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Please fill this out and if you any help at all just let me know and i'll help like if you eed help with your char's race i can help there as well.

1: Url Or Address Of Character Pic: (If You Need Help Finding One Just Ask Demitri.)

2: Url Or Address Of A BackGround You Want: (If You Need Help Finding One Just Ask Demitri.)

3: List Three Songs: (Name Of Song And Artist) (Midis Only) (If You Need Help Finding One Just Ask Demitri.)

4: Character's Birth Name:

5: Character's Age:

6: Character's Race: (Let Me Know What Race You Are And Stuff Like That) (No Gods)

7: Character's Gender:

8: Character's Martial Status: (Married, Single, Dating, B/f G/f)

9: Character's Mate:

10: Character's Children: (Name All Even If They Died) (Include Pictures Of Each Child.)

11: Character's Family: (Please List All Your Family Members And If They Are Dead Or Elderly,Etc. And Don't Kill Them All Off Ok) (This Includes Those That Took Care Of You And If You Were Adopted) (Include Pictures Of Each Family Member.)

12: Character's Height:

13: Character's Weight:

14: Character's Eye Color: (List All Colors For Each Of Your Character's Moods) (State What Color They Change For Each Emotion)

15: Character's Hair Color: (Also Include How Long It Is)

16: Character's Appearance: (One Word Detail Detail Detail,Must Be Atleast Three Paragraphs,Ten Sentences Each And Describe Your Whole Outfit From Head To Toe So Be Creative) (Example: First Paragraph: Head, Second Paragraph: Upper Body, Third Paragraph: Lower Body.)

17: Character's BirthMarks: (If Any) (List All,Tell Us Where And Describe Them)

18: Character's Tattoos: (If Any) (List All,Tell Us Why You Decided To Get Them For And Describe Them)

19: Character's Peircings: (If Any) (List All And Why You Got Them For)

20: Character's Abilities: (List All Your Abilities And How You Learned Them And Don't Say You Learned Them OverNight And Stuff Like That So Be Creative)

21: Character's Weapons: (List All Weapons You Have And Why You Have Them And How You Got Them All And Describe The Weapons As Well.Also Describe All The Weapons It Means The Ones You Carry And The Ones You Use Sometimes)

22: Character's Possessions: (List All Possessions That Your Character Carries Meaning Everything Between Healing Items To Jewlery To Artifacts)

23: Character's BackGround History: (Must Be Atleast Six Paragraghs With Atleast Ten Sentences Each And Describe Your Life From Birth Till Now So Be Creative And One Last Thing Don't Say You Were In Your Mom's Womb For Nine Months Having Fun Skinny Dipping)

Fill Everything Out.Don't Leave Anything Blank Or Use None.If You Need Any Help Just Ask.