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Ramblings of the Mind
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Been Sick
Now Playing: Mariah Carey - Someday
Been awhile. Mike was sick for a week, and then low and behold I got what he had. He got a fever blister too, so our affection has been reduced to hugs for two weeks.
We've been tired too, but we are craving each other so maybe this week or weekend, we'll crack.
Gaming has picked up some, Lance is back, which is great! I paid Suechan to do a commission of his char, plan to give it to him for his birthday. Hope he likes it. I wrote Jurty to try and get one for Thomas done but she hasn't wrote back yet, dunno if she will, I hope so though.
Mike and I have been watching a lot of movies lately.
Wicker Park (confusing but a nice ending)
Catwoman (sucked)
Without a Paddle (cute but not as funny as I expected)
Westender (no name cast, no name company, play type movie. Decent if you can get past the bad acting at some parts)
Collateral (AWESOME movie, thoroughly enjoyed it)
Ghost in the Shell 2 (good, but not as good as the 1st)
The Notebook (Wonderful movie, touched me in ways I never expected)
Movies I've seen in theaters:
Constantine (wasn't impressed but it kept my interest enough)
Cursed (was okay, kept my interest but was lacking from what I'm used to with Wes Craven)
Hide and Seek (Was good just not as scary as I thought)
Boogeyman (was good and jumpy, just the ending sucked)
Next on my list: The Ring 2
Time to get working on things I've been neglecting for 2 weeks.
Wednesday, March 2, 2005
Been Busy
Now Playing: Deuter - Pierrot (New Age)
Been about a week, I suppose. Been loosing track of time. Mike had Friday, (the day we had sex and had dinner at my mom's), Saturday and Sunday. During the weekend though he got sick again and took Monday and yesterday off. He needed it. I haven't gotten sick yet so I don't think I will, but I'll be starting my period on Friday.
Gaming has been dry, no one shows for the sessions. With Mike being sick and no one around for the side quest either, RP has literally stopped. We have some hopefuls that want to join, perhaps Mike will let a few in. Regardless they joined the board and it's been fun chatting with them.
The site transfer is going well, Mike had enough energy yesterday to start transferring sections he wants for the drow campaign. We have certainly gotten more visitors in these last few months since we announced we are doing a site transfer, now we are spread across the web more than ever, I hope when we unveil the new address, people will book mark their addresses appropriately and that the transition will be smooth.
Today is the first day by myself in a few days and I miss Mike very much. It was a pleasure to spend quiet time with him. Hopefully he'll feel good enough when he gets home to snuggle with me.
Got my pictures from Jen's wedding back, Mike was right I did look elegant. I loved my hair. Might upload one or two. Dunno yet, I don't like my wheelchair or my palsied body. We'll see.
Mike just called, he's on his way home, so dinner will be here shortly (it's like around 4:30 or so. I best go to the bathroom, pee and brush my teeth.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Doing Fine
Now Playing: Roxette - It Must've Been Love
Well since the last update I've had some sex lol! It was nice, it was comfortable. Mike's doing okay too, no mean outbursts. Things seem fine even if we are not getting enough sleep.
I wished grandma a happy birthday on Friday, she is 67 now.
Worked on the site transfer this weekend. Mike made some nice new banners and we found a cool artist that we want to get commissions from but she's too busy right now, so we are keeping an eye on her.
Mike got a new version or rather a paid version of hero machine. He fiddled with it most of yesterday.
Today was my gyno appointment. Everything (the urine, the blood and blood pressure) is fine. The pap looked good too, so no news is good news. My pills will be refilled for another year. No talk of marriage or babies, but Mike said we would get married, but now I think kids won't be a part of us. I don't want to think about it, I don't want to be sad.
Wish us luck on the transfer. I'll write again when something important comes up or I feel inspired to write.
Until later!
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Recap of the Past Few Days
Now Playing: Alanis Morissette - Head Over Feet
Well still no sex, but Mike hasn't fully recovered from his congestion yet. These past few days have been pretty good.
On Saturday, I went to Jen's ceremony, so did Mike but mom didn't show, I was a little angry but now I'm just disappointed, only because I felt radiant that day and I guess I glowed cause many people said I looked beautiful and Mike said it repeatedly to the point of gushing and I wanted her to see how nice I looked.
It was a very nice service, and the reception was nice though quick and almost quiet.
When we got home, he took down my hair and washed my face. We took pictures (but have to get them developed), but Jen made me and him get formal ones done, so maybe we will get a copy.
Later that evening, we gamed as planned, but no one showed, those that did, didn't even bother to ask to join in, so Mike and I finished the scene with Cog and Xull, which caused us to have a minor spat about the ending. I explained my feelings after a while, which he seemed to understand, so he edited his last post the next day. We apologized that night to each other, so the good mood was not totally ruined between us.
I appreciate the fact that he understood me, I avoided forcing the ending and felt bad on my reaction to his original post, but all is well and things resolved very smooth and peacefully.
Sunday we just lounged around watching TV, listening to music, and working on the site transfer. He bought an anime called Sorcerer Hunters. It's a lil corny but it's funny enough that I can ignore it. We are supposed to watch the last episode tonight.
Monday was Valentine's day, I sent mike an E-card. It rained though so it prevented us from going out, (I don't travel well in very wet weather) and they ran out of roses but he got me a Valentine's day bag with a funny, lusty and sweet card, a lil Valentine bear and two boxes of chocolates. He also made me a delicious dinner in the form of a casserole lasagna type dish with fresh real bread. We have plenty of left overs. I even tried two sips of an alcoholic beverage. We talked, watched Deadwood then some anime, which made us go to bed late, so he'll be tired I'm sure.
It was romantic all the same and I really enjoyed myself, hopefully next year we can go on a cruise as planned. Sounds so exciting!
Today I napped too long so I hope I can sleep tonight, I think so cause I still feel tired. Laying back today, doing a little transferring though. We have another wanting to join the campaign, but dunno if Mike cares much for him. He thinks he's Mary's boyfriend. (the girl we kicked out)
Anyway I'm going to see how much work I can get done before Mike gets home. I miss him. ^_^
Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Not Sure
not sure
Now Playing: Stevie Nicks - Edge of Seventeen
The weekend was nice. We went grocery shopping, Mike bought beer and steaks so he was very happy. We had sex Sunday, it was needed and wanted, need to get my pills today though, last pack before I get my prescription refilled on the 22nd.
I think Mike is getting sick, so I'm gonna try to be nicer and try not to bug him, I'll also let him take a nap today. This is not good since Jen's ceremony is THIS Saturday, so maybe he can tough it out, I hope so. I really want him to be there and mom too.
I guess gaming is still on for the weekend, I hope folks show, they've had ample notice.
Yesterday was one of those "everything goes wrong" days so I hope today will be better, but I'm worried about Mike. It scares me when he gets sick, because I become such a burden, trying not too, so whoever reads this please pray for me.
I'm off to try to do some web work before my nap.
Friday, February 4, 2005
Doing Okay
Now Playing: (New Age) Jia Peng Fang - Silent Moon
Got conquested in Utopia a few hours ago, lost 32 acres, but no honor, so we'll see..I'll probably get hit again.
In Dominion doing great.
In Lost Realm lost 5 days of mana due to some glitch.
Did my makeup run with Jen yesterday and paid her my part for the bridesmaid dress. I was told I look good with makeup, I still dunno.
8 days until Jen's ceremony, still nervous. Will be starting my period today or tomorrow, so hopefully I can keep my face as fresh as possible until then.
The transfer of the site is going smooth if slow as expected. I think I'll work on it more after this entry.
The 2nd was Grandma Katy's birthday. Still hard to believe it's been almost 4 years. I still miss her. I moped but mostly got it out of my system before Mike got home.
We saw Hide And Seek on Tuesday. It was pretty good, I liked it and recommended seeing it but it wasn't as good as The Grudge.
My cold sore finally went away.
Peed on myself on Monday.
Have to call mom and see what's up with her not returning my calls or e-mail's.
D deleted Ven, dunno what's up there, don't really care either. People loose touch, wasn't that close to him anyway. Great role-player though, one of the best I've ever had the privilege to play with. I say privilege because he truly is talented despite his standoffish nature. I didn't really know him that well, but like Spider, talked to him now and then, though Jen was better to talk to. Maybe he'll return again one day.
Overall, not a bad week. Still no sex, entering week two, but our relationship is doing fine. He's being more attentive. I'm trying to be less demanding, so it's working out. I'm going to try more things though.
Lance called, he's doing fine. He got a job but his comp crashed. Thomas posted on the boards today. Role play should pick up soon.
Not a bad week indeed!
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Good day Tuesday, Sick yesterday, bad day today...
Now Playing: Blink-182 - Adam's Song
Well today sucks, like big time.
Growing in utopia during a hostile, so been scouted every hour, I suppose it's only a matter of time before I get hit, but I'm trying to keep the faith.
Think I broke my weird nail at the very bottom, it grew wrong now there is skin growing along the nail from an accident 10 years ago so when it breaks..it's always painful and I risk causing more damage.
My shoe came off trying to get in my chair, so now I'm screwed if I have to pee, and if I do, I will need to try and hold until Mike gets home.
The dogs were terrible today, so I've locked them in the dog carrier without their blanket, so now I have the music on to drown out their whining.
Had a sucky nap today, the dogs whined and the trash cans outside rattled due to the blowing wind, so now I'm more exhausted than I was BEFORE I laid down. Hopefully Mike won't mind going to bed early again tonight.
Bad day? Yeah, but trying a positive attitude, we'll see if I can keep it when I try to do web work.
Yesterday I finished "Love is a Decision" book I got from my mom on Christmas, that's where the "positive attitude" reference comes from. Though I ran fevers and slept nearly all day. Have a fever blister too. Mike thinks it was all the running around I did on Tuesday.
Tuesday was cool though despite all the stores I went to and all the walking and standing I did (because Mike forgot the chair). I went to get fitted for my bridesmaid dress for Jen's wedding. It's pretty, I like it, got fitted for gloves and shoes too. Shoes are the only problem.
I'm supposed to meet up with her in a week or two to do a hair and makeup test, to see how much time it will take to get me ready before the wedding. Should be an adventure!
Now off I go to stay awake and try to get some transfer done that I'm three days behind in.
Monday, January 24, 2005
Been busy but have updates
on fire
Now Playing: The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony
Been about a month, but I notice since August my writing has slowed down. Seriously I hope to fix that. Doing a site transfer so this is a new blog, but I posted all my old entries these last two days to this new one, so I now can recap.
Very interesting I must say.
It's the reason I've not written in a while, too busy, plus why post when I know I needed to transfer anyway.
Time for updates.
Mike didn't go to PA yet again, had car trouble. Even when his friend got shot, the car forbade him to go. It broke down an hour from home..money is tight but Mom and Zeke are helping with the car expenses so not too bad.
As I mentioned Mike's friend shot himself, he was drunk and cleaning his gun. He was very lucky he didn't kill himself. Scared us both and depressed Mike that he couldn't go, I was too, but he really really tried. We'll try again in the spring.
Doing a site transfer to put all sites in one.
Mike and I almost yet again broke up, but we talked and considering to watch ourselves money wise and maybe move back to PA in a year or two. Will update on that more when it comes up again.
I'm to be a bridesmaid on February 12th to my friend Jen. I'm nervous.
Have a gyno appointment on the 22nd of February..yay.. ::shivers::
RP has been slow, with everyone not being here, doing the site transfer, work and lots of little other things.
Was kicked out of my kingdom of 4 years, but I trudge on..made more friends on AIM because of it.
Weather has been fucking weird..it's winter but in the 70's then like in the 30's then back again.
Wanting to write more, but loosing my train of thought, so I think I'll close it for the night.
Sunday, January 23, 2005
Merry Christmas
Now Playing: Mariah Carey - Joy To The World
Originally posted on December 25th, 2004
Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays if you prefer.
Another year is coming up and this one has been better than I expected to be, received a phone call from Mike's mom this past Wednesday. We talked for two hours about him and our life together in general, was refreshing to confide in her. The person who knows him well but won't cover spots like friends will.
She's not doing so great, but it's the season for sickness, she just needs to be extra careful.
No gaming, too busy, but maybe after the New Year we will, but my Side Quest to bring Aiyana back is finally bearing fruition, but I don't want it to over take the campaign.
Christmas was backwards this year, for as long as I remember, Christmas Eve was always spent with the Lassiter side of the family, while Christmas Morning was spent with my parents and Christmas afternoon spent with my mom's side. This year my mom's side got together on Christmas Eve at my grandpa's house, Mike played hookie while my dad's side celebrated on the 23rd, which I missed all together because my dad never informed me.
Mike I got gift cards, money, junk food, and movie tickets.
Mike got shirts from my grandma and 2 DVD's from me. (The Bourne Supremacy and Spider Man 2).
I got a fancy leather jacket, and a CD from Mike Enigma's Greatest Hits.
From mom I got two "motivational books" that so far seem a very subtle way to preach religion..which is odd, as my mom is not religious. She also got me a cool candle holder that's on a dragon foot, balancing a dragon's egg, with cool designs that when a candle is in side, shows details not there before. Also got a purple Dragon holding a sword that serves as a Letter opener. Grandma gave me a night shirt and a sweater.
I think that's about it besides loading up on food, sparkling cider and Egg nog lol!
Will add more when I remember more!
Be safe everyone!
Money's Tight But...
Now Playing: Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - Free Fallin'
Originally posted on December 15th, 2004
Life is Decently smooth.
I called Grandpa today. Today is his birthday, he's 78. Said I love you and like always I meant it. he may be be a hard man, but he deserves to hear it and I don't think he hears it often anymore.
However I will not dwell on subjects that depress me.
There is an opening on his street for a house, so we are looking into that.
We got our car but money is tight, I got Mike a present, two actually, but it looks like neither of us can afford much us because I still must pay for groceries this month, so things will be thin.
Which reminds me that coming home from shopping Saturday, I saw the most beautiful rainbow, it was big, faint but so luminous. Truly one of the most beautiful things I've seen in my young life, and hope to see one of that vast beauty again one day.
Still in no mood to work on the website, truly Vesz'aun has been stolen again, and along with that that yesterday I found my first char's name was stolen. Anyone know what to do about this? If so, let me know, it is becoming a great concern of mine.
Mike and I watched Earthsea to relax. It was an okay movie, Willow is still better though, afterwords we went to bed but we ended up making love, to which has put me in this state of mind and calm. It was slow and deeply felt between us both. Mike's moves were much different than other times. He was very slow, tender but so careful, it complimented my mood well.
Today was pretty mellow otherwise, I hope the rest of this week flows like that as well.
Oops 12:01 am..now it's dad's birthday. I need to call him later today, I just hope he'll be home, he needs an I love you as well.
Dunno when I'll write again, so happy non denominational holiday to any who may read this!
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