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 Transformation: Buu

*Note: All Evil Buu transformations are automatically mastered.*

Super Buu

Because once Good Buu and Evil Buu were the same person, now Evil Buu will get his other half back, but be in a different shape and be much stronger that before.  This transformation boosts Evil Buu into a rather strong force.  Adds 7,000 plus 20% of Good Buu's stats to all stats -(Must absorb Good Buu)

*Note: You may assimilate other members.*

Kid Buu

Potentially the most dangerous and powerful fighter. As those whom Super Buu has absorbed escape he will deform into his final transformation. Adds 10,000 to all stats.
-(Must have 5 people in your body and Good Buu)
-Good Buu, and the others are released from your body when you become Kid Buu.

*Note: You can no assimilate any more after you become Kid Buu.*

*Note: If your heart becomes positive you will transform into Ubuu (Below)*


A weaker transformation than the original Buu.  Goku revives Buu in a human form.  -12,000 of all your stats!!!!!!!
-Become good hearted as kid Buu.

*Note: When you become Ubuu, you are now a human, so all changeling race advantages are cancelled and you will follow human race advantages.

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