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Battle Types

These are the types of battles of the UDBZRPG!!!

One on One---Two Players go at it head to head. The 1st person to go down to 0 HP loses. However, both players get the same amount of EXP. Which is: 5 Zini, +1 HP, and 50 added to your power level, and 5 stat points.

Two on Two---Four Players go at it head to head. This is where fusions may take place. First group to fo down to 0 HP lose. Both teams get the same EXP. Which are: 10 Zini, +2 HP, and 60 added to your power level, and 10 stat points

Death Matches---Two players go at it...for one of them, won't get back up. First Player down to 0 HP DIES. Both players get the same EXP. : 50 Zini, +10 HP, and 100 added to your power level, and 20 stat points.

Kai Volleyball---One player creates a Kai ball, and launches it into the air. The one who made the Kai ball, rolls his accuracy. If it hits, it sends the kai ball flying at his opponent. The your opponent rolls his accuracy. If it hitsa, he sends it back flying at you, and it continues this way until one player misses. The winner gets 10 Zini, +2 HP, 60to their power level, and 10 stat points. The loser gets 5 Zini, +1 HP, +50 to their power level, and 50 stat points.
