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Old Tyran Sites

There of course were many, many sites and re-locations for Tyran, but within the ashes, the sites below are a few of the survivors. Along with websites there were about a hundred post boards made as well. Enjoy learning about Tyran's past!

Tyran 1
Tyran 2
Tyran 3
Tyran 4

Some other old Tyran pages:

More past pages by Valor Dracul

Old Tyran's Clans

(zX) Manor Clan *First & Founding Tyran Clan*

(vX) Vampires of Xaliber

(vT) Vampire Tremere/Trinity - Old Site

(vM) Vampyre Ministry

(vL) Vampire Legions

(VI) Vampire Immortals

(Rd) Reapers of Death

(nS) Night Stalkers

(nR) Nyte Rydahz

(nL) Night Lords Clan - Old Site

(nK) Noble Kindred

(LsT) Lust Family - Old Site

(Krill) Krill Magic Family

(jG) Jesuit Genesis - Old Site

(HG) House of Grim - Old Site

(Heart) Hearts of Honor

(gK) Gothic Knights

(G#) Gunslinger Clan

(eK) Emerald Kingdom - Old Site

(Dw) Demons of Wrath

(Dm) Dark Moon

(Dk) Dark Kingdom Clan - Old Site

(Di) Dark Immortals - Old Site

(DH) Demon Horde

(DF) Dark Forces

(dC) Dark Carnival

(wG) Wicked Gypsy Clan

(Dia) Diamante Family

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