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SoM:Shadows of Misery Rules Page


1.)No fighting with any other clans people. If problem please take it to the Empress.If the Empress is not avaible take it somebody else, immediatly or e-mail the Empress about the problem.

2.)Please keep OOC in whisper.. Some OOC is alright in the rom but all must remeber the (( )) brackets Please be kind and ask anyone if you may whisper, If they have your perimission to do so.

3.)New Members are to be placed upon a one week probabtion until they get their rank..If they do not show up twice during the week of their probabtion without, contacting the Empress or one in the SoM clan, about their reasoning why they haven't been on, I am sorry that we will have to lose that member, we do not need people wasting our time.

4.)If you are missing for three weeks, without anybody know why you are gone.. Your rank will be lowered.. and a warning will be sent out to you.. and if you don't reply.. or come to the castle in another week once the warning has been sent out your tags will be stripped.

5.)If you leave the family, and decide to come back, you won't automically get the rank you had back. You will have to earn your rank and work your way up. Ranks must be earned.

6.)S/L's are aloud, they are actually recommend. Having S/L's and quests makes the RP fun, BUT the clan will NOT tolerate any rapes or suicides in S/L's If you your chara commits suicide in a S/L you will not be able to bring your chara back.

7.)Be kind to new people that may stop by, offer them a drink and to make themselves comfortable.. They may come part of the family or potential allies.

8.)If a guest comes into the castle, and begins to act in ways against our rules, then inform him/her of the rules they have broken, and advise them to check out our website to read our rules. If they do it again, ask them too stop, After the third warning then all SoM have permission to remove him/her from the room. By all means all must let them know of the rules they have broken If it does not work and they continue to break the rules and they break the rule a fourth time it is a 24 hr bann.

9.)Any SoM members caught cheating upon their mate will be removed from the clan.. No.. questions asked.. Proof MUST BE brought forth.. This rule goes for anyone at any rank.

10.)All KoS= Kill on Site, must be brought to the Empress/Emperor for approval...Make sure you have proof, and a good reason to ask for KoS, If the KoS passes, it will be issued, if not the one seeking for the KoS will be told the reason why it won't be issued.

11.)If you hear any talk about the SoM, that is horrible such a thing as war, please report it imeddiatley to the clan, or Empress. If they Empress is not around.. along with nobody else.. please e-mail the Empress explainging what is going on.

12.)Fighting disrupts others role playing so if you MUST fight, please take it to the Arena, or our arena SoM_Arena.

13.)Respect and always be always be willing to listen to others in the clan.

14.)If a couple is married, and his/her partern does not show up for aleast a month or 2 after the wedding, and shows no sign at all.. and their partern.. is asking for a divorce.. the divorce will be granted.

© by MysteryRaven
SHadows of Misery™