At first sight this looks a normal forest, at least many think so. Then they realize that it isn't though.
This Forest is different, very different.
It has rocks, trees, a few ponds. There is also a long river which goes through every pack.

Suddenly you hear a sound, two large males walk over to you. They both have piercing silver eyes, that look as though they can see straight through you. One has a spot on his left leg, and the other on his right, the shape looks like a star. One catches you looking at it.
"Hello, I am Romulus a guardian of Silver Forest. I see you have noticed our stars, it signifies who the current and next leader is of which power. Only wolves in my family get them. My family has guarded these woods for generations.
We have only just begun, our father died recently
Don't be sad though he lived to be 13, and most wolves here barely live to be 10. You can learn about me later though. This forest is hidden from most humans, the only humans who can find it have only the purest of hearts. You have a choice to make now. Will you join us or go find a new forest, woods or mountain and be running all your life? The choice is yours." Remus stares at you silently, as though he doesn't care what you do. "I am Remus by the way."


Run away