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Those Seeking Knowledge Of The Past

Welcome to the Archives Library of the Hierarchy.
The Library of the Hierarchy is dedicated to informing all inhabitants of the Isle of Uthgol on the history of all Grendel-kin. These archives are constantly being added to, updated, and revised to give a better understanding of the events that have shaped Uthgol from the times of our Darkness to after the Great Destruction and beyond. I, Warlord Malice the Minotaur, with the help of many scribes and assistants from the Hierarchy, am the keeper of these archives.

Before you is what appears to be a quiet area, the circular rooms' walls are lined with bookshelves reaching to the dome ceiling. A few books are missing from the otherwise completely filled shelves. A large marble counter sits in front of a section of the shelves. An open space of wall can be seen behind the counter, a few maps hang from the wall here. A small table is placed at the center of the circular room. A single dimly glowing candle is placed at the center of the table, emitting the only light in the room. Several archaic and dusty looking books are stacked towards the center of the table. One book of trading ledgers is set aside.

In the next room you see what appear to be an endless library made of wood and stone. There are six rows of bookshelves which stretch back and disappear into the darkness. What section of the library would you like to visit?

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