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The Tyran Gods

People live out their lives wondering if there is more to life, or the afterlife, than what they already know. It is rumored that there are forces of immence power that guide mortals through life in mysterious ways; these beings are known as the Gods. Many mortals do not believe, or are too afraid to mention that they believe, that the Gods exist in this world.

Gods have been roaming the lands of Tyran for as long as anyone can remember. Gods both good and evil have played their hand in the changes of the land, though they avoid influencing mortal life more than is needed. Whether it is within the wind, the trees, the stars or complete other realms, the Gods exist and shall always exist, to the end of time.

In this age of Tyran, there exists four Gods, and their offspring. These four Gods work together to change Tyran for the better, even if their views of better are not always the same. The Father God Baracus, rarely seen but always here. Then there is the God of Evil, Mordred Vargo; the Goddess of Light, Dreanna Vargo; and the Goddess of Neutrality, Aislin Oquin. They are not as mysterious as the Father God, as they tend to show themselves to the mortals, and are involved in the lands changes. Learn more about the Gods below.

Tyran Temples

Tyran Gods

Demi Gods

Fallen, Decended, or Deceased Gods


(In Order)
Xx_Exodus_xX *dead*| SoriRain *descended*| eK_Emerald_eK *descended*| Dreanna *Re-Ascended* | Shelzi *descended*| Baracus *Re-Ascended* | Barak *descended*| Dawnstar *dead* | Kalia *descended to Demi* | Atreyu Noir (demi *dead*) | Rayelina Vargo (demi *dead*) | Cheyenne Wolfmoon *descended* | Harmony *descended*

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