WWE and Ted Turner drives it back into the ground. Now Vince may not be the best person in business, and that is why I am glad to say that Shane McMahon was smart enough to bring up a legacy of his own and get back all the talent...well when I say talent, I mean me. Cause I have been looking backstage and who do I see? The Undertaker, The Rock, Val Venis, Goldberg, Booker T, and Matt Hardy. Low talent pieces of crap or sell-outs. Now I stand here with the same goal I had in the WWE. I am here because I am going to be the first WXE Heavyweight Champion, because without me, this place will go under just like the WWE did. Now I am glad to see that some people in back actually have the brains to realize not to face me. Goldberg and Booker T are focusing on being a tag team and I think that is the right choice for them. Because Goldy, you would have never been champ in that pathetic WCW if they didn't let you win 200+ in a row. And Booker T, look how long it took you to even win a respectable championship in the WWE. You tried against me and failed, so you had to have Austin's help to beat Christian for the Intercontinetal Championship! So when I look around here, I look at people who I know want to tear me apart! But heh, that won't happen! So what I am going to do is stand right here and take any man on. Goldberg aready said he would challenge any man for the Heavyweight Championship and Goldberg, I would take you on that challenge, but beating you would be all too easy. Even with your little servant Booker T in your corner, you are no match for the Game. So here is what I am going to do, I am going to walk backstage, sit down in my locker room and wait for Shane, Eric, Austin or whoever really runs this show, I am going to wait for them to carry out that little briefcase and hand me the WXW Heavyweight Championship. Eric, you made the right choice back in the WWE on Raw, so make it now. You know that I am the Game and I am THAT DAMN GOOD!

||Triple H stops looks around at the fans and drops the mic as his music *Korn - Did my Time* kicks in. He gets out of the ring and heads up the ramp||

OOC: Short, yea. But I just wanted to debut and I have very little to say right now