The Physiology of Elves

Elves have certain abilities not accessible to most humans except through powerful magicks. They are aware that other races do not have these faculties, and they take great pride in knowing that they are the only mortal race blessed with them. However, most elves do not treat other races as inferior simply because they were born without these abilities; rather, they rejoice in their own uniqueness. The elves feel truly blessed.

Among the abilities all elves are born with are communion, elvensight, manifestation, the reverie, and a limited resistance to heat and cold. Each of these is more fully explained in the following text.


All elves have the inborn ability to share their experiences, their feelings, and their lives with those elves they love or trust implicitly. This sharing, called communion, can only be undertaken by fully willing elves. It does not work with half-elves, nor does it function when one of those participating has even the slightest reservation. This includes those under the influence of charm-related spells, for they hold qualms deep in their hearts, even if told they do not.

Communion requires all elves involved (to a maximum of four) to be in a state of total relaxation. They must be in a place of peace, preferably where the world is not likely to intrude with its troubles and its cares. A natural surrounding works best for this operation.

Communion requires the participating elves to be totally serene, thinking only of the others in this most intimate bond. (Thus, communion is not an effective method of relaying messages of any urgency.) All the elves must free themselves of judgments and prejudices about the others, which may take some time. Indeed, some communions have been known to take a fortnight or more merely in preparation for the bonding.

When the participants have sufficiently calmed and retreated from the rigors of the world, they lightly touch palm to palm, finger to finger. They open their minds to the others, freely and completely joining together; if even a tiny reservation remains, the bond fails. During communion, the elves explore all the facets of the others' personality—the loves, hatreds, hopes, and fears.

While in this trance, communing elves are totally vulnerable to anything that might happen to them physically, for they cannot defend themselves against any attacks while communing. Mentally, they are even more vulnerable to attack, for their minds are totally unguarded.

Interestingly enough, the very act of communion offers a protection of sorts. Those in communion are defended against being spied upon, either mentally or physically; this defense takes the form of an invisible barrier surrounding the communing elves. It is speculated that the elves are so enrapt with each other that they project a mental shield that keeps discovery to a minimum. Of course, this offers no protection against an attack from someone who knows of the time and whereabouts of a communion.

The benefit of communion is not only that elves learn the most secret facets of others. Because of the sharing, they also become intimately acquainted with others' habits, fighting styles, and ways of thinking. For the day immediately following communion, the bonded elves can fight in perfect harmony, one's weapon following through where another left an opening.

Communion can only be effected once a week. Those who try it more often with the same partners find themselves sharing with essences that are essentially themselves, for those who have participated together have shared enough of their spirits that there is little difference between them. Furthermore, communion tends to be somewhat draining even while it invigorates. Bonding so totally is simply too much of a drain on one's psyche to be attempted lightly and frequently. Communion works best when the participants have something to learn or gain from one another.

Elven Senses

Elven ears have a different hearing range from humans. While human adults here noises from 400 to 20,000 hertz , elves here from 1000 to 30,000 hertz a slightly higher range. This is probably why elves speak in higher pitches than humans.

Smell and taste are usually the same as humans though what elves and humans like to taste and smell is not always the same.

Elves have an excellent sense of sight especially in close ranges. They separate colours better and therefore make better archers and hunters in forested areas when shades of green are the difference between a leaf and a meal of frog legs.Although they are not as sharp-eyed as most birds of prey, their eyes are still sharper than those of the average human. In addition, their eyes have the ability to see further into the Ultra-Violet spectrum, allowing them to function in most unlighted places. In most landbound elves, this sight extends only to a range of 90 feet. Aquatic elves, as described below, have an entirely different sort of sight.

Naturally, there must be little light at all for elvensight, to function. If a greater intensity of light than starlight (including moonlight from a half full or fuller moon) is within the elf's line of sight up to 100 feet away, his or her elvensight will not work at all.

Elf eyes must, of course, adjust to a change in light. They can no more immediately use their elvensight any more than a human can immediately adjust to the sunlight after spending a time in darkness.


    Aquatic elves: 360' Aquatic vision(sonar)*
    Surface elves: 90' Infravision
    Half-elves: 60' Infravision
* Aquatic elves do not have nightvision, per se, above the water; however, they can locate their way or their enemies through dark and even stormy waters by a version of infravision adapted to underwater environments. They do not see heat or cold, but rather the movements of water currents.


When elves wish, they have an imposing presence. Suddenly, they can seem far larger, more there, than their actual height and weight would indicate. They use this ability to good effect against impressible humans; it keeps the credulous ones at a distance and occasionally attracts necessary attention to the elf.

The manifestation ability is purely a result of the elven connection with the land; the only trick involved is in demonstrating this connection. Naturally, manifestation does not work on planes other than the Prime Material. Furthermore, it functions only when the elf is in a natural environment or in one that the elves have shaped, in which case they generally do not wish to make their presence known. Finally, manifestation works only on an elf's home world or after an elf has lived on a world for more than 50 years, whereupon the elf has grown used to the natural rhythms of the world.

Any elf away from his home world for 50 years, no matter where he is, loses this ability until he reattunes himself to the land. Note that it takes only five years to readjust to an original home world, unless an elf has attuned himself to another. In this case, he must endure the entire 50-year process, for he has made himself a native of that other land, and must entirely readjust to the cycles of his home world of old.

Aside from impressing people, the power is largely useless. Elves are immune to this ability and any displays of it. They are aware of its presence when it is used and may admire the timing if particularly noteworthy.

The Reverie

Yet another difference between elves and the other humanoids of the worlds they share is that elves do not sleep in the typical sense, though they can enter that state if they desire. Instead, they gain their rest through a process known as the reverie. The reverie is akin to sleep, yet is very much unlike it. When elves enter this state, they vividly relive past memories, those both pleasant and painful. Like the dreaming of humans, elves have no control over which memories rise to the fore when they relinquish their bodies to the reverie. Occasionally, elves do actually dream, but this is not a frequent occurrence and mostly occurs only when they truly sleep.

Elven dreams, when they happen, are sometimes prophetic. Whether these dreams are an indication of some sort of precognitive ability on the part of the elves or granted by their gods is a matter of debate. However, not all elven dreams are prophetic. Indeed, enough of their dreams are like those of humans that they cannot rely on their dreams for guidance. Still, all of their dreams are highly symbolic, providing insight into each individual's character.

In a very real way, the reverie accounts for the elven desire to lead happy, joyous lives. Who would look forward to reliving unpleasant memories every night? Very few, though there are some truly noble elves who take on the pain and suffering of others so that they relive the memories with each reverie instead. These elves have accepted this sacrifice for the good of their people, taking upon themselves the burden that could not (or should not) descend to the lives of other, more innocent elves. They perform the unpleasant task of drawing into themselves the suffering of their people.

When they enter reverie, elves do not usually close their eyes unless there is a bright light present. They relax their bodies entirely, each muscle losing its rigidity, until they are absolutely calm. Their faces relax into a dazed and distant look as if they were seeing another land or another time.

During this time, they are aware of their surroundings, but they cannot act to influence them any more than a human can while asleep. Only by an act of will can an elf tear herself from reverie, and she will be confused for a short time, just as a human would be who has torn himself from sleep.

Although the reverie provides rest, it is primarily an important memory tool that helps the elf maintain a strong sense of identity. Since their lifespans are so great, elves must periodically recall the events in those hundreds of years that were integral to the making of their personality.

The fact that elves go into this reverie, rather than enter actual sleep, could help to explain their natural resistance to sleep spells. Since sleep is, for the most part, alien to their nature, they can ward off its effects easily. But since the reverie is akin to sleep, they suffer no ill effects when they do fall victim to sleep spells and like magicks.

The combination of reverie and manifestation may also account for the elves' near-immunity to charm-related enchantments. The reverie imparts a strong sense of self, giving them a secure identity. They are intimately attuned to their own lives, wants, and needs and are therefore not easily misled about their goals. They allow only themselves to determine their course of action.

Their innate manifestation ability makes them well aware of efforts to influence them through extranatural means. Since they can sway others, they are conscious of attempts to manipulate them and can resist these endeavors with more authority and success than most other races.

Resistance to Heat and Cold

Elves are keenly attuned to the world and its meteorological cycles. As such, they are less affected by extremities of temperatures than are many other races. The blazing sun of the desert and the chill of the arctic cause elves discomfort, but not nearly as much as such extremes do others.

Elves can withstand up to 100°F with only mild discomfort. Likewise, they can remain clad in their usual clothes to a low of the freezing point of water and be only mildly uncomfortable. Below 32°F, they suffer the same ill effects as anyone else, but until that point they feel little different. Above 100°F, they suffer as do others but exhibit no undue stress until that temperature is surpassed. They lose no body water to sweat, nor do they need to lighten their clothing.

It has been surmised that this is why elves have pale skin and only rarely tan. Their resistance to the elements prevents much of the skin damage that other races suffer. Only those elves who are constantly exposed to the elements suffer even the slightest amount, and even then they do not tan as deeply as some humans and dwarves.

The elves' immunity to a range of temperatures does not extend to fire or snow, or anything that simulates these conditions. For example, an elf could not stick his hand into a fire and be undamaged, nor could he walk through freezing rain without effect. Neither are elves immune to spells that rely on fire, ice, wind, and other weather-related effects. It is only to natural temperatures that elves have even the slightest resistance. A cone of cold or a fireball has the usual adverse effect on an elf.

Other Elven Abilities

Despite their frail appearance, elves have a remarkable resistance to ordinary disease. While it is not on a scale with the paladin's total immunity to nonmagical diseases, elves are only rarely afflicted by disease.

On the negative side, there are some purely elven diseases (which are, thankfully, very rare), to which all other races are immune. These include certain nervous disorders, some poxes, and other equally virulent diseases. Elves, although not necessarily ashamed of their afflicted, do try to keep those who are ill from the prying eyes of the rest of the world. They do not want the other races to think of ways to use these diseases against the elves.

Unless a disease is fatal, the effects usually fade simply with the passing of time, for elves have a strong regenerative ability. Scars (not wounds) on their bodies heal more quickly than they do on other races, eventually disappearing almost entirely. Such scars show up only under intense scrutiny or under harsh lighting conditions. This ability works only on scars.

Their regenerative ability does not extend to regrowing lost limbs or organs, although some contend that the elves are the original creators of the magicks that enable this. Elves are, however, on the pioneering edge of creating artificial limbs to replace lost ones. In addition, elf crafters are working on ways to replace the more sensitive organs, such as eyes and ears, as well as the heart, stomach, and other internals.

Elven life cycle versus human life cycle:
Stage of Life Human Years Elven Years
babies 0-2 0-4
children 3-12 5-16
puberty 13-17 17-24
young adult (fertility) 18-28 25-90
adulthood 29-55 91-750
venerable 56-75 751-950
death 75-100 951-1000

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