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Akyntoc is a powerful Lawful Evil Devil from the Nine Hells. Unwilling to work his way up the heirarchy only to be assassinated, Akyntoc sought a demi-plane where he could take over and rise to godhood.

He finds much pleasure in torture, trickery, and the suffering of others.

In appearance, Akyntoc basically looks like the fiends pictured below.
His unique features are:
1.) He has a mouth full of large twisted teeth. Some teeth intertwine with each other while others just have a corkscrew-ish appearance.
2.)He is sometimes pictured with an enormous sickle wreathed in flames. His sickle hangs from his waist, with its blade nearly scraping the ground.
3.) He has a darker coloration. A very deep red (bordering on black) for his main skin tone, with a brighter red for highlights.

Basic picture of a sickle.