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Dec 15

My Computer crashed a while ago and I still need a new hard drive for it so it will be a while until I have any new games ready to download.

Dec 16

YES!!! I discovered the files of my old game! The Demo is now ready to download!

Dec 17

I am working on the Demo 1.3

Dec 18

Still working on the new Demo. Hoping to finish within the next week.

Dec 21

How do you like the new look of the site?. Please send all of your comments or suggestions to The Demo 1.3 should be finished around Christmas, maybe after. By the way Merry Christmas to you all!!!

Dec 22

I fixed up the site AGAIN!. Please send all of your comments or suggestions to The Demo 1.3 should be finished around The new year. By the way Merry Christmas to you all!!!

Jan 4

JinSuzuki has joined Kramware as the Storyline writer. I don't know if I will be making the demo 1.3. I'll probably start making a new game. Sorry about not doing anything on the site for a while, I just got back from Christmas Vacation.