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Okay I know, no one likes rules but there has to be them. ^^;; sorry
  • Keep it TV-14, this isn't a internet prostitution place.
  • Keep to the characters personalities, (eg. Willow wouldn't really wear all black and spikes and such and Spike really wouldn't go into a field of daisies humming " You are my Sunshine", and Dawn wouldn't stop being a hormonal bitch)
  • No, absolutly NO GODMODDING
  • No spoilers without warning.
  • You must have seen some Buffy and be able to intelligently play along. (Eg if you have only seen the first 2 seasons, don't pick a key charrie, like Xander or Willow, seeing as they have changed.)
  • Under the "Mommy" question on the application put "Lord Moldy Shorts" To let me know you read the rules.
  • You may use future characters(Kennedy or Andrew) or ones that disapeared, (Faith, Jonathan) but have a good reason to put them there, just don't plop them there with no explaination.
  • If you are a villan please don't use the same tactics and such, like no ubervamps or nerd troika.
  • In high power battles, have a nuetral ref to call the shots, seeing as you won't always miss and you won't always hit
  • You can have original characters but they need a profile
  • ONLY ONE NEW SLAYER!!!!!!!!! Keep to the legend, we won't have 50 slayers...
  • No character is all powerful, nobody likes them, and I won't have it.

    Thats it for now, so play nicely children. And I do mean it, you can kill the evil bitch known as Dawn ^^ *~Faith~*