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Magic & Psionic Items
Much as with certain spells, some magic & psionic item issues need to be addressed, as certain things may be omitted and/or changed for our purposes. This section will be added to or amended as neccessary if any issues arise during gameplay.

Unless otherwise stated, we use the most current version of any magic and/or psionic items in the sourcebooks.

For starters, we do allow for some creative leeway when it comes to the type of items. By this we mean that you can change what type of base item that most items are comprised of. For example, you may like the powers of a Robe of Useful Items, but it just so happens that robes aren't your forte. So, you could alternately purchase a Tabard of Useful Items instead. The cost and the powers of the item would be the same.
When doing this, simply use some common sense. If you stick to changing one type of garment for another, or one piece of jewelry for another, without going for any big stretches of the imagination, there shouldn't be any problems.
As always, the DM has the final say on whether a particular "swap" is allowed.

One other issue of note that we'll address now is the creation of epic items. While there are a set of hard and fast rules and formulas available, we are imposing one standard of our own. When it comes to epic weapons and armor, we follow a formula much like the nonepic weapons and armor use. That is, you can take a total market price modifier of abilities on a single item that is equal to twice that of the highest enhancement bonus you could produce for said item.
For example, let's say you are capable of creating a weapon with a +10 Enhancement bonus. You could therefore create that weapon with a total of +20 market price worth of abilities. Note that you don't actually have to create the item with the full +10 Enhancement bonus in order to take all +20 worth of available "space", meaning that you could forge a weapon with a +6 Enhancement bonus and take +14 worth of special abilities.
As always, you must meet all prerequisites and have the requisite funds available.

The list below is our House Rule version of how many items a character can wear. It is far more excessive than the official rules allow for, but personally we find the official rules too constricting, especially considering how many items certain characters in the novels sport about on a regular basis, not to mention that D&D broke its own rules for this on a few occasions in regards to NPCs listed in various gaming sourcebooks.
The limits are broken down into slots (yes, somewhat EQish) which you are allowed to fill. Examples for each slot are put in parenthesis.

Limit on Magic Items Worn

  • Head Slot (Helmet, Hat, Headband, Hood)
  • Face Slot (Mask, Lenses, Eyeglasses, Goggles)
  • Ear Slot Right (Earring)
  • Ear Slot Left (Earring)
  • Neck Slot (Necklace, Amulet, Torc)
  • Back Slot (Cloak, Cape, Mantle)
  • Torso Primary Slot (Armor*, Robes)
  • Torso Secondary Slot (Shirt, Vest, Tabard)
  • Arm Slot, Right (Armband)
  • Arm Slot, Left (Armband)
  • Wrist Slot, Right (Bracer, Bracelet)
  • Wrist Slot, Left (Bracer, Bracelet)
  • Waist Slot (Belt, Sash, Girdle)
  • Hand Slot (Gloves, Gauntlets)
  • Finger Slot [1 per finger/digit] (Rings)
  • Leg Slot (Pants, Skirt)
  • Ankle Slot, Right (Anklet)
  • Ankle Slot, Left (Anklet)
  • Feet Slot (Boots, Shoes, Sandals, Socks)

* While Armor usually covers most of the body, it is listed as taking up a primary torso slot for sake of ease with our system.

Obviously, this list is tailored to humanoid creatures with the standard two arms and two legs. Creatures with more arms or legs can use more items (or less, for those creatures not possessing legs, for example).

Please note that certain items, like bracers, must often be worn in pairs, so they would take up more than one slot.

In addition to the item slots listed above, characters can wear additional items such as brooches, periapts, cloak pins, badges, bandoliers, and swordbelts (not to mention weapon scabbards). Another way of looking at these items are more like accessories that would be worn on or attached to other "primary" items listed above. A character's limit on wearing such "accessory items" is one per character level. However, use some common sense when doing this.

As always, it is the DM's right to deny or otherwise exclude anything he deems inappropriate or too much of a stretch to these already generous rules.

We are also considering some changes and/or additions to the core magic items (and special abilities for items). Check back on that, for we need to do a bit of playtesting first.

For now, we will note a minor change that needs to be made due to the implementation of the Spell Point system. Items that grant bonus spells per day, notably Rings of Wizardry, will now simply have a spell point pool of their own from which you can draw. In general, the formula will be the type of ring x10 in spell points, so a Ring of Wizardry I would grant an extra 10 spell points, while a Ring of Wizardry V would grant 50 spell points. Simple. If you come across any items of a similar nature, and have a question on them, simply ask the DM.

Keen Weapon Special Ability
Keeping in line with the alteration to the Keen Edge spell, the Keen weapon special ability adds +1 to the weapon's critical threat range, rather than doubling it.
This feature is stackable with the increase from the Weapon Mastery feat and any class specific features that increase critical threat range, but not with another magic or spell effect that increases a weapon's critical threat range (such as the Keen Edge spell).

Page Last Updated March 11th, 2006


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