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have visited the Island.

The Forbidden Clan leader looked out across her territory and down the mountain that swept down under her paws and to the sea. Between her mountain and the glittering water lay a dark forest and a flowered meadow. Her rivals lived in these territories. The Shadow Clan resided in the deepest of the Shadow Woods, the Jewelled Clan lived in the bright Jewelled Meadow and the Sunset Clan had their home in the sand on the Beach of Sunset Bay. But in the leader's eyes, they were all weaklings compared to her strong Clan in the Forbidden Mountains. Her gaze traveled to the storm clouds that were brewing out towards main land, some twenty leagues away. It shifted as a large tabby padded up beside her, her deputy and her mate. For as long as she could remember, the deputy, male or female, was the leader's mate.

"Look over there." He said, flicking his tail to point at the bay. There, in the water, a handful of dark shapes were struggled onto the beach. A dozen more were a league away, and swimming strongly. The leader felt her fur bristle.

A loud and raspy caw distracted her. She looked up and saw, perched in one of the straggly mountain pines, a beady-eyed raven. "What's happening?" She demanded. The ravens were friends of the Clan leaders. This particular one was hers, sent by the Council of Ravens. He acted as her spy, messenger and on rare occasions, her oracle. The ravens possessed a strange bond with the Clan in the Sky. Sky Clan was the spirits that watched over the island and sometimes spoke to the leaders through the ravens in riddles. Now was one of those times.

The raven cocked his head and his eyes sparkled. "The tides are turning. Four will become threefold. It is the will of the Sky Clan. And harmony will rule the island." His message delivered, he cackled and flew away.

The leader watched him angrily until he was only a speck in the sky. What did he mean? Were the figures on the beach coming to live on their precious island?

The lead stallion scrambled wearily onto the beach. He nudged the lead mare closer to him and looked around cautiously. Gone were the stable walls that had encaged him. Gone was the low roof that kept him dry. Gone was the itchy hay under his feet. Gone were the nuisance called humans that yelled and rode him all day until he was exhausted. A thought hit him and he nickered aloud in amazement. Were they really free?

The herd had been driven from their home when a ferocious hurricane created floods that left them no choice but to swim. They had swum until they were worn out, and then they swam some more. Then the lead mare had lifted her head and cried out. "Smell that?" She had asked the others. Everyone immediately lifted their noses to the wind. "Greenfood!"

Through persistence and perspiration, they arrived on the small island, uninhabited except for the littlefolk, the squirrels and bird and oh! Cats! Relived, they looked around, drinking in the smells and smiling to each other.

But the danger was not yet over. Close behind them, driven out by the same storm, were the wolves they had heard from their stalls. Whinnying in fear, they scattered into four groups. The surefooted and hardy fled to the mountains, the quick and clever headed for the woods, the mellow and peaceful took shelter in the meadow, and the frisky and brave stayed in the safer parts of the beach. They became the Forbidden, Shadow, Jewelled and Sunset Herds.

But the wolves had no interest in the horses. They only knew they had been driven from their home and they strove to find a new one. They realized their pack was too large for the small island, so they broke it up into four, and each soon established it's own territory.

The raven soon came to the leaders of the Herds and the Packs, offering their services. The ravens established a bond between the territories and species.

The alpha male of the Forbidden Pack howled to the stars on the snow-capped mountaintop. The other animals smiled in their sleep. It was a song of home.


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2. No swearing, spamming or adult content on this site.
3. The sign-up process only works if you have a Yahoo or Hotmail email address.
4. If you roleplay a leader, you must also roleplay it's raven and you MUST be active.
5. To breed your animal, you must first find a mate for it.
6. If you breed your animal, you must first decide who is going to act for the baby.
7. You may choose if a baby grows up or not.
8. When using our graphics, please remember to always link back.
9. Please do not redistribute our graphics.
10. Have fun!