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Rules Yeah I know you hate them but they keep the game fun and SAFE.
1.NO cussing whatsoever don't even think about pushing me.
2. NO girls in guys dorm and visa versa.
3.If you have a problem with someone solve it elsewhere, we don't want to hear about it.
4. You may NOT kiss,hug, have bf/gf that would just lead to more serious stuff.
5. You may join with up to 3 horses the rest you have to buy.
6. If you bid and that bid isn't challeged withing 3 days, you get the horse.
7. You may only join as a human and what ever gender you are in real life.
8. You may not post anything unrealistic like tapdancing with or on the horses. ;-)
9. You may play your horses but no talking just emotions such as fear, anger, affection.
10. You must post at least once every three days or you will be banned.
11. You must take your horses to the vet every three weeks for a check up, and every nine weeks for vacs.
(Please put TOEC RULES in your join message so I know you read the rules!) Will add more later

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