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"Everyone got to find the right path. You can't see it so it's hard to find. No one can show you. Each person's got to find the path by himself."
- Charlie, Ute Medicine Man


"My path has brought me here to this world of Gor. I am again considered a barbarian, a savage, a wild woman. Here I am a slave. I wear the collar to prove it. I have felt the biting kiss of a whip. Here my will is no longer my own. I still have a path, and I will continue to follow it. "


Only a quarter of an inch shy of six feet Wakanda stands above most women. Hair so dark it is almost indigo reaches her hips like a veil of silk. Almond eyes as black as coals follow the high set slant of cheekbones. A slender nose leads down into a sensual mouth. The striking appearance of the woman makes it obvious why she would be stolen on a Voyage of Acquisition.

Her shoulders are narrow, holding the alluring hollow on either side of her slender throat. Willowy arms possess a toned strength that is all but a moot point here on this world. Breasts fit perfectly into the palm of one hand, small and ripe like a peach ready for the plucking. A slender waist leads into the easy slope of a woman's stomach. Hips fit the sleek, tawny frame. With the long legs of a runner she moves with the agile grace of a cougar. You can almost see the large cat peering out at you from behind those eyes.


Thrice has the ink and needle painted itself upon her skin. The first came in a set. The paw prints of a Spirit Guide, the bear, can be found on the soles of her feet, covering most of the skin. The second is an image of the sun circling her navel. The third wraps around her right upper arm. Each one is painted in black. Each one has a reason and a meaning.

( Tattoo images can be found in the pictures section of the profile.)


The wind is my spirit
Dancing free through the grasses and leaves
Writhing with the fire
Falling with the rain
Twisting with the storms
Blowing cool on a warm summers day

The earth is my soul
Strong and steady beneath my feet
Covering rocky mountains
Stretching beneath endless seas
Soft as silt
Hard as rock
Littered with the foot prints of others

The sun is my heart
Fierce and fiery in the center of my galaxy
Brilliant in my days
Hidden in my nights
My guiding beacon

The moon is my heartbeat
Always following the path of the sun
Pulling at the tides of my emotions
Flooding me with the softest intuition
Spilling cool life into my scalding veins


My Song