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My l33t Place


1 0wNZ0r j00

!!Go join my mesage board thing!!
!!Join Here!!
!!Its cool!!

Go See
!!My Web Comic!!

Hi there, and welcome to my new web page. I plan on adding more text and links soon, but for now, just sit there and wait................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Ok, hi, welcome to my site. Im sorry for it being a mess and that not everything works, but Im slowly working on it, slowly... Anywho, thanks for coming and have a good time.

Here are some links to some cool sites, one i like... good comic site)

Rivendell(the battle grp Im in, a chapter of Dagorhir battle grp) (another funny comic site) (a great MMORPG game, and if you dont know what that means, look it up) This is just a weird little thing i am thinking of turning into a back round...(yes, you all will suffer...) This is a good resorce site for any reports you might need to do...

Learn l33t!! This is a cool place to learn l33t 5P34K!

Addicted to games A good place for games.

l33t Bords Our boards for your use. Pls sign up!!

This is the Punk-O-Matic. I've been messing with it as of late, and thought you might want to as well.

Do us all a favor and take the Geek Test. Then go to our Mesage Boards and tell us how you did...

Take a quiz i made HERE. Its fun, and i did alot of work on thoes pictures, even if i didn't draw them...

Here is an RP site, tis cool. CyberChat

!!DANGER!! This link goes straight to JAVASCRIPT HELL!!

Lets all do teh KIRBY DANCE!

This is just a link for my use, or ours if u have a web page on this web provider thingy.

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