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Specail Fight are fights that are specail. You may fight someone for an item, extra money or for a dragonball.
Example: Goku has dbs 1, 2, 3, and 4. And Vegeta has dbs 5,6, and 7.
Goku and Vegeta might have a speacail battle where the winner of the fight gets all the dbs.
But both people have to agree on the specail battle.
Here are a couple of specail offers. If you have any ideas tell us.

Dragonball Battle- winner gets all the opponents dragonballs.
Cash Battle- winner gets all or some of the opponents money. What ever amount is bet.
Item Battle- winner gets all opponents items.
Move battle- winer gets opponents move. Can only bet 1 move.
Tech. Battle- winer gets opponents tech. Can only bet 1 tech.


This is battle MUST be accepted by the Kami. If the Kami says he is busy then the training for that day wont count, the dragonballs they were searching for get a day added on to the search time.(like that day didn't count)They can deny 3 battles. After that if the challenger is string enough and wants to he can blow up a planet. The planet blows up in 2 days. They must hit it w/ an Ultimat Attack if the dont use Death Ball. They will be a warning on the main page if this happens. If the planet blows up and u r still on the planet then u will die. What ever was on the planet blows up too. THERE IS NO INSURANCE!!!

If you beat the kami then u can be the kami(or ruler) of the planet or you can blow up the planet. Back