
Now Playing: Janet Jackson - Runaway
Tired today so I hope to get a nap in before we game.
Stayed up until 2 am to game with Scott, it was nice to hang with him again. Mike's day off yesterday was decent. We got A LOT of web work done. His vacation is coming up next week I think, which ought to be nice. Maybe we could barrows mom's car to go up to PA for a bit. I'll ask him.
I was wrong about Monday, he jumped me Tuesday. It was sexy. It involved a shower, body wash and lotion. Needless to say I bled afterwords. Sore but satisfying.
Easter and mom's birthday is fast approaching, I wonder what we'll do.
Been watching Farscape, still dunno what Mike likes about it. Maybe it will grow on me over time.
Pray this smoothness lasts a bit longer without any severe bumps.
Too tired to keep my train of thought, later!