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The Praetor DarkMan

Imperial General Dimitri Enerjak

Imperial General Dark Dragon

Military Roster

The Romulan Senate

The Romulan Empire Fleet Command, Romulus

Your transport ship finally approaches the Romulus System, home system of the Romulan Empire, from it's long and rather harsh journey from the Neutral Zone. You allow yourself a sigh of contentment, as you finally pull past the 5th planet of the system and begin approaching the planet Remus, as not only is your long journey to an end, but also the very reason of your journey. You have been accepted into the elite Romulan Home Fleet, in direct coalition with the great Tal Shiar. Only the best of the best are permitted into the Tal Shiar, and Tal Shiar opperatives are selected only from officers assigned in the Home Fleet. This is your opportunity to prove your worth to the empire.

However, you are met with an unexpected dilema as your ship approaches the 4th planet of the system, Remus. Directly in the flight path of your ship stands a fleet of Klingon warships, at least 400 strong. The flagship of the fleet, a Klingon Negh'Var roughly twice the size of the others of its class, moves forward front and center to its fleet. A transmission bleeps in, audio only, from the vessel.

"This is Romulan Home Fleet General Dimitri Enerjak of the I.K.S. Grig Orig. Identify yourselves and state your business in this sector." Despite the suggested hostility of the words of the Admiral, his tone was passive with a tint of dissapointment, like the General waiting to find the enemy and instead finding a pack of kittens in their place.

One of the pilots answers, "This is Captain Ra'leh of the transport ship, D'voran. We request passage to Romulus Fleet HQ, we've a shipment of recruits."

"Recruit transport..." The Admiral answers, "How many?"

"Just one, sir," You finally speak up.

Enerjak pauses a moment, then chuckles... the chuckle eventually turns to a hearty laugh, "One recruit, you say? Verywell... Report to General Dark Dragon, he'll escort you to the HQ. Enerjak out."

Your ship continues past the horde of Klingon ships... You are left wondering, how a Romulan Admiral came to command such an emense fleet of enemy ships... You are not left with much time for contemplation, however... A wave of Borg ships, a large percentage of them cubes, block your advance as you approach the 3rd planet, Romulus. You grip the back of one of the pilot's chairs as you stare in amazement, gritting your teeth in fear...

"Heh, something wrong, Cadet?" General Dark Dragon's face appears on the main viewer via a comm link.

"Admiral?! What are you... I mean... The Borg..." You studder in your fear and amazement... first a fleet of enemy Klingon ships, under the command of one of the greatest warriors in the empire's living memory, now a warrior of equal stature and rank appearing before you in command of a Borg armada...

"Enough. I'll escort you to the HQ. Hold possition." Dark Dragon's image vanished from the viewer with a look of humor... he'd enjoyed the fact, very much so, that he'd caused you so much fear and amazement. Fun, in the eyes of the Admiral, however you fail to see how it is amusing...

A cube approaches your ship, tractoring it, and towing it toward the Starbase in orbit around Romulus. Upon your arival, the cube releases you and returns to its fleet. Before you is an assortment of Romulan warships, particularly the command fleet of the Empire, commanded by Praetor Darkman personally.

Your ship passed through the fleet itself, eventually comming to the flagship of the armada, as well as the entire Romulan Empire, the D'deriex Warbird, Darkman's personal warship. A massive ship, it is not only larger than the other warbirds, it seems more like a battlestation in it's glory than a ship... The Praetor however is not aboard, as the first officer hails with a coded transmission to continue to the starbase.

Your transport ship enters the base, docking in the hangar... among your ship are several other ships of many different races... Romulan, Breen, Klingon, Borg, Dominion, Cardassian, Son'a, Ferengi, and even Federation ships... As soon as your ship is docked, the pilots lead you off the vessel and into the starbase's corridor. They lead you down what seems to be an endless hall before reaching a pair of double doors... they open them, motioning you to enter. Inside there is a Romulan sitting behind a massive desk... His clothing, and composure, could only mean he is one person... Praetor DarkMan stands slowly, folding his hands behind his back,nodding slightly in greeting with a small smirk.

Welcome to the Romulan Empire.

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