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Journal # 1

The item that is most important to me I can not bring to class. It is my guitar, and that would be somewhat inconvienent to have to carry around all day, just for one class. It is the most important thing that I own, because it is how I show my creativity. Theres no better way for me to express myself that just playing whats on my mind, or how I'm feeling. Sometimes if I'm sad, I'll think of a slow, kind of depressing song, where as if I am happy or energetic, I'll think up a really fast paced song. I havn't had my guitar for very long. In fact, I just got it at the begining of summer. But it was a gift from my father, and it is a very nice guitar. I am trying to get better, so I spend most of my free time, I am on the internet learing how to play different songs, so I can practice them and learn a new style of playing. It is really fun to imitate a rock star while playing, make yourself seem just as good as them, or like you are one.