Base Attack
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Vhaeraun's Favor
Hit Die: d6
- Must be Drow, and usually female. Males are permitted to become Masked Traitors, but their inability to elevate to any levels of considerable power within Lolth's clergy tends to make them somewhat useless as Masked Traitors.
- Must be able to cast 3rd level Divine spells.
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Intuit Direction, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (religion), Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Pick Pocket, Profession, Ride, Scry, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device, Use Rope, Wilderness Lore
Skill Points/Level: 6 + INT Modifier
Class Abilities:
- Vhaeraun's Favor
- Masked Traitors are given access to all spells specific to the Vhaeraunian faith.
- Masked Traitors can cast Blessing of Vhaeraun once per day as a spell-like ability.
- Masked Traitors can cast Deceive Prying at will as a spell-like ability once in their lifetime. After this has been used, the spell must be prayed for as normal.
- Masked Traitors receive the personal attention of Vhaeraun in the form of useful information imparted to them from time to time, most often in their dreams, though the visitation of a manifestation of Vhaeraun is not unheard of.
- Masked Traitors can function without penalty in full or bright light, in part because the eyes of the faithful are shaded with the shadow of Vhaeraun's power. This does not negate the penalties of sunlight on drow armor and weapons.
- Masked Traitors gain powers and abilities as per the Darkmask class.
- Masked Traitors also gain powers and abilities as per the Arachne class.
Page Last Updated May 26th, 2005

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