The following Traits and Feats are open to all characters at 1st level (and 1st level only). If you wish to select more than your normal allotment of these Feats, then visit the Flaws page in order to "purchase" Flaws that will allow for you to select more Feats.
Regional/Background Feats are a reflection of what your character gleaned from the society he or she grew up in. Basic life lessons, so to speak.
Profession Feats are a reflection of employment your character undertook before becoming an adventurer, and continues to undertake from time to time during their breaks in their adventuring career.
Traits, for the most part, are inborn talents and abilities, rather than reflections of upbringing or training.

Regional/Background Feats
Ankheg Tribe Ambush
You have learned how to hide and spring to attack, much like the ankhegs that roam the plains where you hunt.
PRE: Human (the Shaar) + membership in Ankheg Tribe
You gain a +4 circumstance bonus on Hide checks when prone in tall grass. During a surprise round, you can leap up from prone position as a free action.
Arcane Schooling
PRE: Deep Imaskari (Underdark [Deep Imaskar]), Drow (Underdark [Sshamath]), Human (Chessenta, the Golden Water, Halruaa, Lantan, Mulhorand, Nimbral, Unther, or the Wizards' Reach), or Planetouched (Chessentra).
In your homeland, all who show some skill at the Art may receive training as arcane spell casters. Thus, many characters know something of the ways of the bard, the sorcerer, or the wizard.
As such, choose one arcane spell casting class. You can activate spell trigger magic items as if you had 1 level in the selected class.
Your people are renowned for their skill at story and song.
PRE: Elf (Sildeyuir or Snow Eagle Aerie), Gnome (Thesk or the Western Heartlands), Half-elf (the Dalelands), or Human (Chessenta, Waterdeep, or the Western Heartlands).
You gain a +2 bonus on all Perform checks and on checks with one Craft skill that involves art, such as calligraphy, painting, sculpture, or weaving. In addition, if you have the bardic music ability, you may use it three additional times per day.
Your people favor the axe, and have learned how to hurl such weapons to deadly effect.
PRE: Dwarf (the Great Glacier), Human (the Great Glacier, the Moonshae Isles, the North, or Vaasa), Lizardfolk (Surkh, or Orc (the Moonsea or Underdark [Northdark]).
When you make a ranged attack with a thrown weapon, you may add your Strength bonus instead of your Dexterity bonus to the attack roll.
You know what it means to fight for your life, and you understand the value of quick wits and quicker reactions when blades are bared and deadly spells are chanted.
PRE: Centaur (the Plateau of Thay), Dwarf (Underdark[Earthroot]), Elf (Cormanthor Drow, the Inner Sea, the Outer Sea, or Underdark Drow), Gnoll (the Plateau of Thay), Grimlock (Underdark [Reeshov]), Halfling (the Chondalwood), Human (the Dalelands, the Nelanther Isles, Silverymoon, or Tethyr) or Orc (Underdark [Northdark] or Vaasa).
You gain a +2 bonus to Initiative, and all Spot checks. You cannot become shaken, and you ignore the effects of the Shaken condition. However, you can still be Frightened or Panicked.
Bloodline of Fire
PRE: Human (Calimshan) or Planetouched (Calimshan)
You grew up in a region where fire spirits once ran prevalent. As such, your people have the blood of efreet running through them. Gain a +4 save bonus vs. fire effects. In addition, you cast spells with the Fire descriptor at +2 caster level.
The stubbornness and determination or your kind are legendary. You are exceptionally headstrong and difficult to sway from your intended course.
PRE: Human (Calimshan) or Planetouched (Calimshan)
You receive a +2 bonus on Will saves, and you cannot become shaken, ignoring all effects of the Shaken condition.
Cheetah Tribe Sprint
You have learned the secret of lightning-fast running from the cheetah that roams the plains where you live.
PRE: Human (the Shaar) + member of the Cheetah Tribe
Once per hour, you can move four times your speed when making a charge action as a full-round action. You cannot perform this feat while wearing medium or heavy armor or carrying a medium or heavy load.
You've been lied to more times than you can count, this history has made you intimately familiar with the deceit, guile, and double speak of city folk.
PRE: Dwarf (Waterdeep), Elf (Waterdeep or Underdark), Halfling (Amn), Human (Amn, the Golden Water, the Sword Coast, or Waterdeep).
You gain a +2 bonus on Bluff, Gather Information, and Sense Motive checks.
Your people have been put to the test generation after generation, and keep on persevering.
PRE: Dwarf (the Galena Mountains, the Smoking Mountains, Turmish, Underdark [Earthroot], or Underdark [Old Shanatar]), Human (Damara, the Great Dale, Impultir, or the Moonshae Isles), Lizardfolk (Surkh), Orc (Amn, Chessenta, or Vaasa), or Slyth (Underdark [Fluvenilstra]).
You gain +5 hit points. This will stack with Toughness and similar feats.
Daylight Adaptation
PRE: Dwarf (Underdark [Northdark], Elf (Cormanthor Drow), Kuo-toa (Underdark [Sloopdilmonpolop]), Orc (Chessenta, the Hordelands, the North, or Thesk). Also, any Underdark creature with the Light Blindness quality that is not listed above that has broken off from it's society and spent at least 20 years on the surface.
Unlike other members of your race, you are not Dazzled or Blinded by exposure to bright light or sunlight. However, spells or effects that affect all creatures regardless of race, such as Sunbeam or Sunburst, still affect you normally.
Disciplined Upbringing
Your people are admired for their single minded determination and clarity of purpose.
PRE: Chitine (Underdark [Yathchol]), Elf (Evereska or Yuirwood), Gnome (the Western Heartlands), Halfling (Lurien), Human (Aglarond, Cormyr, Shadovar, Shou Expatriat, or Thay), Planetouched (Mulhorand), or Slyth (Underdark [Fluvenilstra]).
You gain a +2 bonus on Will saves and Concentration checks.
Eagle Tribe Vision
You have keen eyesight reminiscent of the giant eagles that fly over your tribal lands.
PRE: Human (the Shaar) + member of Eagle Tribe
You gain a +5 bonus on Spot checks.
Educated Upbringing
You grew up in a land where the pen was held in higher regard than the sword.
PRE: Elf (Evermeet, Silverymoon, or Snow Eagle Aerie), Gnome (Lantan), Half-elf (Silverymoon), or Human (Chessenta, Lantan, Silverymoon, or Waterdeep).
All Knowledge skills are considered class skills to you, no matter what your current or future class selections. In addition, you may also select two Knowledge skills that you have developed more fully. With these two chosen skills, you gain a +2 bonus.
You have been initiated into the secrets of the Witches of Rashemen as a member of the Ethran (the "untrained").
PRE: Human female (Rasheman)
You gain a +2 bonus on Handle Animal and Survival checks. When dealing with other Rashemi, you gain a +2 bonus on Charisma-based skill and ability checks. Furthermore, you can participate in Circle Magic.
Foe Hunter
In a land threatened by fierce raiders, you have learned to fight effectively against certain foes. You know their ways and how to beat them.
PRE: Dwarf (the Galena Mountains or the Spine of the World), Half-elf (the Dragon Coast), Halfling (the North), or Human (Chult, Cormyr, Impultir, the Moonsea, the North, Samaranch, or Thindol).
You acquire a Favored Enemy. This benefit functions like the Ranger class feature of the same name, except that the exact type of creature you oppose is determined by hour home region, according to the table above. For purposes of figuring out your bonuses against the appointed type of creature, your character level is your effective Ranger level.
The following list gives you the region along with the appointed favored enemy:
- Cormyr - Goblinoids
- Chult - Goblinoids
- The Dragon Coast - Dragons
- The Galena Mountains - Goblinoids
- Impultir - Demons
- The Moonsea - Orcs
- The North - Orcs
- Samaranch - Yuan-ti
- The Spine of the World - Orcs
- Tashalar - Yuan-ti
- Thindol - Yuan-ti
You grew up in a great forested area, and are knowledgeable in its secrets and ways.
PRE: Elf (the Chondalwood, the Forest of Lethyr, the High Forest, or Sildeyuir), Gnome (the Great Dale), Half-elf (the Chondalwood), Human (the Dalelands or the Great Dale), or Volodni (the Forest of Lethyr).
You gain a +1 bonus on all Hide, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks. When you are in forest terrain, the bonus increases to +3.
Because you are inured to the hellish heat of your homeland, you are resistant to blasts of fire that would damage other creatures.
PRE: Dwarf (the Smoking Mountains or the Sword Coast)
You gain resistance to fire 5.
Furious Charge
Your people are known for their love of battle, and they rarely waste time in meeting a foe blade-to-blade. You know how to make the most of a charge.
PRE: Aarakocra (the Stormhorns), Human (Cormyr, the Ride, Tethyr, or Uthgardt Tribesfolk), Orc (Chessenta), or Wemic (the Shaar).
You gain a +4 bonus on the attack roll you make at the end of a charge.
Halruaan Adept
You have studied the old cooperative spell casting traditions of Halruaa, and you are well-versed in the rites and arcana of Halruaan magic.
PRE: Human (Halruaan)
You can participate in Halruaan circle magic under the guidance of a Halruaan elder. In addition, you gain a +3 bonus to Spell craft checks.
Horse Nomad
You grew up in a culture that relies on Riding and shooting for survival.
PRE: Human (the Hordelands, Nimbral, the Ride, or the Shaar).
You gain proficiency with the Composite Shortbow, Light Lance, and Scimitar. In addition, you get a +3 bonus to all Ride checks.
Hyena Tribe Hunter
You have learned the secrets of hunting from the hyena that roam the lands where your tribe wanders.
PRE: Human (the Shaar) + member of Hyena Tribe
You gain a +2 bonus on Hide checks and a +2 bonus on trip attempts and rolls to avoid being tripped.
Lion Tribe Warrior
You have learned how to pounce on your foes, like the lion that roams your land.
PRE: Human (the Shaar) + member of Lion Tribe
You may make a full attack with a single light weapon as part of a charge action. If you have light weapons in both hands, you can instead strike with each weapon once, using the normal rules for fighting with two weapons.
Luck of Heroes
Your land is known for producing heroes. Through luck, determination, and resilience, you survive when no one expects you to make it through.
PRE: Elf (Elven Court, the Forest of Lethyr, or the Yuirwood), Glomaing (Sphur Upra), Half-elf (Aglarond), Halfling (Channath Vale or the Western Heartlands), or Human (Aglarond, the Dalelands, Tethyr, Turmish, or the Vast).
You receive a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws and a +1 luck bonus to Armor Class.
Magical Training
You come from a land where cantrips are taught to all who have the aptitude to learn magic. Every crafter and artisan, it seems, knows a minor spell or two.
PRE: INT 10 or CHA 10, Elf (Evereska or Evermeet), or Human (Halruaa or Nimbral).
You can cast three 0-level arcane spells per day as either a sorcerer or wizard (your choice, as long as you have a score of at least 10 in the ability that controls the spell casting for that class). You must make this decision when you first take the feat. Thereafter, you have an arcane spell failure chance if you wear armor (for wizards) and are treated as a sorcerer or wizard of your character level for the purpose of determining level-based variables of the spells you cast.
If you choose to cast spells as a sorcerer, the DC for saves against your spells is 10 + your CHA modifier. You know two 0-level spells of your choice from the sorcerer/wizard spell list.
If you choose to cast spells as a wizard, the DC for saves is 10 + your INT modifier. You have a spell book with all 0-level spells written in it, as any wizard, and can freely choose which three to use on any given day.
Mercantile Background
You come from a wealthy family with numerous contacts in the trading coasts and craft guilds of Faerun's bustling cities. You can get a good deal on almost anything you buy or sell.
PRE: Wealthy merchant family, and must be an active member of the family in good standing.
When you sell weapons, magic items, or other adventuring goods, you get 75% of the list price rather than 50%. Once per month, you can buy any single item at 75% of the offered price. You also receive and extra 300 gold to spend as you see fit during character creation.
Your people rely on a well-trained and well-armed militia to defend their land. You're no stranger to the use of weapons.
PRE: Half-elf (Aglarond), Halfling (Lurien), or Human (Altumbel, the Dalelands, Impiltur, Samarach, Thindol, or Turmish).
You gain proficiency with all martial weapons.
Mind Over Body
The aesthetics and mystics of your homeland have learned to overcome the frailties of the body with the unyielding power of the mind.
PRE: Sorcerer, Wizard, or Psion. Elf (Silverymoon, Snow Eagle Aerie, or Underdark [Sshamath]), Human (Calimshan, Mulhorand, Shou Expatriate, or Thay), Planetouched (Calimshan or Thay), or Spirit Folk (Ashane).
At 1st level, you may use your Charisma (for Sorcerers), Intelligence (for Wizards), or Wisdom (for Psionic classes) to determine bonus hit points. For all subsequent levels, you use your CON modifier, as normal.
In addition, you gain +1 hit point every time you learn a metamagic or metapsionic feat. Furthermore, if you can cast arcane spells or use psionic powers, you get a +1 Insight bonus to Armor Class.
Noble Birth
You were lucky enough to be spawned by those of great means, and as such you enjoy living in the lap of luxury.
PRE: Born into a wealthy noble family, duh
You start out with double your normal starting money. In addition, Diplomacy and Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) are always considered class skills for you. Also, if you gain the Leadership feat you receive a +2 to your Leadership score.
Nomadic Trekker
You are particularly efficient at overland movement across the great grasslands.
PRE: Human (the Shaar), Thri-kreen (the Shaar), or Wemic (the Shaar).
You can move overland across trackless plains at normal speed. You gain a +4 bonus on CON checks required for forced marches across plains. Up to one ally per character level can also gain these benefits while traveling with you.
Your folk are known for their mystic power and seem to transcend their mortal forms. Your inner radiance is so strong that you are more than mortal.
PRE: Deep Imaskari (Underdark [Deep Imaskar]), Elf (Evermeet, Sildeyuir), or Spirit Folk (Ashane).
You are a Native Outsider, not a humanoid. You have darkvision out to 60 feet. Furthermore, you gain a +2 bonus on all Diplomacy checks.
Rhinoceros Tribe Charge
You use the power of the rhinoceros's charge in battle.
PRE: Human (the Shaar) + member of Rhinoceros Tribe.
When you charge, if your melee attack hits, it deals an extra 2d6 points of damage. This feat works only when you make a charge, even when you're mounted. If you have the ability to make multiple attacks on a charge, you can apply this extra damage ton only one of those attacks in a round.
You've spent endless hours learning how to handle a mount in a fight.
PRE: Human (Cormyr, Dambrath, the Hordelands, Narfell, Nimbral, the North, the Ride, the Shaar, or the Western Heartlands)
You can take 10 on Ride checks, even if you are rushed or threatened.
If either you or your mount fails a Reflex save while mounted, you can attempt a Ride check to succeed on the saving throw anyway. The save is successful if your Ride check result is equal to or greater than the spell's save DC. (Essentially, you can substitute your Ride check result for your Reflex save if the former is higher.) You can attempt this substitution once per round for either your mount or yourself. If both you and your mount fail a Reflex save against the same effect, your Ride check result applies to both your save and your mount's save.
Sexually Open Society
You come from an area where sex and sexuality are open and acknowledged aspects of existence. In such a society, clothing is used ornamentation and allure, not to hide breasts and genitals. Sexual topics are valid and frequent topics for discussion.
You gain a +2 bonus on all Perform (sexual techniques) checks and sexually oriented knowledge checks.
A character may not take both this and the Sexually Private Society feat.
Sexually Private Society
You come from an area where the act of sex takes place in privacy and society acts if sex and sexuality don't exist. In such a society, clothing is exceptionally demure. Sexual topics are never discussed and anything possibly construed as licentious is avoided or hidden. In extreme societies, this may even lead to the word "leg" interpreted as a bit scandalous and table legs covered for propriety.
You receive a +4 bonus on all saving throws against spells with the Sexual descriptor.
A character may not take both this, and the Sexually Open Society feat.
Silver Palm
You grew up in a culture based on haggling and the art of the deal.
PRE: Dwarf (the Great Rift, Turmish, or Waterdeep), or Human (Amn, the Dragon Coast, the Golden Water, Sembia, Tharsult, Thesk, the Vilhon Reach, or Waterdeep)
You get a +2 bonus on all Appraise, Bluff, and Sense Motive checks.
Smooth Talk
You grew up in a land where the people are accustomed to dealing with strangers without needing to draw their weapons to make their point. There are few problems that you can't talk your way out of.
PRE: Elf (Waterdeep), Gloaming (Sphur Upra), Gnome (Thesk), Half-elf (Waterdeep), or Human (Silverymoon, Thesk, Waterdeep).
You take only a -5 penalty if you attempt a Diplomacy check as a full round action.
Normally, a diplomacy check takes 1 full minute, and rushing it imparts a -10 penalty.
Snake Blood
The taint of the Yuan-ti runs in your veins. No outward signs give away you heritage, but you are something more--or less--than those of your normal heritage.
PRE: Human (Chult, the Lake of Steam, Lapaliiya, Samarach, Tashalar, Tharsult, the Vilhon Reach, or the Western Heartlands)
You gain a +2 bonus to all Fortitude saves vs. poison, and a +2 bonus to all Reflex saves.
You were raised in a land where mighty wizards are common. Everyone in your homeland knows something about magic, and you have learned that things are sometimes not as they appear.
PRE: Elf (Evermeet, Underdark [Sshamath]), or Human (Calimshan, Halruaa, Nimbral, Samarach, Shadovar, or the Wizards' Reach).
You receive a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft checks. You also get a +2 bonus on saving throws against illusion spells or effects.
The sea is in your blood. You are no stranger to seas chases and blood on the decks.
PRE: Any major seafaring society.
You gain a +2 bonus on Balance and Profession (Sailor) checks. You ignore any hampered movement penalties for fighting on pitching or slippery decks, and you gain a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class during any fight that takes place on or in a boat or ship.
Street Smart
You have learned how to keep informed, ask questions, and interact with the underworld without raising suspicion.
PRE: Growing up in any community of small city or greater size.
You gain a +2 bonus on Gather Information, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks.
You were raised in an area where you fought often on steep slopes and treacherous surfaces.
PRE: Grimlock (Underdark [Reeshov]), Human (the Great Glacier or Uthgardt Tribesfolk), or Orc (Amn, the Moonsea, or Vaasa).
You gain a +2 bonus on Climb and Jump checks. You also ignore hampered movement penalties for ice and steep slops. If a surface is both steep and icy, you treat it as an x2 movement cost instead of x4.
Your people thrive in regions that others find uninhabitable, and excel at uncovering the secrets of the wilderness and surviving to tell the tale.
PRE: Dwarf (Chult or the Great Glacier), Elf (the Chondalwood, the Inner Sea, the Outer Sea, or the Underdark [the Wilds]), Human (Anauroch, Chult, the Great Glacier, Narfell, or the Shaar), Kuo-toa (Underdark [Sloopdilmonpolop), Slyth (Underdark [Fluvenilstra]), or Taer (Ice Mountains).
You get a +2 bonus on all Fortitude saves, and a +2 bonus on all Survival checks.
Tall Mouther Hunter
Because of your cultural hatred for tall mouthers, you have had specific training on how best to fight them.
PRE: Halfling (Lurien)
You gain a +2 competence bonus on damage rolls against aberrations. You also gain the benefit of Improved Critical feat for the weapon you are using in any such attack. This benefit does not stack with any other effect that expands your weapon's critical threat range. These benefits apply on melee attacks and on ranged attacks of up to 30 feet.
Tattoo Focus
You bear the powerful magical tattoos of a Red Wizard of Thay.
PRE: Specialized in a school of magic, Human (Thay) or Planetouched (Thay).
The saving throw DC for any spell you cast from your specialized school increases by 1. You also gain a +1 bonus on caster level checks made to overcome a creature's spell resistance when you cast spells from that school. In addition, you are capable of participating in Red Wizard circle magic.
Thunder Twin
You are one of the generations of dwarf twins born after Moradin's Thunder Blessing in the Year of Thunder.
PRE: Dwarf.
You have a twin brother or sister (fraternal or identical). If your twin is alive and on the same Plane, you may attempt a DC 12 Wisdom check, to sense his or her direction. If successful, you can note your twin's direction with a move action any time you take the time to do so during the next hour. You can retry this check once per hour.
In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks in dwarven society.
Your people are at home in the trees and high places, daring falls that paralyze most other folk in abject terror.
PRE: Elf (the Chondalwood, Cormanthor Drow, the High Forest, or the Yuirwood), Half-elf (Aglarond or the High Forest), Halfling (the Chondalwood), or Human (Aglarond).
You get a +2 bonus on Balance and Climb checks. You do not lose your Dexterity bonus to AC when climbing, and attackers do not gain any bonuses to attack you while you are climbing.
You are trained in fighting in woodlands and know how to use the terrain to best advantage.
PRE: Growing up in deep woodland territory.
You ignore hampered movement penalties from naturally occurring light or heavy undergrowth. (You are still hampered by magically enhanced brush and plants.) When fighting in wooded areas, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class.

Profession Feats
You are a trained actor.
You gain a +2 bonus on Bluff checks. In addition, Bluff, Disguise, and Perform are considered class skills.
PRE: Perform 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Climb, Jump, Tumble, and Rope Use.
PRE: Profession (Arsonist) 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Knowledge (Mathematics), Hide, Craft (Bomb) and Craft (Alchemy).
PRE: Any Craft 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Bluff, Perform, Forgery, Knowledge (Arcana).
PRE: Profession (Sailor or Commander) 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Bluff, Sense Motive, Intimidation, Diplomacy, Spot, Search.
Church Education
PRE: Wisdom 13+
The clergy of your homeland has educated you from a young age. Diplomacy, Knowledge (Arcana), and Knowledge (Religion) are considered class skills to you.
PRE: Profession (Commander) 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Sense Motive, Diplomacy, Knowledge (War), and Bluff.
PRE: Female; Bluff 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Balance, Perform, Diplomacy, Sense Motive.
PRE: Profession (Criminal) 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Sleight of Hand, Open Lock, Bluff, Escape Artist.
PRE: Profession (Doctor) 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Heal, Craft (Alchemy), Knowledge (Anatomy), and Handle Animal.
PRE: Profession (Engineer) 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Knowledge (Mathematics), Craft (Alchemy), Disable Device, any other Craft skill.
PRE: Handle Animal 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Sense Motive, Handle Animal, Survival.
PRE: Forgery 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Forgery, Decipher Script, Gather Information, Bluff.
PRE: Profession (Merchant) 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Appraise, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Bluff.
Fortune Teller
PRE: Perform 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Sense Motive, Bluff, Diplomacy.
PRE: Knowledge (Local) 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Gather Information, Perform, Climb, Survival.
PRE: Wilderness Lore 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Survival, Heal, Craft (Alchemy), Knowledge (Nature).
PRE: Profession (Hunter) 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Survival, Spot, Listen, Climb.
PRE: Perform 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Move Silently, Gather Information, Listen, Hide.
PRE: Profession (Merchant) 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Appraise, Bluff, Sense Motive, Speak Language.
PRE: Perform 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Perform, Sense Motive, Bluff, Disguise.
PRE: Diplomacy 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Bluff, Speak Language.
PRE: Profession (Priest) 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Knowledge (Religion), Diplomacy, Craft (Alchemy).
PRE: Any Knowledge 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Perform, Gather Information, any one Knowledge skill.
PRE: Profession (Sailor) 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Balance, Survival, Use Rope, Swim.
PRE: Any Knowledge 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Speak Language, any three Knowledge skills.
PRE: Profession (Scrounger) 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Bluff, Gather Information, Forgery, Sleight of Hand.
PRE: Profession (Servant) 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Sense Motive, Speak Language, Gather Information, Diplomacy.
PRE: Perform 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Perform, Bluff, Decipher Script, Diplomacy.
PRE: Craft (Alchemy) 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Knowledge (Religion), Gather Information, Craft (Alchemy), Knowledge (Arcana).
PRE: Profession (Scrounger) 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Hide, Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, Survival.
PRE: Profession (Sailor) 2+
The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Sense Motive, Spot, Jump, Climb, Search.

You get a +2 reaction roll adjustment when dealing with any diverse culture, due to knowing how to better deal with and understand cultures other than your own.
You react to changing situations with lighting-quick reflexes. When someone leaps off a balcony at you, you calmly step aside. When scything blades whip out of the floor and attempt to cleave you in two, you retain the presence of mind to step out of the way
Once per game session, you may activate this feat in order to cancel the effects of being flat-footed.
You are always willing to help other people. In fact, you are more comfortable lending aid to someone else than working toward your own ends.
Once per game session, you may activate this feat in order to re-roll any roll that you made while attempting to help someone else.
You are equally skilled with either hand. This trait carries over into training; so that you can use weapons, bear a shield, and perform acts of strength equally well with the right or the left hand. This also enables you to fight well with two weapons, suffering only a -2 attack penalty with the off hand, and no penalty for the primary hand.
NOTE: Due to a revision within the 3.5 game mechanics, this feat no longer has any real game relevance. The Two Weapon Fighting feat absorbed this feat. You can still choose it, though it will see little use, other than in the event of losing your primary arm during game play and being forced to use your "off-hand".
Alluring Appearance
PRE: CHA 11+, APP 12+
Physically, you are more appealing to others. This can take the form of something blatant (like a perfectly sculpted face), or something more subtle (like a pair or radiant eyes)
You gain a +2 competence bonus to your Bluff (when in social situations), Diplomacy, and Gather Information Checks.
Artistic Ability
You are extremely skilled in whatever form of art you practice. As such, you gain a +2 bonus in such skills, and your works can bring in up to 50% more money if you sell them.
Robust and naturally fit, you are capable of heroic feats of bodily prowess and puissance. You gain a +2 bonus to all checks involving running, jumping, throwing, and climbing.
Big Brute
PRE: Str 18+, Con 18+, member of a medium-sized race that has an average height of 6'6"+
You are taller, stronger, and more hale than the rest of your race, resulting in the fact that you are now considered a Large creature.
PRE: STR 18+ and CON 18+
You possess great physical size and girth. You are not necessarily unnaturally large; you are simply muscular. Whether it is thick muscles or big bones, you are unusually large.
Your unusually large bone density or muscle mass grants you damage resistance of 2/-. In addition, you get a +1 on all Intimidate checks.
Does the words "criminal mastermind" ring a bell? Elaborate plots and plans are your bread and butter. Your plots are so deep, not even your henchmen can keep track of where they're going. Whenever it seems someone has you figured out, you pull some twist out of your pocket and throw them off-guard.
In a game, once per game session, if your Initiative total is the same as another characters (or NPCs), you may cause him or her to fail their first roll of that round. You must use this ability before the other character rolls or takes an action.
Your plans are well thought out and you design exceptionally deadly ambushes and traps. Your plans always have a back-up contingency, and there are never obvious flaws in them.
Once per game session, you may active this feat after you fail a check, to re-roll that check.
PRE: Non-evil alignment
Other people are comfortable near you. You have a way of making them feel safe. Even though there's a hideous monster barreling down the group, as long as you stay calm, your example will set the tone for the rest of the group.
Once per game session, you may active this feat to cancel the effects of any one Fear effect upon your party, including yourself, until the end of the encounter.
You exude confidence and composure. This has a tendency to unnerve your opponents, since they feel that you must know something they don't.
Once per day you may activate this feat to re-roll any one Intimidation check. The result of the second roll must be used.
Catlike Grace
Gain a +1 bonus to all skills that have Dexterity as their Key Ability score.
Climate Sense
This trait provides you with an innate sense of impending (within 1 hour) changes in the weather. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus to all Survival checks when severe weather conditions are a concern.
PRE: INT 13+
You can make almost anything.
You make Craft checks unskilled, as if you had 1 Rank in the appropriate skill.
Dangerous Beauty
PRE: CHA 15+, APP 15+, Alluring Appearance
You have a certain something about you that attracts members of the opposite sex.
Targets of your Seduction attempts may not add their WIS modifier to their Sense Motive checks versus your Seduction roll.
Enhanced Senses
Your senses are heightened above and beyond the norm for your race. You can see twice as far as normal with any type of vision. Your hearing is such that you can hear the proverbial pin drop; as such, add a +2 bonus to Listen checks, and a +1 bonus to Spot checks which involve hearing. Your sense of smell is so acute that you gain a +1 bonus to Spot checks which involve smell, and a +2 bonus to Tracking checks. Your sense of taste is boosted so that you can detect foreign substances in food and drink. Make a Spot check with a +3 bonus to see if you detect such substances. Your tactile sense is such that you gain a +1 bonus to all Sleight of Hand and Open Lock skills, as well as being able to feel things like the difference between silver and a gold piece.
Fleet of Foot
You are extraordinarily swift.
PRE: Elf, Human, or Half-elf.
Your land speed is faster than the norm for your race by 10 feet. This benefit only applies when you’re wearing no armor or light armor and not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying your speed for any load.
This will stack with any class features you may have that increase land speed.
Frightening Countenance
PRE: CHA 12 or less, APP 12 or less
You are particularly fearsome when angered or enraged.
Whenever you use a skill or ability check in which fear could work in your favor, you receive a +3 morale bonus to that check. Furthermore, if your Charisma would give you a negative modifier, you treat it as if it were positive, as long as fear can be worked in your favor.
Gifted Liar
CHA 12+
You were born with the ability to get anyone to believe anything. Either your words are especially believable, or you just convey an air of truth. Whenever you tell a lie or even a slight untruth, you are more believable than when you actually tell the truth.
You receive a +4 competence bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks, as long as you are lying or attempting to pass along false information. When you are trying to pass along true or accurate information, you only receive a +1 bonus.
This trait represents your acting ability. You have a natural ability to fall into a role, and to project that role believably to others. Gain a +2 bonus to all Disguise checks.
Additionally, you can assume a disguise on the spot, without aid of costume or makeup. Such an impromptu disguise cannot alter things enough to allow you to mimic a specific person, nor can it allow you to alter your racial appearance, and, in most circumstances, your sex.
You have a face and voice that are almost immediately forgettable, and a personality to match. When in a crowd, you blend in and are almost completely ignored. People who talk to you find it difficult to remember the details of the encounter. Anyone trying to recall details about you must make an Intelligence check at a -4 penalty, with an extra -1 for each day that has passed since the encounter.
Keep in mind that you will have to have a Comeliness score in the range of 10-11 for this Feat to apply.
Inherent Immunity: Cold
You are able to remain comfortable in temperatures that most would find chilling. Gain a +4 bonus to saving throws involving cold attacks (physical only, not undead Chill attacks and the like).
Inherent Immunity: Disease
You have a strong resistance to disease of all types. Gain a +3 bonus to saving throws against disease, and if you fail and are inflicted, the duration of the disease is reduced by one factor.
Inherent Immunity: Heat
Gain a +4 bonus to saving throws against all attack forms involving heat and fire.
Inherent Immunity: Poison
This trait enhances your natural resistance to poisons-inhaled, ingested, and injected. Gain a +3 save bonus vs. any kind of toxin. Additionally, the damage (whether hit point or ability) done by any virulent poison is reduced by 1 point per die (minimum 1), and the duration of paralytic and other temporary poisons is reduced by one factor.
PRE: Non-evil alignment
Being around you spurs other people to greater achievement. You are always encouraging others and helping them to find that little bit of potential within themselves that they've always overlooked.
Once per game session you may activate this feat in order to add a +3 circumstance bonus to any other character's action.
Legendary Trait
PRE: 17+ in the ability score
You are renowned for an outstanding aspect of some sort, whether it is titanic strength, colossal endurance, or infinite wisdom. In game terms, by choosing this feat, you gain one extra point into the chosen ability score for every 6 character levels (i.e. 6th, 12th, 18th, etc).
Note that this may be taken only once, and once the ability score it applies to has been chosen, it cannot be changed.
Light Sleeper
You will awaken at the slightest disturbance-a significant advantage to a small party on the trail where companions would quickly fatigue from alternating watch duty through the night. Any unusual noise, such as the unmuffled footsteps of someone approaching will awaken you. If you are approached by someone trying to be quiet and very stealthy, but they are not truly trained to do so (i.e. not a rogue with Move Silent), then you can make a Wisdom check to see if you are able to hear them (DC set by DM based on circumstances). In retrospect, if you are approached by someone skilled at such things, then you get no chance to detect them if the one approaching succeeds at their skill checks.
Magic in the Blood
You have a knack for getting the most out of your innate magical abilities. You can use them more often than others of your race can.
PRE: Any race that has innate spell-like abilities that are normally usable only 1/day.
You can use your spell-like abilities more often than you otherwise could. Any ability that is otherwise usable once per day is now usable three times per day.
This will not affect abilities that can already be used more than once per day.
Nobody's Fool
You naturally think of thing in the most efficient way possible and tend to react to situations more gracefully and rapidly than most people. Gain a +2 bonus to all Sense Motive and Gather Information checks.
Your eyes are drawn to details. You notice the slight guttering of torches next to secret passages, and the hostile stares that ladies direct at the man you're talking with. These observations are second nature to you, and you rarely overlook important clues.
Once per game session, you may activate this feat in order to succeed automatically at any one Spot, Listen, or Search check.
Precise Memory
In the most basic of terms, you have a "photographic memory". A successful Intelligence check (DC 10) will allow you to recall a specific memory.
Secret Identity
You have an already established alter ego that you maintain on a regular basis.
PRE: Non-good alignment
With whispered words of evil, you can convince even the most honest man to lie, cheat, steal, or kill. Your slippery arguments can twist a man's head around and make him believe that he's doing evil for a good cause.
Once per game session, you may activate this feat in order to make a Bluff check to convince someone to commit a deed that he normally wouldn't perpetrate. You gain a +5 Insight bonus to this roll.
The verbal slings and arrows hurled by others roll off your back. You see through seduction attempts and laugh them away. And of course, no one ever intimidates you.
Once per game session, you may activate this feat in order to succeed at any Sense Motive roll versus a Bluff or cause any Intimidate check targeting you to fail utterly.
Spellcasting Prodigy
You have an exceptional gift for magic. As such, for the purpose of determining bonus spells and the saving throw DC of your spells, treat your primary spell casting ability as 2 points higher than it actually is (i.e. Intelligence for Wizards).
Strong Soul
You possess an innate resistance to fell magic and supernatural attack.
As such, you gain a +1 bonus on all Fortitude and Will saves. Against death effects, energy drain, and ability drain attacks, this bonus increase to +3.
Swift and Silent
The shadows are your friends, and your footfalls are whispers of death. You can move up to your normal speed while using the Hide or Move Silently skills at no penalty.
You have a knack for getting the jump on the competition and pushing other people around. While others debate, you act.
You gain a +2 bonus on Initiative checks and a +2 bonus on Appraise and Intimidate checks.
You don't know the meaning of the word "quit".
You reduce the effects of exhaustion and fatigue by one step. You cannot become exhausted. If you are exposed to an effect or condition that would normally make you exhausted (such as the spell waves of exhaustion), you become fatigued instead. If an effect or condition (such as the end of a barbarian rage) would normally make you fatigued, that effect is negated.
Some people think that you have a little bit of sorcery in your blood; while others just think that you have sharp eyes and keen ears. The truth is you've always had feelings that you don't quite understand. You just know that they mean trouble is coming and moving quick.
Once per game session, you may activate this feat in order to force the DM to give you warming just before an awful surprise is sprung on you (i.e. an ambush).
You are the darling of the gods of war. Somehow, when it seems like you are doomed to fall in battle, you can summon up incredible reserves of strength to strike your opponent down, if only you can get through his defenses.
Once per game session, you may activate this feat, after you have made a possible critical threat on an opponent, but before rolling to confirm it. By using this feat, the attack becomes an automatic critical.

Bloodline Feats
The following feats are representations of powerful creatures being part of your ancestry. These feats are designed with Sorcerers in mind, though anyone can take them. The official prerequisites have been omitted (which was basically taking Sorcerer as your 1st level) in order to accommodate those who want to take these but not delve into the Sorcerer class until later levels.
The following Bloodline feats can only be taken at 1st level; however, there are a few other Bloodline feats that can be selected as you progress. These can be found in the General feats pages on our site.
Air Bloodline
One of your ancestors was a creature of elemental air.
Your ancestry gives you a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks made when speaking to others. This bonus applies even if the listeners do not understand the language you are speaking.
It also grants you a bonus spell known at each spell level, starting at 1st, according to the following list.
- Obscuring Mist
- Gust of Wind
- Wind Wall
- Shout
- Telekinesis
- Control Winds
- Ethereal Jaunt
- Summon Monster VIII (Elementals and Air Subtype Outsiders only)
- Freedom
Characters with the Air Bloodline cannot learn or cast spells with the Earth descriptor, and all such spells are removed from the spell lists of their entire spell casting classes.
Celestial Bloodline
One of your distance ancestors was a Good Outsider. Characters with this feat are usually good-aligned, though not always.
Your ancestry grants you the ability to cast Light as a spell-like ability 5 times per day (caster level equals your sorcerer class level). This ability does not affect your number of spells known or spells per day.
It also gives you a bonus spell known at each spell level, starting at 1st, according to the following list.
- Protection from Evil
- Daylight
- Magic Circle against Evil
- Rainbow Pattern
- Dismissal
- Guards and Wards
- Sequester
- Sunburst
- Summon Monster IX (Good Outsiders only)
Characters with this feat cannot learn or cast spells with the Evil descriptor, and all such spells are removed from the spell lists of their entire spell casting classes.
Draconic Bloodline
You are descended from a dragon.
Your ancestry gives you the ability to use Detect Magic three times per day as a spell-like ability (caster level equals your sorcerer class level). This ability does not affect your number of spells known or spells per day.
It also grants you a bonus spell known at each spell level, starting at 1st, according to the following list.
- Comprehend Languages
- Darkvision
- Protection from Elements
- Fear
- Mind Fog
- True Seeing
- Vision
- Mind Blank
- Dominate Monster
A character with this Bloodline retains many of the strengths and weaknesses of his ancestor. As such, he must choose a category of spells (often spells with a certain descriptor) that he cannot learn or cast. (For example, the descendant of a green dragon might not be able to cast spells with the earth descriptor, while the heir of a bronze dragon might be denied access to spells with the fire descriptor). Such spells do not appear on the character's spell list for any class. The DM should be involved in the decision about which category of spells the character is denied.
Earth Bloodline
You are descended from a creature of elemental earth.
Your ancestry gives you a +3 circumstance bonus on all Climb and Tumble checks when in contact with earthen or stone surfaces.
It also grants you a bonus spell known at each spell level, starting at 1st, according to the following list.
- Enlarge Person
- Shatter
- Keen Edge
- Stone Shape
- Transmute Mud to Rock
- Move Earth
- Statue
- Iron Body
- Summon Monster IX (Elementals and Outsiders with the Earth Subtype only)
Characters with this feat cannot learn or cast spells with the Air descriptor, and all such spells are removed from the spell lists of their entire spell casting classes.
Fey Bloodline
One of your ancestors was a fey creature, or was raised as such.
Your ancestry grants you a +1 bonus on all saving throws. It also gives you a bonus spell known at each spell level, starting at 1st, according to the following list.
- Detect Secret Doors
- Glitterdust
- Tongues
- Hallucinatory Terrain
- Seeming
- Mislead
- Sequester
- Otto's Irresistable Dance
- Wail of the Banshee
Although folklore often associates fey creatures with the spirits of the dead, this belief could not be further from the truth--in fact, all fey are inherently bound to life. Thus, a character with the Fey Bloodline cannot learn or cast spells that create or control undead and all such spells are removed from the spell lists of al their spell casting classes.
Fiendish Bloodline
One of your distant ancestors was an Evil Outsider.
Your ancestry gives you a bonus spell known at each spell level, starting at 1st, according to the following list.
- Protection from Good
- Darkness
- Sepia Snake Sigil
- Bestow Curse
- Nightmare
- Mislead
- Insanity
- Maze
- Imprisonment
Characters with this feat cannot learn or cast spells with the Good descriptor (though they may be of good alignment), and all such spells are removed from the spell lists of all their spell casting classes.
Fire Bloodline
One of your ancestors was a creature of elemental fire.
Your ancestry grants you +10 to your Base Speed (land only). It also gives you a bonus spell known at each spell level, starting at 1st, according to the following list.
- Hypnotism
- Pyrotechnics
- Fireball
- Fire Shield
- Cloudkill
- Summon Monster VI (Elementals and Outsiders with the Fire Subtype only)
- Delayed Blast Fireball
- Sunburst
- Meteor Swarm
Characters with this feat cannot learn or cast spells with the Water descriptor, and all such spells re removed from the spell lists of all their spell casting classes.
Water Bloodline
You have a creature of elemental water as an ancestor.
Your ancestry grants you a +4 bonus on Swim checks. It also gives you a bonus spell known of each spell level, starting at 1st, according to the following list.
- Expeditious Retreat
- Fog Cloud
- Water Breathing
- Quench
- Transmute Mud to Rock
- Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
- Control Weather
- Summon Monster VII (Elementals and Outsiders with the Water subtype only)
- Elemental Swarm (water elementals only)
Characters with this bloodline cannot learn or cast spells with the Fire descriptor, and all such spells are removed from the spell lists of all their spell casting classes.
Page Last Updated September 24th, 2005

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