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An RPG based on the book NeverWhere by Neil Gaiman.

In a reality of two worlds, Up-world and Down-world, evil is growing stronger, on the verge of overtaking both worlds.. This evil that was once contained is loose, the creature's master has lost his grip and abandoned hope of regaining it, finding a new way to vent his hatred on the races of Up and Down-World... Billions of lives are on the line, do you think you can help save them? Enter this mysterious world of danger, adventure, betrayal, friendship, love, and hate; and put your character to the challenge.

This is Shadows of Memory, a RPG based on the book NeverWhere by Neil Gaiman. If you've read this book, you'll understand most of the concepts within this RPG. If you have not read the book, then please refer to the "History" page if you're interested in learning more about the RPG and how things work within it. Once you know what's going on, if you'd like to join, contact the SoM (Shadows of Memory) Coordinator by e-mailing her - her address is on the "How to Join" page.