The Journey Begins

A boy named Rooks had grown up in the town of Galia, following loss of his family. During the coup, his parents had helped lead villagers to the safety of the woods, but they were betrayed and killed. With the last of the magical cards his father left behind, Rooks tries to master the abilities of a Card Master for the good of the country.

As he attempted to leave town one day, Rooks is greeted by Ariel, his childhood best friend who he hasn't seen in ten years. Ariel wonders why Rooks had avoided him, causing Rooks to bring up the fact that his father had turned traitor and joined Galneon during the coup. The youth assures his friend that his opinions were much different from his father.

Wanting to change the subject, Rooks asks about the girl traveling besides Ariel. She is introduced as Ariel's apprentice, Teefa. It is then that the man gets to the point. Dark spirits have begun rising, specifically in Balnia Temple where he believes they are being summoned. Rooks agrees to check it out, as only a Card Master can stop it. Ariel confesses that he cannot join his friend, having other business, but does allow him to take Teefa along as a guide.

The two go to Balnia Temple, only to find the place overrun with monsters. Fighting their way to the top floor, Rooks and Teefa encounter both the Stone and Iron Guardians along the way. Between Rooks' finely honed sword techniques, Teefa's magic and Sylph, the spirit Rooks had summoned, the party is able to defeat any challenges that come their way. Finally, they reach the top room of the tower, and Rooks is stung with something. He ends up writing it off as nothing, since there was no one there except for him and Teefa.

Inside, Rooks sees a dwarf and a sorcerer guarding a strange, crystal sword. But before he can explain that they're not with Galneon, that they're trying to stop the summoning of evil spirits, Teefa jumps into battle and paralyzes the two men, then claims the sword for herself.

Ariel steps in and explains their plan. To create a peaceful world, they will summon the Evil Empress, Rimsala, and control her with the power of the sword. Rooks reaffirms his belief that Ariel is working with Galneon, and refuses to join up with such an evil plan. His offer denied, Ariel goes on the offensive with Teefa.

Rooks attempts to fight back, only to realize that he's been paralyzed. Teefa informs him it was the sting from earlier, and both of them begin to beat Rooks half to death. Saved when the sorcerer drives them off with a summoning spell, Rooks drifts into blessed unconsciousness.