The following Feats are open to all characters unless otherwise stated in the prerequisites, though some are not particularly suitable for certain classes. If you wish to select more than your normal allotment of Feats, then visit the General Flaws page in order to "purchase" Flaws that will allow for you to select more Feats.
If you are unsure of a feat, or would like to use a feat in the d20 products (some are listed here as well) PLEASE discuss your feat option with your DM.
Feats displayed in this color are those a Fighter may choose his Bonus Feats from.

Ability Focus
One of your special attacks becomes more potent than normal.
PRE: Special attack
Choose one of your special attacks. Add +2 to the DC for all saving throws against the special attack on which the creature focuses.
A creature can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time the creature takes the feat it applies to a different special attack.
You have excellent body awareness and coordination.
You get a +2 bonus on all Jump checks and Tumble checks.
You are particularly flexible and poised.
You get a +2 bonus on all Balance checks and Escape Artist checks.
You have finely tuned senses.
You get a +2 bonus on all Listen checks and Spot checks.
Animal Affinity
You are good with animals.
You get a +2 bonus on all Handle Animal and Ride checks.
Animal Control
PRE: Animal Defiance, ability to cast Speak with Animals and Animal Friendship
You can rebuke or command animals as an evil cleric rebukes undead. To command an animal, you must be able to speak with it via a Speak with Animals effect, though you may issue your command mentally if desired. the number of times per day that you can use this ability is equal to 3 + your CHA modifier. Your highest divine caster level is the level at which you rebuke animals.
Special: Animals you command through this ability count against the HD limit of animals you can befriend through Animal Friendship.
Animal Defiance
PRE: Ability to cast Detect Animals or Plants
You can turn (but not destroy) animals as a good cleric turns undead. The number of times per day that you can use this ability is equal to 3 + your CHA modifier. You highest divine caster level is the level at which you turn animals.
Appraise Magic Value
Your ability to determine an item's worth and your knowledge of magic allow you to determine the exact properties of a magic item without the use of the Identify spell or similar magic.
PRE: Appraise 5 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks
If you know that an item is magical, you can use the Appraise skill ot identify the item's properties. This use of the Appraise skill requires 8 hours of uninterrupted work and consumes 25 gp worth of special materials. The DC of the Appraise check is 10 + the caster level of the item.
Arcane Kinship [Bloodline]
Creatures with a similar ancestry sense your kinship, and they react to you more positively.
PRE: Any Bloodline feat, ability to cast 3rd level arcane spells.
You gain a +4 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information checks with intelligent creatures that share your heritage (i.e. same Bloodline).
Arcane Preparation
PRE: Ability to cast arcane spells without preparation
Each day, you can use one or more of your spell slots to prepare spells you know. (usually you do this in order to apply a metamagic feat to a spell.) Thereafter you can cast that spell as a standard action even if you apply a metamagic feat to the spell as you cast it. Preparing a spell uses a slot of the appropriate level. Once the spell is prepared, you cannot use that spell slot for anything else until you cast the prepared spell.
A sorcerer or bard who applies a metamagic feat to a spell must cast it as a full-round action instead of a standard action.
Arcane Strike
PRE: Ability to cast arcane spells, base attack bonus +4
As a free action usable once per round, you may sacrifice one of your arcane spells for the day to grant benefits to your next melee or ranged attack. For each level of the spell sacrificed, you gain a +2 bonus to attack and deal an extra +1d6 points of damage. The bonus you gain to hit cannot exceed your base attack bonus, but if you sacrifice a spell of such a level that the bonus to hit exceeds you base attack, you still gain the normal extra damage due to the spell's level. This feat is a supernatural ability.
Arcane Strike [FFG Version]
PRE: Spellcaster level 1+
You may imbue a normal or magical melee weapon with up to one spell per point of enhancement bonus of the weapon. The spell or spells remain active for up to one round per level, after which time it dissipates harmlessly. If you hit a target with a successful melee attack with the weapon while it is charged, the spell or spell discharges in addition to normal damage. Only masterwork and magical weapons may be so imbued. All spells stored in a single weapon are discharged on a successful melee strike. Only the character that cast the spell can cause the weapon to discharge in combat (i.e. can't charge a weapon up and hand it to someone else to use).
Armor Focus [House Rule Version]
You have trained for hours in armor, learning to bend where it bends.
PRE: Armor Proficiency (any)
While wearing any armor that you are proficient in, you gain the following bonuses:
* +1 Competence bonus to AC
* +1 Maximum Dexterity increase
* Armor Check penalty reduced by 1
* -5% Spell Failure chance
Armor Mastery [House Rule Version]
You have trained for years in armor.
PRE: Armor Specialization
While wearing armor, you gain the following bonuses:
* +3 Competence bonus to AC
* +3 Maximum Dexterity increase
* Armor Check penalty reduced by 3
* -15% Spell Failure chance
Note that these bonuses supercede those gained by Armor Focus and Armor Specialization; they do not stack.
Armor Proficiency (Light)
When you wear a type of light armor that you are proficient in, the Armor Check Penalty only applies to Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble skills.
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
PRE:Armor Proficiency (Light)
See Armor Proficiency (Light) for details. Applies to medium class armors.
Armor Proficiency (Heavy)
PRE:Armor Proficiency (Light) and (Medium)
See Armor Proficiency (Light) for details. Applies to Heavy class armors.
Armor Specialization [House Rule Version]
You have trained for months in armor, learning to bend where it bends.
PRE: Armor Focus
While wearing armor, you gain the following bonuses:
* +2 Competence bonus to AC
* +2 Maximum Dexterity increase
* Armor Check penalty reduced by 2
* -10% Spell Failure chance
Note that these numbers supercede those gained by the armor focus feat; they do not stack.
Arterial Strike
PRE: Sneak attack ability, Base attack bonus +4
If you hit with a sneak attack, you may choose to forgo +1d6 of extra sneak attack damage to deliver a wound that will not stop bleeding. Each wound caused in this manner saps an extra point of damage per round from the victim , until the victim receives a benefit of a DC 15 Heal check or any cure spell or other magical healing. Wounds from multiple arterial strikes results in cumulative bleeding loss (two successful arterial strikes cause 2 points of damage per round until healed). You may deliver only one bleeding wound per successful sneak attack.
Ascetic Hunter
You have gone beyond the bounds of your monastic training to incorporate new modes of bringing the unlawful to justice. Although many of your fellow monks frown on your methods, none can doubt that your diverse training has added to your ability to strike precisely and bring down your foes quickly.
PRE: Improved Unarmed Strike, favored enemy
When you use an unarmed strike to deliver a stunning attack against a favored enemy, you can add one-half your favored enemy bonus on damage rolls to the DC of your stunning attempt.
If you have levels in ranger and monk, those levels stack for the purpose of determining your unarmed strike damage.
In addition, you can multiclass freely between the monk and ranger classes. You must still remain lawful in order to retain your monk abilities and take monk levels.
Ascetic Knight
You belong to a special order or religious monks that reaches its adherents that self-enlightenment and honorable service grow from the same well of purity. As a student of this philosophy, you have blended your training as a paladin and as a monk into one seamless whole.
PRE: Improved Unarmed Strike, ability to smite evil
Your paladin and monk levels stack for the purpose of determining your unarmed strike damage.
You paladin and monk levels also stack when determining the extra damage dealt by your smite evil ability.
In addition, you can multiclass freely between the paladin and monk classes. You must still remain lawful good in order to retain your paladin abilities and take paladin levels, and you must remain lawful in order to continue advancing as a monk.
Ascetic Mage
You practice an unusual martial art that mixes self-taught spellcasting and melee attacks to great effect.
PRE: Improved Unarmed Strike, ability to spontaneously cast 2nd level arcane spells
As a swift action that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity, you can sacrifice one of your daily allotment of spells to add a bonus to your unarmed strike attack rolls and damage rolls for 1 round. The bonus is equal to the level of the spell sacrificed. The spell is lost as if you had cast it.
If you have levels in sorcerer and monk, those levels stack for the purpose of determining your AC bonus. If you would normally be allowed to add your Wisdom bonus to AC, you instead add your Charisma bonus (if any) to your AC.
In addition, you can multiclass freely between the sorcerer and the monk classes. You must remain lawful in order to continue advancing as a monk.
Ascetic Rogue
You have gone beyond the bounds of your monastic training to incorporate new modes of stealthy combat. Although your fellow monks may frown on your methods, none can doubt that your diverse training has improved your ability to strike precisely and bring down your foes quickly.
PRE: Improved Unarmed Strike, sneak attack
When you use an unarmed strike with a sneak attack to deliver a stunning attack, you add 2 to the DC of your stunning attempt.
If you have levels in rogue and monk, those levels stack for the purpose of determining your unarmed strike damage.
In addition, you can multiclass freely between the monk and rogue classes. You must still remain lawful in order to retain your monk abilities and take monk levels.
You have a knack for athletic endeavors.
You get a +2 bonus on all Climb checks and Swim checks.
Augment Summoning
Your summoned creatures are more powerful than normal.
PRE: Spell Focus (conjuration)
Each creature you conjure with any summon spell gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution for the duration of the spell that summoned it.
Awesome Blow
A creature can deliver blows that send small opponents flying like bowling pins.
PRE: STR 25, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, size Large or larger
As a standard action, the creature may choose to subtract 4 from its melee attack roll and deliver an awesome blow. If the creature hits a corporeal opponent smaller than itself with an awesome blow, its opponent must succeed on a Reflex save (DC = damage dealt) or be knocked flying 10 feet in a direction of the attacking creature’s choice and fall prone. The attacking creature can only push the opponent in a straight line, and the opponent can’t move closer to the attacking creature than the square it started in. If an obstacle prevents the completion of the opponent’s move, the opponent and the obstacle each take 1d6 points of damage, and the opponent stops in the space adjacent to the obstacle.
Axiomatic Strike
PRE: Ki strike (lawful), Stunning fist
Against a chaotic opponent you may make an unarmed strike that does an extra 2d6 points of damage. You must declare that you are using this feat before making your attack roll (thus, a failed attack ruins the attempt). Each attempt counts as one of your uses of the Stunning fist feat for the day. Creatures immune to stunning can be affected by this extra damage.
Beauty Smiles
You use your physical good looks to promote your Enchantment spells.
At your option, you may use your Appearance modifier as the ability-score modifier for your Enchantment spells.
You know how to fight in melee without being able to see your foes.
In melee, every time you miss because of concealment, you can reroll your miss chance percentile one time to see if you actually hit.
An invisible attacker gets no bonus to hit you in melee. That is, you don't lose your positive Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, and the attacker doesn't get the usual +2 bonus. The invisible attacker's bonuses do still apply for ranged attacks, however.
You suffer only half the usual penalty to speed for being unable to see. Darkness and poor visibility in general reduces your speed to three quarters of normal, instead of one half.
The Blind-Fight feat is of no use against a character who is the subject of a Blink spell.
Blindsight 5' Radius
PRE: Base attack 4+, Blind Fight Skill, WIS 19+
Using senses such as acute hearing and sensitivity to vibrations, you detect the location of opponents who are no more than five feet away from you. Darkness and Invisibility are irrelevant, though you cannot detect non corporeal beings.
Bolster Resistance
Undead you raise or create are more resistant to turning.
PRE: Corpsecrafter
Each undead you raise or create with any necromancy spell gains +4 turn resistance.
You can swing through trees like a monkey.
PRE: Climb 4ranks, Jump 4 ranks
You can move through wooded areas at your base land speed, ignoring any effects on movement due to terrain. You must be at least 20 feet from the ground ot use this ability. This ability works only in medium and dense forests.
Breath Control
You enjoy an almost legendary ability to master the air in your lungs.
PRE: Perform (wind instrument) 5 ranks
You get a +2 bonus on all Perform (wind instrument) checks and saves made against inhaled poisons and nauseating vapors. In addition, you may hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to the result of a Perform (wind instrument) check or twice your CON score, whichever is higher.
Brutal Throw
You have learned how to hurl weapons to deadly effect.
You can add your Strength modifier (instead of your Dexterity modifier) to attack rolls with thrown weapons.
You have discovered the secret of manipulating and creating interfaces between the sane world and the Far Realm.
PRE: Spellcaster level 1st, must undergo the Rite of the Blot
You are now referred to as a cerebrant, and you learn a constellation of new cerebrotic spells. If you are a caster who prepares spells, you can pen each of these spells into your spellbook when you are high enough level to do so as additional bonus spells knowns. Whether you cast spells spontaneously or prepare spells, you can't cast any cerebrotic spells you know if you are not high enough level to cast them normally.
In addition to beging able to learn cerebrotic spells, you gain a +2 bonus on your saving throws versus any effect generated by a creature of the Far Realm or any cerebrotic spell. You don't gain this bonus when making saving throws required by any cerebrotic spell you attempt to escalate (as described in each spell description).
Special: Upon taking this feat, you become plagued with persistent, awful dreams that you can't recall with perfect clarity but which leave you drawn and pale with sleeplessness. Sometimes you remember snippets of the dream but then shudder and push them out of your mind. You nightmare-riddled sleep undermines your Constitution score, saddling you with a permanent -1 penalty.
Channel Charge
You can power a charged magic item with your own magical ability.
PRE: Use Magic Device 5 ranks, ability to cast 4th level spells.
When you use a spell trigger magic item with charges (such as a wand or staff), you can make a Use Magic Device check (DC 15 + the item's caster level). If you succeed, you can sacrifice a spell slot or prepared spell instead of using a charge. The spell slot or spell sacrificed must be one level higher than the level of the desired effect from the item. If the check fails, both your spell slot (or prepared spell) and 1 charge from the item are expended.
Chaste Life
You opt to live without sex.
You gain a +2 to one ability score of your choice. It must be selected at the time you take this feat and cannot be changed.
You may take this feat once per ability score.
You may not engage in any sexual act. You lose the benefits of this feat if you ever willingly commit a carnal act. In such instances, the feat's benefits can be restored only be an Atonement spell (with the caster incurring the XP cost). Rape or other forms of forced sex (such as a dominate person spell) do not cause you to lose the benefits of this feat.
Choke Hold
You have learned the correct way to apply pressure to render an opponent unconscious.
PRE: Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Stunning Fist
If you pin your opponent whlie grappling and maintain the pin for 1 round, at the end of the round your opponent must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your WIS modifier). If the saving throw fails, your opponent falls unconscious for 1d3 rounds.
You can follow through with powerful blows.
PRE:STR 13+, Power Attack
If you drop a creature, you get an extra immediate attack at the same bonus that you just used on another creature in your immediate vicinity. You may use this once per round only.
Clever Wrestling
PRE:Improved Unarmed Strike, Small or Med sized
WHen your opponent is larger than medium-sized, you gain a circumstance bonus on your grapple check to escape a grapple or pin. The size of the bonus depends on your opponent's size, according to the following:
- Colossal +8
- Gargantuan +6
- Huge +4
- Large +2
Close Quarter Fighting
PRE: Base Attack 3+
You gain an attack of opportunity whenever the enemy tries to grapple you, even if the enemy has a feat or special ability that would normally bypass the attack. If you deal damage with this attack, the enemy fails to start the grapple unless he has the improved grapple feat or a special ability such as an improved grab. If the enemy has such an ability, you may add the damage you deal as a bonus on your opposed check to resist being grappled. This feat does not give you extra attacks of opportunity during a round or allow you to make an attack of opportunity when you would be denied one for being surprised, helpless, or in a similar situation.
Normal: Creatures with Improved Grapple, Improved Grab, or similar feats or special abilities do not provoke attacks of opportunity when they attempt to start a grapple.
Combat Casting
You are adept at casting spells in combat.
You get a +4 bonus on Concentration checks made to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability while on the defensive or while you are grappling or pinned.
Combat Engineer
You can pinpoint weaknesses in materials, helping you destroy them.
PRE: STR 13, INT 13, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) 4 ranks, Improved Sunder, Power Attack
You gain a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls when making a Sunder attack. When attacking an unattend, inanimate object, wall, or structure you can ignore up to 10 points of Hardness.
Combat Expertise
You are trained at using your combat skill for defense as well as offense.
PRE: INT 13+
When you use the attack action or the full attack action in melee, you can take a penalty of as much as -5 on your attack roll and add the same number (+5 or less) as a dodge bonus to your Armor Class. This number may not exceed your base attack bonus. The changes to attack rolls and Armor Class last until your next action.
Combat Reflexes
You can respond quickly and repeatedly to opponents who let their defenses down.
You may make a number of additional attacks of opportunity equal to your Dexterity bonus.
With this feat, you may also make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.
The Combat Reflexes feat does not allow a rogue to use her opportunist ability more than once per round.
Combat Intuition
Your keen understanding of your opponent's moves and your instinctive feel for the flow of combat enable you to shrewdly assess your opponent's combat capabilities.
PRE: Sense Motive 4 ranks, base attack 5+
As a free action, you can use Sense Motive to assess the challenge presented by a single opponent in relationship to your own level/hit dice. You gain a +4 bonus on such checks and narrow the result to a single category.
In addition, whenver you make a melee attack against a creature that you made a melee attack against during the previous round, you gain a +1 insight bonus on your melee attack rolls against that creature.
Cormanthyran Moon Magic
You have mastered the ancient elven techniques of drawing power from Sehanine Moonbow's light.
PRE: Knowledge (History) 4 ranks, ability to cast 3rd level spells.
When you cast a spell under moonlight, your effective caster level increases by 2. This feat provides no benefit when the moon is not visible (during the day, underground, during a new moon, or the like).
Undead you raise or create are tougher than normal.
Each undead you raise or create with any necromancy spell gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and +2 hit points per hit die.
Danger Sense
You are one twitchy individual.
PRE: Improved Initiative
Once per day, you can reroll an initiative check you have just made. You use the better of your two rolls. You must decide to reroll before the round starts.
If you are wearing light armor or no armor and are carrying a light load , your speed is 5 feet faster.
Daunting Presence
You are skilled at inducing fear in your opponents.
You may take a standard action to awe an opponent. The opponent must be within 30 feet, have line of sight to you, and have an Intelligence score. If the opponent fails a Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your CHA modifier), it is shaken for 10 minutes. This feat has no effect on a creature that is already shaken.
Deadly Chill
Undead you raise or create deal more damage than normal.
PRE: Corpsecrafter
Each corporeal undead you raise or create with any necromancy spell deals an extra 1d6 points of cold damage with its natural weapons.
Deadly Concussion
Your shattering rythms pass through armor to rattle your opponent's bones.
PRE: STR 13, Perform (percussion) 6 ranks, Improved Sunder, Power Attack
Whenever you use a bludgeoning weapon to make a sunder special attack against an opponent's armor or shield and you destroy the item with a single hit, you deal an amount of damage to your opponent equal to the amount of damage you dealt to destroy his armor or shield.
Death Blow
PRE:Base Attack 2+, Improved Initiative
You can perform a Coup de Gras attack against a helpless defender as a standard action. Doing so still provokes an attack of opportunity as normal.
You have a knack for disguising the truth.
You get a +2 bonus on all Disguise checks and Forgery checks.
Deceitful Appearances
You can fool others into thinking you are defenseless.
PRE: Sleight of Hand 5 ranks, base attack 3+
When bearing only light weapons that you have made a Sleight of Hand checks to hide on your body, you automatically adopt mannerisms and postures that make you appear defenseless. This deception grants you a +2 circumstance bonus on initiative checks and attack rolls made with a hidden weapon during the first round of combat. These bonuses do not apply if your enemies spot your weapons prior to combat.
Defensive Strike
PRE: Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge
If an opponent attacks you and misses while you are using the total defense action, you can attack the opponent on your next turn with a +4 bonus on your attack roll. You gain no bonus against an opponent that does not attack you or against an opponent that attacks and hits you.
Defensive Throw
PRE: Dex 13, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike
You can use your opponent's weight, strength and momentum against her, deflecting her attack and throwing her to the ground.
If the opponent you have chosen to use your Dodge feat against, attacks you and misses, you may make an immediate trip attack against the opponent. This attempt counts against your allowed attacks of opportunity in the round.
Deflect Arrows
You can deflect incoming arrows, as well as crossbow bolts, spears, and other projectile or thrown weapons.
PRE:DEX 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike
You must have at least one hand free (holding nothing) to use this feat. Once per round when you would normally be hit with a ranged weapon, you may deflect it so that you take no damage from it. You must be aware of the attack and not flatfooted.
Attempting to deflect a ranged weapon doesn’t count as an action. Unusually massive ranged weapons and ranged attacks generated by spell effects can’t be deflected.
Deft Hands
You have exceptional manual dexterity.
You get a +2 bonus on all Sleight of Hand checks and Use Rope checks.
Deft Opportunist
You are prepared for the unexpected.
PRE: DEX 15, Combat Reflexes
You get a +4 bonus on attack rolls when making attacks of opportunity.
Destruction Retribution
Undead you raise or create harbor a retributive curse that is unleashed if they are destroyed.
PRE: Corpsecrafter
Each undead you raise or create with any necromancy spell releases a burst of negative energy upon its destruction, dealing 1d6 points of damage plus an additional 1d6 points per 2 hit dice to every creature within a 10-foot spread. (Reflex DC 15 half). This damage come from negative energy, and it therefore heals undead creatures.
Destructive Rage
PRE: Ability to Rage or frenzy
While you're raging, or frenzying you gain a +8 bonus on any Strength checks you make to break open doors or break inanimate, immobile objects.
You can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others.
PRE: Endurance
When reduced to between -1 and -9 hit points, you automatically become stable. You don’t have to roll d% to see if you lose 1 hit point each round.
When reduced to negative hit points, you may choose to act as if you were disabled, rather than dying. You must make this decision as soon as you are reduced to negative hit points (even if it isn’t your turn). If you do not choose to act as if you were disabled, you immediately fall unconscious.
When using this feat, you can take either a single move or standard action each turn, but not both, and you cannot take a full round action. You can take a move action without further injuring yourself, but if you perform any standard action (or any other action deemed as strenuous, including some free actions, such as casting a quickened spell) you take 1 point of damage after completing the act. If you reach -10 hit points, you immediately die.
Your meticulousness allows you to analyze minute details that others miss.
You get a +2 bonus on all Appraise checks and Decipher Script checks.
Disarming Looks
Once per day, you may reroll any Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, or Intimidate check in which your gender and physical appearance may apply (such as a seduction or convincing a guard of the opposite sex to let you by). You must accept the second roll, regardless of the outcome.
Divine Inspiration
Your piety grants you the ability to aid your friends to a level beyond your natural skills.
PRE: Bardic Music Ability, Ability to turn undead
Your bard and cleric levels stack for the purpose of determining your bardic music ability.
In addition, Perform is always a class skill for you.
You are adept at dodging blows.
PRE: DEX 13+
During your action, you designate an opponent and receive a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class against attacks from that opponent. You can select a new opponent on any action.
A condition that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses. Also, dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most other types of bonuses.
Dragon's Toughness
PRE: Base Fort Save 11+
You gain +12 hit points. This feat may be taken multiple times.
Dual Strike
PRE: Base Attack 3+, Combat Reflexes
If you and an ally both have this proficiency, you both may take flank attacks against an opponent at a +4 bonus.
Dwarf's Toughness
PRE: Base Fort Save 5+
You gain +6 hit points. This feat may be taken multiple times.
You have an innate understanding of stone, both natural and worked.
You gain a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (Architect and Engineering) and Knowledge (Dungeoneering) checks.
Earth Focus
You are particularly adept at casting earth-related spells.
The save DC for any spell with the earth descriptor that you cast increases by +1. For spells of this category that allow no save, the effective caster level increases by +1 instead. This increase stacks with all similar benefits, such as that of Spell Focus.
Earth's Embrace
STR 15, Improved Grapple or Improved Grab, Improved Unarmed Strike
You can crush opponent's when you grapple them.
When grappling, if you pin your opponent, you deal an extra 1d12 points of damage in each round that you maintain the pin. You can hold your opponent immobile as normal(with an opposed grapple check), but you must also remain immobile, giving opponent's (other than the one you are pinning), a +4 bonus on attack rolls against you (but you are not helpless). You do not gain this extra damage against creatures that are immune to critical hits.
Eagle Claw Attack
Your superior insight allows you to strike objects with impressive force.
PRE: Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Sunder
When you make an unarmed strike against an object, you may add your Wisdom bonus to the damage dealt to the object.
Elusive Dance
Your training in dance allows you to mirror and anticipate an opponent's moves.
PRE: Perform (dance) 5 ranks
During your action, you designate an opponent. That opponent cannot make attacks of opportunity against you. You can select a new opponent on any action. If you have the Dodge feat you must designate the same opponent as the target for both feats.
Empower Spell-like Ability
A creature can use a spell-like ability with greater effect than normal.
PRE: Spell-like ability at caster 6th level or higher
Choose one of the creature’s spell-like abilities, subject to the restrictions below. The creature can use that ability as an empowered spell-like ability three times per day (or less, if the ability is normally usable only once or twice per day).
When a creature uses an empowered spell-like ability, all variable, numeric effects of the spell-like ability are increased by one half. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected. Spell-like abilities without random variables are not affected.
The creature can only select a spell-like ability duplicating a spell with a level less than or equal to half its caster level (round down) -2.
This feat can be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, the creature can apply it to a different one of its spell-like abilities.
Empower Turning
You can turn or rebuke greater numbers of creatures with a single turning attempt.
PRE: Ability to turn or rebuke creatures
You can turn or rebuke more creatures than usual. After adding your cleric (or other appropriate class) level and Charisma modifier to your turning damage roll, multiply the result by 1-1/2.
You gain a +4 bonus on the following checks and saves: Swim checks made to resist nonlethal damage, Constitution checks made to continue running, Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march, Constitution checks made to hold your breath, Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst, Fortitude saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments, and Fortitude saves made to resist damage from suffocation. Also, you may sleep in light or medium armor without becoming fatigued.
Enduring Life
You can ignore the effect of negative levels for a short time.
Whenever you would gain a negative level, you can ignore the penalties and other ill effects associated with the negative level for a number of minutes equal to your Constitution bonus (if any).
You also gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves to remove negative levels.
Enhanced Casting Level
You cast the spells from one school or sphere as if they were 1d4 effective levels higher (roll each time you cast a spell). This can be taken multiple times, each time gaining a new school or sphere.
Eschew Materials
You can cast spells without relying on material components.
You can cast any spell that has a material component costing 1 gp or less without needing that component. (The casting of the spell still provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.) If the spell requires a material component that costs more than 1 gp, you must have the material component at hand to cast the spell, just as normal.
Extended Rage
PRE: Ability to Rage or Frenzy
Each of your rages or frenzies last an additional 5 rounds beyond the normal duration.
This feat may be taken multiple times, the effects stacking.
Extra Rage
PRE: Ability to Rage or Frenzy
You rage or frenzy two more times per day than you otherwise could.
This feat may be taken multiple times, the effects stacking.
Extra Smiting
PRE: Smite ability, Base attack bonus +4
When you take this feat, you gain two extra attempts to smite per day. Use whatever smite abilities you have (the paladin's smite evil ability or the hunter of the dead's ability to smite undead, for example.)
This feat may be taken multiple times, the effects stacking.
Extra Stunning
PRE: Base attack bonus +2, Stunning fist
You gain the ability to make three extra stunning attacks per day.
This feat may be taken multiple times, the effects stacking.
Extra Turning
You can turn or rebuke creatures more often than normal.
PRE: Ability to turn or rebuke creatures
Each time you take this feat, you can use your ability to turn or rebuke creatures four more times per day than normal.
If you have the ability to turn or rebuke more than one kind of creature each of your turning or rebuking abilities gains four additional uses per day.
You can gain Extra Turning multiple times. Its effects stack. Each time you take the feat, you can use each of your turning or rebuking abilities four additional times per day.
Eyes In Back of Your Head
PRE: Base Attack +1, WIS 13
Attackers do not gain the usual +2 attack bonus when flanking you. This maneuver grants no effect whenever you are attacked without benefit of your DEX modifier to AC, such as when you are flat footed.
You still may be sneak attacked when flanked.
Familiar Concentration
In the tradition of Narfell's ancient summoners, your familiar can concentrate to maintain spells for you.
PRE: Improved Familiar, caster level 9th.
When you cast a spell requiring concentration, you can designate your familiar as the "concentrator". At any time during the spell's duration, you cna hand over control of it to your familiar as a free action, provided the creature is within 5 feet of you and its Intelligence score is at least 10 + the level of the spell. The familiar then concentrates to maintain and direct the spell just as you would. You cannot take back control of a spell once you have transferred it to your familiar.
Far Look
You have looked deep into the Far Realm, and power has answered...but at what cost?
PRE: Spellcaster level 1st, Cerebrosis
You gain one extra spell slot in your daily allotment that you can use to cast any cerebrosis-granted spell that you know. This extra slot can be at any level up to the highest-level spell you can cast. If you prepare your spells, you must decide at the time of preparation for the day what level and what spell you'd like for that day. If you cast your spells like a Sorcerer, you have an extra "floating" slot that can be used at any time at any level with a cerebrosis spell you known.
The strain this ability demands upon your mere fleshy brain incurs a -2 penalty to your Wisdom score.
You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take it you gain an extra spell slot at any level that can be used to cast a cerebrosis-granted spell and you suffer an additional -2 penalty to your Wisdom score. If at any time you suffer so much Wisdom damage that your Wisdom score goes to 0, the strain on your mind breaks wide and you are subject to the effects of a Finger of Expulsion spell as if cast on yourself by yourself (you gain a saving throw, but at your newly reduced Wisdom score).
Far Shot
You can get greater distance out of a ranged weapon.
PRE: Point Blank Shot
When you use a projectile weapon, such as a bow, its range increment increases by one-half (multiply by 1-1/2). When you use a thrown weapon, its range increment is doubled.
Faster Healing
PRE: Base Fort Save 5+
You recover lost hit points and ability score points faster than you normally would, according to the table on page 23 of Masters of the Wild, or an updated version on page 99 of Complete Warrior.
Favored Critical
PRE:Base Attack 5+, at least one Favored Enemy
Select one of your Favored Enemies that is normally subject to critical hits. Whenever you attack this type of creature, the threat range of whatever weapon you are using is doubled.
You may take this feat multiple times, each time applying it to a different Favored Enemy. The effects of this Feat do not stack with Improved Critical.
Favored Dodge
Study of your favored enemy's movements allows you to dance away from its most viscious attacks.
PRE: Dodge, favored enemy
Select a favored enemy. When fighting a creature of that type you may add your favored enemy bonus to your Armor Class as a dodge bonus. This bonus apllies to your AC against creatures of the appropriate type only. If you lose your DEX bonus to AC for any reason, you also lose this dodge bonus.
You may take this feat multiple times. It's effects do not stack; each time you select a different favored enemy.
Favored Power Attack
You are able to deal more damage against your favored enemy.
PRE: Base attack bonus +4, Power attack, Favored enemy
When you use the Power Attack feat against your favored enemy, you may subtract a number from your melee attack rolls and add twice the number from your melee damage rolls. If you attack with a weapon in two hands, add three times the number. The normal restrictions of the Power Attack feat apply.
Feign Weakness
PRE:Base Attack 2+, Improved Unarmed Strike
If you make a successful Bluff check against your opponents Sense Motive check, you lure the foe into attempting an attack of opportunity because he thinks you are unarmed. But you are armed, and you make your attack against your drawn-out foe who is caught flat footed, before he takes his attack of opportunity.
You may also attempt this maneuver with a Tiny or Small weapon with which you are proficient by attempting to hide it until the last second, but you incur a -2 or -6 penalty on your Bluff check, respectively. You can use this maneuver with a disguised weapon, such as a war fan, with no penalty to the Bluff check.
Using Feign Weakness is a standard action, just like a feint, except that if you succeed you get to make your attack immediately. You can only Feign Weakness once per encounter. After one use, your opponents are too wary to fall for this maneuver again.
Fists of Iron
PRE: Base attack +2, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist
You have learned the secrets of imbuing your unarmed attacks with extra force. Declare that you are using this feat before you make your attack roll (thus a missed attack roll ruins the attempt). You deal an extra 1d6 points of damage when you make a successful unarmed attack. Each attempt counts as one of your uses for the Stunning Fist feat for the day.
Fleet of Foot
PRE: Dex 15, Run
When running or charging, you can make a single direction change of 90 degrees or less. You cannot use this feat in medium or heavy armor, or if you are carrying a medium or heavier load. If you are charging, you must move in a straight line for 10 feet (2 squares) after the turn to maintain the charge.
Normal: Without this feat you can run or charge only in a straight line.
Flick of the Wrist
PRE: Dex 17, Sleight of Hand (+5), Quick Draw
Of you draw a light weapon and make a melee attack with it in the same round, you catch your opponent flat-footed (for the purpose of this attack only). You may use this feat only once per round and once per opponent during any single combat encounter.
Flyby Attack
You may attack on the wing.
PRE: Fly speed
When flying, the creature can take a move action (including a dive) and another standard action at any point during the move. The creature cannot take a second move action during a round when it makes a flyby attack.
Flying Kick
You literally leap into battle, dealing devastating damage.
PRE: Strength 13, Jump (+4), Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack
When fighting unarmed and using the charge action, you deal an extra 1d12 points of damage with your unarmed attack.
Freezing the Lifeblood
PRE: Wis 17, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Base Attack Bonus +10
Declare that you are using this feat before you make your attack roll (thus a missed attack roll ruins the attempt). Against a humanoid opponent you can make an unarmed attack that deals no damage, but has a chance of paralyzing your target. If your attack is successful, your target must attempt a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wis Modifier). If the target fails this saving throw, it is paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds. Each attempt to paralyze an opponent counts as one of your uses of the Stunning Fist feat for the day. Creatures immune to stunning cannot be paralyzed in this manner.
Friend of Earth
You get along well with creatures of earth and stone.
PRE: Devotee of elemental earth, memeber of the Earthborn or a similar earth-focused sect or organization
You gain a +4 bonus on any Charisma-based checks made to influence an earth creature. This benefit applies with respect to all creatures of elemental earth, all creatures with the earth subtype, and even stone constructs that possess intelligence scores. You also gain a +2 bonus on Charisma-based checks made to influence any creature that is associated with earth and stone but lacks the appropriate subtype (such as dwarves).
Ghost Scarred
You are adept at fighting incorporeal undead.
PRE: Knowledge (religion) 8 ranks
You gain a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls against incorporeal undead. You also gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws made to resist the spells or abilities of incorporeal undead.
Giant's Toughness
PRE: Base Fort Save 8+
You gain +9 hit points. This feat may be taken multiple times.
Graft Flesh
You can apply a certain type of grafts to other living creatures or yourself.
PRE: Heal 10 ranks
Choose a type of graft: Aboleth, Beholder, Fiendish, Illithid, Undead, or Yuan-ti. You must be of the appropriate race to choose any graft type, save for beholder and undead. There are no restrictions on who can apply beholder and undead grafts.
You can creature grafts of your chosen type and apply them to other living creatures or to yourself. Creating a graft takes 24 hours for each 1,000 gp in its price. To create a graft, you must spend 1/25 of the graft's price in XP and use up raw materials costing half of this price.
Great Cleave
PRE: STR 13, Cleave, Power Attack, Base attack bonus 4+
As Cleave, except that you can use it any number of times in a round.
Great Fortitude
You are tougher than normal.
You get a +2 bonus on all Fortitude saving throws.
Greater Kiai Shout
PRE: Cha 13, Kiai Shout, Base Attack Bonus +9
When you make a kiai shout, your opponents are panicked for 2d6 rounds, unless they succeed on Will saves (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier). The kiai shout affects only opponents with fewer Hit Dice or levels than you have.
Greater Resiliency
PRE: Damage Reduction as a class feature or innate ability
Your damage reduction increases by +1/-. If it would normally rise thereafter with level, it does so at its previous rate, adding the +1 normally. You may not take this feat more than once. This feat has no effect on the type of weapon or damage that overcomes your damage reduction. If you have more than one form of damage reduction, choose which to increase when you take this feat.
Greater Spell Focus
Choose a school of magic to which you already have applied the Spell Focus feat. Your spells of that school are now even more potent than before.
Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the school of magic you select. This bonus stacks with the bonus from Spell Focus.
You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new school of magic to which you already have applied the Spell Focus feat.
Greater Spell Penetration
Your spells are remarkably potent, breaking through spell resistance more readily than normal.
PRE: Spell Penetration
You get a +2 bonus on caster level checks (1d20 + caster level) made to overcome a creature’s spell resistance. This bonus stacks with the one from Spell Penetration.
Greater Two-Weapon Defense
PRE: Dex 19, Improved Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting, Base Attack Bonus +11
When wielding two-weapons (not including natural weapons or unarmed strikes), you gain a +3 shield bonus to your AC.
When you are fighting defensively or using the total defense action, this shield bonus increases to +6.
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
PRE: DEX 19, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting, Base Attack 11+
You get a third attack with your off-hand weapon, albeit at a -10 penalty.
PRE: Base Attack Bonus +4, Sneak Attack Ability
You can wound your opponent’s legs hampering their movement. If you hit with a melee sneak attack, you may choose to forgo 2d6 points of extra sneak attack damage to reduce your opponent’s base speed by half. This speed reduction ends in 24 hours have passed or a successful DC 15 Heal check is applied or any cure spell or other magical healing is made. Creatures immune to sneak attack damage and creatures with no legs or with more than four legs cannot be slowed down with a hamstring attack. It takes two successful hamstring attacks to affect quadruples. Other speeds (fly, burrow and so on), aren't affected. You may use this ability once per round.
Hardened Flesh
Undead you raise or create can better handle themselves in a fight.
PRE: Corpsecrafter
Every undead you raise or create with any necromancy spell gains a +2 natural armor bonus to Armor Class.
Heighten Turning
You can affect more powerful creatures with your turning or rebuking attempts.
PRE: When you turn or rebuke creatures, you may choose a number no higher than your cleric (or other appropriate class) level. Add that number to your turning check, while subtracting it from your turning damage roll.
If you're not a cleric (or other equivalent class), you may choose a number no higher than your effective cleric level (for instance, a paladin could choose a number up to two less than his paladin level). If a prestige class increases your effective turning level, use your effective turning level.
High Society
You know good manners and were trained to handle social interactions in noble circles.
PRE: Diplomacy 4 ranks
You get a +3 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, or Disguise checks made when interacting with members of the highest levels of society, such as monarchs, nobles, courtiers, lords and ladies, and high-ranking clerics.
Hold the Line
You are trained in defensive techniques against charging opponents.
PRE: Combat Reflexes, base attack 2+
You may make an attack of opportunity against a charging opponent who enters an area you threaten. Your attack of opportunity happens immediately before the charge attack is resolved.
A creature can come to a halt in midair.
PRE: Fly speed
When flying, the creature can halt its forward motion and hover in place as a move action. It can then fly in any direction, including straight down or straight up, at half speed, regardless of its maneuverability.
If a creature begins its turn hovering, it can hover in place for the turn and take a full-round action. A hovering creature cannot make wing attacks, but it can attack with all other limbs and appendages it could use in a full attack. The creature can instead use a breath weapon or cast a spell instead of making physical attacks, if it could normally do so.
If a creature of Large size or larger hovers within 20 feet of the ground in an area with lots of loose debris, the draft from its wings creates a hemispherical cloud with a radius of 60 feet. The winds so generated can snuff torches, small campfires, exposed lanterns, and other small, open flames of non-magical origin. Clear vision within the cloud is limited to 10 feet. Creatures have concealment at 15 to 20 feet (20% miss chance). At 25 feet or more, creatures have total concealment (50% miss chance, and opponents cannot use sight to locate the creature).
Those caught in the cloud must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 10 + 1/2 creature’s HD) to cast a spell.
Improved Buckler Defense
You can attack with an off-hand weapon while retaining a buckler's shield bonus to your Armor Class.
PRE: Shield Proficiency
When you attack with a weapon in your off hand, you may still apply your buckler's shield bonus to your Armor Class.
Improved Bull Rush
PRE: STR 13+, Power Attack
When you perform a Bull Rush, you do not draw an attack of opportunity on yourself. You also gain a +4 bonus on the opposed STR check you make to push back the defender.
Improved Combat Expertise
You have mastered the art of defense in combat.
PRE: INT 13, Combat Expertise, base attack 6+
When you use the Combat Expertise feat to improve your Armor Class, the number you subtract from your attack roll and add to your AC can be any number that does not exceed your Base Attack Bonus.
Improved Counterspell
You understand the nuances of magic to such an extent that you can counter your opponent's spell with great efficiency.
When counterspelling, you may use a spell of the same school that is one or more levels higher than the target spell.
Improved Critical
Choose one type of weapon (or weapon group if you are using that alternative). With that weapon, you know how to hit where it hurts.
PRE: Proficient with weapon, Attack bonus 8+
When using the selected weapon type, double the Critical threat range. For example, a longsword usually threatens a critical hit on a roll of 19-20 (two numbers). If a character using a longsword has Improved Critical (longsword), the threat range becomes 17-20 (four numbers).
This feat can be taken multiple times, though it does not stack. Each time you select this feat, it applies to a different weapon or category of weapons.
This effect doesn't stack with any other effect that expands the threat range of a weapon (such as the Keen Edge spell, or the Keen weapon special ability).
Improved Disarm
PRE: INT 13, Combat Expertise
You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when you attempt to disarm an opponent, nor does the opponent have a chance to disarm you. You also gain a +4 bonus on the opposed attack roll you make to disarm your opponent.
Improved Favored Enemy
You know how to hit your favored enemies where it hurts.
PRE: Favored Enemy ability, Base Attack bonus +5
Choose one of your favored enemies. You deal an additional +3 points of damage to that favored enemy. This stacks with the ranger's existing favored enemy bonus.
Improved Feint
You are skilled at misdirecting you opponent's attention in combat.
PRE: INT 13, Combat Expertise
You can make a Bluff check to feint in combat as a move action.
Improved Feint [House Rule version]
You are skilled at misdirecting you opponent's attention in combat.
PRE: INT 13, Combat Expertise
You gain a +4 bonus to your Bluff attempt when performing a feint in combat.
Special: Under our House Rules, a feint action uses up one of your attacks (at your current bonus), rather than taking a standard action.
Improved Flight
PRE: Ability to fly
Your maneuverability while flying improves by one grade.
Improved Grapple
You are skilled at grappling opponents.
PRE: DEX 13, Improved Unarmed Strike
You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when you make a touch attack to start a grapple. You also gain a +4 bonus on all grapple checks, regardless of whether you started the grapple.
Improved Initiative
You have trained yourself to react more quickly in a fight. You gain a +4 bonus to your initiative checks.
Improved Mounted Archery
You can make ranged attacks from a mount almost as well as you can from the ground.
PRE: Ride 1 rank, Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat
The penalty you take when using a ranged weapon if your mount is taking a double move is eliminated, and the penalty for using a ranged weapon when your mount is running is lessened from -4 to -2. You can attack at any time during your mount's movement.
Improved Natural Armor
A creature's natural armor it thicker and harder than that of others of its kind.
PRE: Natural armor, CON 13
The creature's natural armor improves by 1.
This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time, the creature's natural armor bonus increases by 1 point.
Improved Natural Attack
A creature's natural attacks are more dangerous than its size and type would otherwise dictate.
PRE: Natural weapon, Base Attack 4+
Choose one of the creature’s natural attack forms. The damage for this natural weapon increases by one step, as if the creature’s size had increased by one category: 1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, 6d6, 8d6, 12d6.
A weapon or attack that deals 1d10 points of damage increases as follows: 1d10, 2d8, 3d8, 4d8, 6d8, 8d8, 12d8.
Improved Overrun
PRE: STR 13, Power Attack
When you attempt to overrun an opponent, the target may not choose to avoid you. You also gain a +4 bonus on your STR check to knock down your opponent.
Improved Precise Shot
Your ranged attacks can ignore the effects of cover or concealment.
PRE: DEX 19, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus 11+
Your ranged attacks ignore the AC bonus granted to targets by anything less than total cover, and the miss chance granted to targets by anything less than total concealment. Total cover and total concealment provide their normal benefits against your ranged attacks.
In addition, when you shoot or throw weapons at a grappling opponent, you automatically strike the opponent you have chosen (if the attack roll is successful).
Improved Rapid Shot
You are an expert at firing weapons with exceptional speed.
PRE: Manyshot, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot
When using the Rapid Shot feat, you may ignore the -2 penalty on all your ranged attack rolls.
Improved Shield Bash
You can bash with a shield while retaining its shield bonus to your armor class.
PRE: Shield proficiency
When you perform a shield bash, you may still apply the sheild's shield bonus to your AC.
Improved Sunder
PRE:STR 13, Power Attack
When you strike an object held or carried by an opponent, you do not provoke an attack of opportunity. You also gain a +4 bonus on any attack roll made to attack an object held or carried by another character.
Improved Toughness
PRE: Base Fortitude Save Bonus +2
You gain a number of hit points equal to your current number of Hit Dice. Each time you gain a HD (such as by gaining a level), you gain 1 additional hit point. If you loose a HD (such as losing a level), you lose 1 hit point permanently.
Improved Trip
You are trained not only in tripping opponents safely, but also in following through with an attack.
PRE: INT 13, Combat Expertise
You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when you attempt to trip an opponent while you are unarmed. You also gain a +4 bonus on your STR check to trip your opponent.
If you trip an opponent in melee combat, you immediately get a melee attack at that opponent as if you hadn't used your attack for the trip attempt.
Improved Turning
Your turning or rebuking attempts are more powerful than normal.
You turn or rebuke creatures as if you were one level higher than you are in the class that grants you the ability.
Improved Two-Weapon Defense
PRE: Dex 17, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting, Base Attack Bonus +6
When wielding two weapons (not including natural weapons or unarmed strikes), you gain a +2 shield bonus to your AC.
When you are fighting defensively, or using the total defense action, the shield bonus increases to +4.
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
You are an expert at fighting two-handed.
PRE: Dex 17, Two-Weapon Fighting, Base Attack Bonus +6
In addition to the standard single extra attack you get with an off-hand weapon, you get a second attack with your off-hand, albeit at a -5 penalty.
Improved Unarmed Strike
You are considered to be "armed" even when unarmed--that is, opponents don't get an attack of opportunity against you when they have a weapon and you don't. However, you still get an attack of opportunity against an unarmed opponent who does not have this feat also.
In addition, your unarmed strikes can deal lethal or nonlethal damage, at your option.
Improved Weapon Familiarity
PRE: Base Attack Bonus +1
You can treat all the exotic weapons associated with your race as martial weapons rather than as exotic weapons. A weapon is treated as being associated with a race if a race's name as part of the weapon's name such as the elven thinblade (see Chapter 4 of the Complete Warrior), or the dwarven urgrosh.
Without this feat, you must select the exotic weapon proficiency feat (or have the appropriate weapon as a racial trait) to eliminate the nonproficiency penalty you take when wielding an exotic weapon associated with your race.
Innate Spell
PRE: Quicken Spell, Silent Spell, Still Spell
You have mastered a spell so thoroughly that you can now cast it as a Spell-Like Ability. Choose one spell you can may now cast that spell once per round, without needing to prepare it. One spell slot 8 levels higher than the innate spell is permanently used up to power it. If the innate spell has an XP cost, you pay that each time you use the spell. If the spell has a focus, the need for it is gone. If the innate spell uses a costly material component, you must use an item worth 50 times as much as the component when you turn the spell into an innate one. You can choose this feat more than once, each time selecting a different spell.
Instant Stand
When tripped or knocked otherwise off your feet, this allows you to regain your footing immediately, thus thwarting the free attack that most attackers get when using Improved Trip against you.
Instantaneous Rage
PRE: Ability to Rage or Frenzy
Your Rage begins at any time you wish, even when it's not your turn or when you're surprised. You can activate your Rage as a free action, in response to another's action. Thus, you can gain the benefits of Rage in time to prevent or ameliorate an undesirable effect.
Intimidating Rage
PRE: Ability to Rage or Frenzy
While you are Raging, you designate a single foe within 30 feet of you that you can attempt to demoralize as a free action, who must make a Will save (DC = 10 + one-half your character level + your CHA modifier) or become Shaken for as long as you continue to Rage and the target can see you. A target that makes the save remains immune to the intimidating effect of your Rage for one day. Creatures immune to fear and those with no visual senses are immune to this effect.
You may only use this feat against a single foe in any particular encounter.
You have a knack for finding information.
You get a +2 bonus on all Gather Information checks and Search checks.
Iron Will
You have a stronger will than normal.
You get a +2 bonus on all Will saving throws.
Karmic Strike
PRE: Dex 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge
You can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent that hits you in melee. On your action, you choose to take a -4 penalty to your AC in exchange for the ability to make an attack of opportunity against any creature that makes a successful melee attack or melee touch attack against you. The opponent that hits you must be in your threatened area, and this feat does not grant you more attacks of opportunity than you are normally allowed in a round. You specify on your turn that you are activating this feat, and the change to your AC and your ability to make these special attacks of opportunity last until your next turn.
Kiai Shout
PRE: Cha 13, Base attack bonus +1
Making a kiai shout is a standard action. Opponents who can hear your shout and who are within 30 feet of you may become shaken for 1d6 rounds. The kiai shout only effects those with lower HD or levels than you have. An opponent in the affected area can resist the effect with a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier). You can use the benefit of this feat up to three times per day.
Kin Mastery [Bloodline]
You can channel the energies of your arcane bloodline to turn or rebuke creatures with which you share a common heritage.
PRE: Any Bloodline feat, ability to cast 3rd level arcane spells.
Once per day, you may turn or rebuke creatures of the same kind as your bloodline ancestor as a Cleric of one-half your character level. You may choose to either turn or rebuke such creatures upon taking this feat, but you cannot later change that decision.
Knight Training
You are part of a knightly order that combines the divine calling of the paladin class with another form of training.
Pick one class. Taking levels in this class does not prevent you from taking paladin levels. If you take levels in any other class, you lose your ability to progress as a paladin as usual. If the selected class also has restricted advancement, such as the monk class, taking paladin levels does not prevent you from advancing in that class.
Large And In Charge
PRE:Large Size or bigger reach, STR 17+
When you make a successful attack of opportunity against an opponent who is moving inside your threat zone, you can force the opponent back to the area he was in before he provoked the attack. After you hit with your attack of opportunity, make an opposed STR check against your opponent. You gain a +4 bonus to this roll for each size category you are larger than your opponent, and an additional +1 bonus for every five points of damage you inflicted with your attack of opportunity. If you win the opposed check, your opponent is pushed back five feet to the area he was just in.
Lasting Life
You can shed negative levels with an act of will.
PRE: Endurance, Enduring Life
Once per round as a standard action, you can attempt to remove a negative level from yourself by attempting a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 attacker's HD + attacker's CHA modifier). If the saving throw succeeds, the negative level goes away. You make a separate saving throw for each negative level you have gained. If the save fails, you retain the negative level, but you can try again next round to remove it.
You are the sort of person others want to follow, and you have done some work attempting to recruit cohorts and followers.
PRE: Character level 6th
You can attract loyal companions and devoted followers, subordinates who assit you. Your DM has information on what sort of cohort and how many followers you can recruit (in the DMG).
Lightning Fists
PRE:Monk Level 4+, DEX 15+
You can make two extra attacks in a round. All attacks made this round suffer a -5 attack penalty. This maneuver requires the full attack action. You cannot use Lightning Fists and flurry of blows at the same time.
Lightning Reflexes
You have faster than normal reflexes.
You get a +2 bonus on all Reflex saving throws.
Low Blow
PRE: Dodge, Mobility, Base Attack 4+
As a full-round action, you can enter an area occupied by an opponent who is at least one size category larger than you. You can then make a single melee attack at your highest attack modifier against this creature, who is considered flat-footed against the attack. After your attack, you return to the 5-foot square from which you entered the opponents 5-foot square. Using this maneuver provokes an attack of opportunity normally.
Magical Aptitude
You have a knack for magical endeavors.
You get a +2 bonus on all Spellcraft checks and Use Magic Device checks.
Magical Artisan
PRE: Magic Item Creation Feat
You have mastered the method of creating a certain type of magic item. In game terms, treat the cost in XP and raw materials for making this type of item to be only 75% of the normal cost. This option may be taken multiple times, each time gaining a new type of item.
Mantis Leap
PRE:Monk Level 7+, Jump skill 5+
Designate an opponent who is within the maximum distance you can reach with a successful Jump check; if your check is successful, you can make a normal charge attack against the opponent you designated as part of the same action. If your charge attack is successful, you inflict double damage.
You can fire multiple arrows simultaneously against a nearby target.
As a standard action, you may fire two arrows at a single opponent within 30 feet. Both arrows use the same attack roll (with a -4 penalty) to determine success and deal damage normally (but see Special).
For every five points of base attack bonus you have above +6, you may add one additional arrow to this attack, to a maximum of four arrows at a base attack bonus of +16. However, each arrow after the second adds a cumulative -2 penalty on the attack roll (for a total penalty of -6 for three arrows and -8 for four).
Damage reduction and other resistances apply separately against each arrow fired.
Regardless of the number of arrows you fire, you apply precision-based damage only once. If you score a critical hit, only the first arrow fired deals critical damage; all others deal regular damage.
Master of Mockery
A genius of repartee and quick-witted insults, you can provoke your opponents to leave them too furious to worry about their own safety.
PRE: Perform (comedy) 8 ranks
You may, as a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, attempt to enrage a single melee opponent by making a Perform (comedy) check. The result of his check represents the DC of the Will save your opponent must make to avoid becoming enraged. Enraged opponents attack you whenever able, ignoring all other targets. They gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls against you but take a -2 penalty to Armor Class. This is a mind-affecting, language-dependent effect.
You are a superb guide and protector.
During your action, you designate an ally within 30 feet of you to receive a +1 morale bonus on all saving throws.
PRE: DEX 13+, Dodge
You get a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against attacks of opportunity caused when you move out of or within a threatened area. A condition that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses.
Dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most types of bonuses.
Monkey Grip
You are able to use a larger weapon than other people your size.
PRE:Base Attack +1
You can use one melee weapon that is one size larger than you in one hand. You suffer a -2 penalty on your attack roll, but the amount of effort it takes you to use the weapon does not change. For instance, a Large longsword (a one-handed weapon for a Large creature) is considered a two-handed weapon for a medium creature that does not have this feat. For a medium creature that has this feat, it is considered a one-handed weapon. You can wield a larger light weapon as a light weapon, or a larger two-handed weapon in two hands.
You cannot wield a larger weapon in your off hand and you cannot use this feat with a double weapon.
Mother Cyst
You gain the ability to cast necrotic cyst spells by growing a cyst of your own.
PRE: Caster level 1st, Knowledge (Religion) 2 ranks
You grow an internal cyst of undead flesh called a mother cyst. The cyst may be noticeable as a discolored swelling on your skin, if desired. The mother cyst is slightly painful, but otherwise isn't harmful. The mother cyst grants you access to a selection fo cyst-related spells (listed below; detailed in Libris Mortis). You cast these spells like any other spell you can cast, once you host a mother cyst. If you are a caster who prepares spells, you can prepare all necrotic spells without referring to a spellbook, as if you had the Spell Mastery feat for each such spell.
Necrotic Cyst spells: 1st--Necrotic Awareness; 2nd--Necrotic Cyst, Necrotic Scrying; 3rd--Necrotic Bloat; 4th--Necrotic Domination; 5th--Necrotic Burst; 6th--Necrotic Eruption; 7th--Necrotic Tumor; 8th--Necrotic Empowerment; 9th--Necrotic Termination.
A creature without this feat cannot cast necrotic spells.
Mounted Archery
PRE:Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat
The penalty you take when using a ranged weapon while mounted is halved: -2 instead of -4 if your mount is taking a double move, and -4 instead of -8 if your mount is running.
Mounted Combat
PRE: Ride 1 rank
Once per round when your mount is hit in combat, you may attempt a Ride check (as a reaction) to negate the hit. The hit is negated if your Ride check result is greater than the opponent’s attack roll. (Essentially, the Ride check result becomes the mount’s Armor Class if it’s higher than the mount’s regular AC.)
A creature is adept at using all its natural weapons at once.
PRE: Three or more natural attacks
The creature's secondary attacks with natural weapons only take a -2 penalty.
PRE: Multiple Limbs, DEX 15+, INT 13+, Multiweapon Fighting, Multiattack
If you have four or more arms, you can use each pair of arms to perform a distinct partial action. Thus, you could attack with one or two arms while using a magic item, reloading a crossbow, or even casting a spell with the other two arms.
Multiweapon Fighting
A creature with three or more hands can fight with a weapon in each hand. The creature can make one extra attack each round with each extra weapon.
PRE: DEX 13, three or more hands
Penalties for fighting with multiple weapons are reduced by 2 with the primary hand and reduced by 6 with off hands.
This feat replaces the Two-Weapon Fighting feat for creatures with more than two arms.
House Rule Note: If a creature has this feat and the ability to shapechange into a form with less than three arms, this will serve as a virtual Two-Weapon Fighting feat while in that form.
Page Last Updated July 6th, 2006

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