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Struggling in life

Such an alluring man. Held back by the cages as a youth. A hidden past in the bleak darkness of his mind. He never spoke of it. Where had this young man come from? Many say he came from hell, others say he just came to be. Poor simpletons, they were too much into their own deals. They had no idea of the significance of what roamed their streets. What snuck along the streets.

You look at this young man, and you think, hmm such a handsome fellow? Those soft icy hues would look at you kindly, give you that gentle deceit. Yet the moment you turn your back on him foe, you will find a knife in your back. That was what he thought, that is what he was trained for. Bringer of eternal nyte. Eternal Peace.

How deliciously perfect he was. Only one could understand him, one he confronted in his journeys. An elderly man still, that old fart still had his strenght to stop bad ol' Draz's swift hand and give him the beating he deserved!
By then he met up with a few interesting folks. Allies that in time he would call friends, and with the old man training him he learned the greater truth. There is much more than bringing death and destruction to others. Meaningless destruction was futile. There is a greater art to what leads to life. Oh the old man knew what Draz was. Taking Draz under his wing, the old man taught him the art of assassination. Focusing on many of Draz's *talent* he has and bringing them out. His friends also were under the guidance of the old man. Times were good...

The evil trio, hmm Lust, War and finally Draz, being Silent Death. Laughs and chuckles was what their times consisted of, along with a few odd jobs here and there. The old man wasn't quite proud of these three. Feeling he had made a grave mistake, he sought out his three apprentices. First War fell, his life drained from his body. Second Lust, oh how Draz felt that loss for he cared for Lust the most. Then seeking Draz, the old man came to him with a deadly intent. The two fought off, Sadist against Angel. How odd Draz felt to be fighting the one he was close to calling father. The battle ensued for most of the night, dawn approached and the old man knew he didn't have much more time and in one final attempt he clasped onto Draz, fangs piercing into Draz's neck.

Beginning the Drain. How close Draz felt to death but the old man wouldn't take into account his stubborness to live, and also felt his neck pierced. The old man clung to Draz, continuing the drain as Draz drank of him. The sun raised slowly, casting it's light upon the old man and Draz. Poor old man, kamikaze he went for the old man soon began to burst into flames, still clinging on to Draz. The flames engulfed them and yet one remained standing, Draz...

His secret revealed only to one, the old man... such a horrific sight, or beautiful perhaps because before the burning man stood, an Angel. The Angel that gave perhaps this old man salvation, the greatest journey... death. Saddened though by the lost of his friends and his mentor he took on his name as he found his blade and left the realm. perhaps not to return. Many whom would see him and knew of the name always asked if he was a chylde of the man? Of course he would deny it.

Much time had passed since that grave catastrophy. He had roamed the wastelands and lived by his sword and by his own word. Little by little, he was coming to realize how old he had grown in his heart and decided that it was a time for a change. He would start by moving on and letting go of the past, returning as a babe in his heart and enjoy the gift he had, life.

Upon his return he met with many great things. Seems the realms had changed much with the passing of time and there were much new things. With Eshlen's sword at his side, he also acquired a 9mm special which had a grayish blackish tone and rather light from a scrungy fellow that thought Draz would be easy pray to robbers.

Wandering the streets aimlessly he came to the steps of Club Seduction (Which I hope that CassandraSadique Mun does not get angry by me using her club's name.) At first he thought of how much fun it would be but then noticed the sign saying 21 plus and mumbled remembering that he had the face of an 18 year old! The aged soul decided to use one of his traits, his art and created fake Id's and papers. Can't have a name anyhow without some sort of documentation anyway. Passing the bouncer, he would test his fake identification on the tender. Though the man was rather hesitant at first he still received the drink he wished and turned on to the dance floor. Among the masses stood out only 2 people, Gabrielle Lestat and her sister. Later on they would become close friends.

That night at the club wouldn't be the first time he'd be there though, nor the last as the owner came out and began handing out applications for employment. He didn't think much of it till one of them that worked there caught his eye, Lace Sadique. Thinking that it must have been destined, he applied and was accepted to work as a bouncer. His skills would work as he was more patient and able to deal with the unruly customers with ease. Friendships were formed and slowly he was becoming closer with Lace. It wouldn't take long before they actually were trapped within one another's web, and yet Draz was the fool as he did a grave mistake. Being unfaithful was something he didn't do usually, but a situation had presented itself that was far something he could deny but didn't. Doing so, Lace would not take his actions lightly and released him as the dog that he was. A sadness went about him and as he thought about dark thoughts of death, he realized that life would move on and thus returned to CS, working regularly. Watching as another took Lace's side as he did once, a part of him wishing her return and yet happy for her. The CS, wasn't a place he felt welcome much longer as new management was taking over. A certain man by the name of Nekik was placed as Head of the Bouncer Division. This man was truly an arrogant bafoon as he treated people with disrespect and the other workers as such.

Nekik disliked Draz for questioning his tactics when dealing with unruly and fights began to form. Draz was fired by the moron for unruly conduct, even though the man did shoot a shotgun to him and burnt his clothes but that is another scene and a long story that won't replace this one. Draz took on another position but felt it wasn't what he wished to do, disappearing once more from that scene. During that time, Gabrielle was having problems with a certain grandfather and as a friend, Draz helped. At that moment he met with a woman named Arianna Lestat and thus began another relationship. This one didn't last either for she became cold and uncaring of Draz. Fustrated as to what his life was to be, he questioned himself once more and decided it was time to leave once more.

Travelling the realms, he didn't stay long in one place but then there was a place he did stop, and began to talk with a woman, Sita. From there a friendship sparked, they'd spend more time talking and having the oddest of conversations. It came to be that one day, he realized it, he had fallen in love wtih this woman. He wouldn't say it as swiftly though, fearing rejection. However, it slipped one day and she felt the same and from there, a new saga of happiness began. At first it was happy as usual, always together, rarely apart. They were the best of friends and lovers. Sharing with one another their pasts and secrets. Then a surprise was given as she then spoke of carrying his child, from there Draz felt his heart sink further into the sea of joy and he too sunk, to one knee. Proposing to her, she didn't expect it but she accepted. How that went wrong, is something that no one can explain not even him. They grew distant in time, she was gone for months and the only time he saw her again was after she had given birth. Funny it would be the last as she too felt the distance and thought that Draz didn't care.

This drove Draz further over the edge than before, and with that he vanished into the darkness. He didn't sob, nor cry, nor think of ways to end the pain. He simply existed in the shadows. His hope dimming to that of the likeness of his own shadow, black. There was nothing much to live by anymore. He had found himself alone, without his fiance, without his daughter that he had barely met. He wished things had not changed but they had and in that change there was nothing but solitude and hatred. He didn't grow to hate Sita, far from it. He hated himself and what he was becoming.

Giving life another chance he returned in hopes that he would find some reason for his existance, be it love or another thing. Soul searching alone wasn't what it was cut out to be and he knew that greatly. A place had caught his attention, Inn of Lust and Sin. Entering he found himself among a new group of people that seem intriguing and joining their ranks he found himself with life as before. Friends and comrades he then was forming strong bonds with a few including a certain woman Known as Synteara Navarre, also known as Spider. Perhaps she was a spider for she caught Draz in her web and their friendship blossomed into a relationship. However, seems fate was being twisted as usual. It teasing him for the woman had no trust in him nor their relationship. A man named Dynn would make sure there was no strong bond for long for he always pushed between them, taunting Spider into going with him though the man was nothing but a fool and a liar. It seemed the fellow was interested in that which he can't have and while he could have had Syn before he ignored her till Draz came about. They still married even with the issues. That was a mistake he didn't expect for 2 minutes later a strange woman came about and spoke of Draz as if he was a lover and even when he spoke the truth to Syn, she did not believe him! They laid seperate in different beds and different homes even though they had bonded in such a way. Syn had been pregnant with Draz's child, contrary to what Dynn said, Draz trusted that Syn was speaking the truth when she said it was his child and no matter how Dynn may said it is his, he knew not to believe in a liar. Sadly though, many issues arose and many things occured that pushed Draz over the edge of the cliff once more and sent him sauntering down the crevices of hell. Syn had changed, or perhaps showed her true self in being nothing but a cold hearted woman. She showed kindness but as well gave pain, more pain than any could. The marriage was disbanded and Draz was banished from the place he considered he had comrades. He left hesitantly and in disbelief.

This time however, it didn't hurt as much and it didn't bother him as he thought it would. He became more into his art and began to travel more. His art was his gift and started to learn of it more and more. Buying a condo in the city, he made sure he had the home at the top of the highest building of the city. Within he carried all his art, pictures of the past, including his son and his ex wife. It took a while also to create such an art that he called "Mother of sweetness", a picture which consisted of Sita and their daughter. Not many knew of it but only a few he has shown. Before leaving the ranks he had also joined another group, Sins of the flesh. (SoTF) From time to time he returned there and became interested of an interesting woman named Nydissa Demimonde. An enormous amount of time they spent together but in the end all it brought was hurt as she was with another. After that he began to care less of things and decided to go see his old friend, Mira. She was from the old ranks of Syn and had just established a new place called, "Salicious Quivers Inn." It was interesting to see her again after so long. She told him off odd news, of Spider's actions and her departure from the ranks. He wondered about their Son but his old friend would not know anything.

Visits became more often and the others were beginning to accept him once more, not all of them but a few. He met a woman named Asheria and they became close as well. He didn't give it his all this time, more hesitant in doing such a thing for he feared being hurt again. More and more he became interested in working in SotF. A close friendship forming with a woman named Austriana Moon, whom he'd later work for as bodyguard. So much transpired at work that he began to realize that he hadn't fallen for Asheria as she had wished him to. They parted ways and he began a new life at SoTF, alone.

Tired of the masks, he didn't pursue anything more than friendship for now. A woman named Faith, that he had met some time ago, had tempted him so but there was going to be nothing more than just mere friendship between the two. In truth it was going to not even be a friendship, as the two argued so much and fought against one another. Draz began to care less of other people and what they did. All that he cared about was getting the job done and being promoted, going from Sinner to Deviant. Well there was an exception, his friend Lady Austriana Moon, she and him were close friends. Him being her bodyguard and all. Watching out for her as she would for him, she was the reason why he remained to be a bit more human. Unexpectedly, he messed around with a woman named Kurai and they had a child as well, Naya. Kurai vanished from the realms and till this day, Draz is still unsure of what happened to her. Naya however, has remained in Draz's care since then, his little Angel. The reason that Kurai may have vanished was because of a woman named Sona. Kurai and Draz were having trouble with one another, with her absence of weeks. Sona and Draz was a complicated friendship, truly he didn't dislike her, nor did he wish her harm but he was hard and was trying to not show weakness. He knew Sona was a strong woman and that she shouldn't be the way she was at times and in trying to show her that at the same time he showed her nothing but stern near uncaring actions. The tension was growing, everyone knew they liked each other but were too arrogant to even say it. it came to where Draz kissed Sona. Sadly, she didn't believe of Draz's care, after all he was such an asshole to her for quite some time. You could say there were like magnets, complete opposites and yet attracted to one another. It didn't take long for them to come together though Draz was still unsure of what she meant and Sona was rather busy with her own business with the guild and her family. Draz took this the wrong way though, he believed Sona was going to be like the rest and that she simply not wished to be with him and thus thought of moving on. Fooling around with a woman named Storm, he didn't feel the same. The connection he had with Sona was different, much different and after that he regretted it but didn't speak it. Sona found out about him and Storm and spoke to him filled with spite and anguish. Draz had betrayed her and he was wrong once more. He wasn't the same, he couldn't be the same any more. He had made mistakes, he had given up on so much. The fire he had within was slowly dimming again. It brought back memories of all his past, one importantly Sita.

Fate is odd, for it will always bring around everything in a full circle. He wasn't sure of how long it had been, and yet it burned in his memory his past so brightly like the sun. The door came crashing open, expecting it to be Sona but it wasn't. It was his supposed daughter again, he had seen her a few days earlier but was convinced she wasn't her. He couldn't help but see the resemblence though and accepted it slowly. One night, she had come by and he and Sona were arguing. Perhaps a futile way to save whatever they had but Mika was placed in the middle as she fought back for Draz and in turn decided it was best to leave. After having been within the ranks for such a long time, it finally came to be that Draz had gained a position, Transgressor. That night, in a sentence, he lost it. That was not a good night, but Mika did save it in a way as she took him to a place where she not only brought him but also her mother, Sita. Draz was in shock as he saw her again, his heart wanting to escape his chest as he almost sunk down but kept his ground. The two immediately began to argue, pointing fingers to one another on who's to blame. Their daughter was not amused by this and decided to leave them by themselves. After a while of silence, they began to speak a bit more calmly. Draz always carried a dim flame for Sita, even when she vanished he did think about her and at times ventured to look for her in hopes to find her but failing. They were becoming closer and closer once more, like old times. Finally realizing the mistake, he shouldn't have given up hope on her so easily. He should have kept on searching. Fate wasn't being twisted to him, it was he that was causing his own pain. Draz and Sita reunited and their family would be together again.

One night, after weeks of being together again, under the clear black sky and bright moon. He proposed to her and married her that night. Not having planned this, he was able to find a priest and have her wed them. He was unsure of some things but he was sure of one, he loved this woman and she loved him. He had the family he had longed for and searched in others. When all he had to do was search for her, and even now he struggles with temptation and life, but with hope and love as his weapons. He will fight away the temptation and try not ruin this.

What new events may happen in his life? Only a few know. Happiness, sadness, joy, sorrow, poetry, art, turmoil, war, peace, and more could always happen. It came to end just like the rest, bitterly.