W E L C O M E!!

Hello, the buildings currently open are The Tower, The Tavern, The Library, Art Gallery, and Forum. Click on the picture of the place you want to go in.


Tower- A place with rave MIDI's. You can have fun there if you're dead bored.

Tavern- A Place where you can listen to jokes/humor, listen to stories, play ping pong, look at the ASk Sary thing, and some links to other sites.

Library- a place to read muh miscellaneous crud. Theres the Sarinese and soon to come comic books.

Art Museum- welpz....self explanatory.

Forum- Where you discuss stuff. Imma fix that place up.

Thiz palce is so old dat mold is growing on everything. The tavern and tower are sooo ugly now. Will somebody PLEASE remind me WHY I started
making this website?!

-Sary C.

people visited.

If you have any ideas or any statements, e-mail me by clicking on the smiley!

You are listening to Look At Us by Sarina Paris.