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The Wardens of Gaia
Adrienne Kyklos |

It is not fiction...

Hear ye Garou of the City and Forest,

We are the Wardens of Gaia, the Chosen of Falcon and under the leadership of Cliath Alpha Adrienne ‘Talks Clearly’ Kyklos of the Daughters of Selene and Cliath Beta John ‘ ‘ Thunderfoot of the Wendigo.

Set by Falcon the task of being mediators and councillor’s. Promoters of the idea of unity between packs, Sept’s and Tribes. Individuals all! United in the goal of Garou working together to create a future bright for us all.

We stand mid ground between City and Forest seeing and recognising the views of Breed, Auspice and Tribe as a whole. Our aid is there for all that ask and our pack is open to all who are sick of the petty squabbles that threaten to destroy us all.

Our honour is inviolate,

Our duty is clear,

We stand beside you,
