Arrow Of Light Recruitment Policies

Arrow Of Light Open Recruitment Policies

As with our old policy, it is expected that an Arrow of Light will consider carefully before recruiting a potential new member. This member must be held up against our charter and seen as an Arrow of Light. This is not an act to be taken lightly. If recruitment goes beyond what is healthy toward the premise of this guild then restrictions may be re-instated at a guild meeting.

Recruitment Policy

Potential Arrows will require no letter of recommendation in our open recruitment sessions. They are invited immediately and given a full Arrow of Light membership. Upon posting on our web page they will receive full access to all forums except the officer forums. And they will immediately upon invite begin their 2 month trial period. All necessary information will be sent to said recruit via e-mail from a Recruitment Officer.

Trial Period in Review

In summation, this is what must happen in order for a person to become an Arrow of Light. (Example name for recruit being Talania) Talania has impressed an Arrow with her desire to join our Guild. We happen to be in open recruitment! What luck! She is instantly invited by one of the Recruitment Officers online at that moment. Only a recruitment officer can invite a new recruit in open recruitment times. If there is no recruitment officer online, said recruit will be referred to a recruitment officer. By:
1) Starting a thread in the open recruitment forum with recruits name.
2) Sending a recruitment Officer an e-mail through EzBoards.
***( Both these methods are extremely necessary to keep a well organized record of all recruits)***
And one of them will then get to him/her A.S.A.P.
This trial period is to last no longer than 2 months from recruit's invite date. At any time from invite to end of the 2 month probation period a veto may be made to prevent his/her membership. This veto will be made to the current Recruitment Officer(s) via a private e-mail, NOT in a community e-mail post. This will ensure that the veto is presented in an impartial manner and the issuer of the veto remains anonymous.
This trial period will end in one of three ways:
1) A veto is issued and cannot be resolved, resulting in disbandment of recruit.
2) The 2 strike rule has been implemented (further detail in following paragraph)
3) The 2 month trail period is completed with no veto or strikes against them resulting in a full membership! Till death do we part

2 Strike Rule

The two month probation period will involve a two strike rule. On the first strike said recruit will receive ONE warning about behavior unsuitable for an Arrow before they are disbanded arbitrarily.
This may be appealed to the leadership officers via private e-mail. Said e-mail will then be posted in the officers forum. When the recruitment officers see said letter they will take all their data on the person and add that to the post. Then all officers will cast their votes. A simple yay and nay process involving no further information being posted. At the end if more say yay your back. Just as if more say nay your appeal was unsuccessful.

Required New Recruits Meeting

At the end of the open recruitment event there will be a scheduled mandatory meeting. This meeting will be held on our web page in the chat section at the top of the board. In that meeting we will go over the chain of command, guild charter and the open recruitment rules. All with the hopes of having all you wonderful recruits fully understand us as we would hope to know and understand you. This meeting will have the following officers present [ fill in blank after guild meeting]

Guild Policies

Guild Leadership
Guild Charter