
Rooks and Axs head to the Elf Village, where they leave Salah in the care of Axs' friend, Icorina. The two agree that they have to press on to stop Galneon's men. Axs tells Rooks that they are most likely in Stavery Tower, so the two make the trek up the mountain to follow.

Shortly in, the two run into Darama, aka Darah, a demon summoned by Galneon. After his defeat, Rooks acquires the power of Dao, the Earth Spirit and the final one he needs to complete his mission. Shortly after, the two encounter a door that no one can open, so they head back to town to see Salah and Icorina.

Having completely recovered, Salah insists on coming along. Though they are hesitant at first, Icorina insists that she be allowed, since Rooks can protect her. It ends up turning out to be a good thing she joined, because the locked door to Stavery can only be opened by a member of the royal family. With that barrier out of the way, the group continues onward.

They travel further up, defeating Barah, an ally of Darah's who had corrupted Dao, as well as a revived Darah. Eventually, they find a room and Rooks throws caution to the wind to enter. Inside, they find Ariel, who informs them that they are almost ready for Rimsala's arrival.

Rooks insists that they don't yet have the Spirit Sword, meaning there's still time for his group. However, Ariel insists that Teefa has made all the necessary arrangements, causing Salah to reveal the fact that Teefa is her twin and Axs to realize that Teefa is being used in some way. Rooks cannot forgive Ariel for what he's done, and insists on fighting alone. He wins, but Ariel is killed when Galneon enters the scene.

The evil wizard gloats, telling Rooks about how he killed the boy's parent's with his own hands, and how he will destroy him. After Galneon teleports away to continue with his plans, Rooks immediately runs out of the room to give chase, leaving Salah and Axs behind. Luckily, he meets up with Darwin on the next floor and they begin traveling together.

Eventually, the two run into Galneon, who is planning on having Teefa fight them. Darwin reveals he knows her from somewhere, and begs the princess to recognize him. After Galneon leaves again, Teefa goes on the attack...but by defeating her Rooks and Darwin are able to release her from Galneon's spell. Darwin agrees to bring Teefa back to town to rest, and Rooks presses onward.

On the top floor, Rooks once again meets with Galneon. This time, Axs and Salah catch up and prepare to fight. But it is too late, and Galneon begins summoning Rimsala. At the last moment, Axs tosses Rooks and Salah out the door, preparing to sacrifice himself for the others. Stavery Tower rocks with the magic flowing through its corridors as Rooks screams for his friend.