The following Feats are open only to characters above 20th level. Some are only suited to certain classes, prestige classes, and/or races, which will be stated within the Feat description itself.
These have not yet been updated to version 3.5

Armor Skin
You gain a +2 natural armor bonus to AC, or your existing natural armor bonus increases by 2. This feat does not stack with any natural armor bonus granted by magic items or nonpermanent magical effects.
You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
Augmented Alchemy
You can create alchemical items and substances that are much more powerful than normal.
PRE: INT 21, Craft (Alchemy) 24 ranks
Whenever creating an alchemical item or substance, you can choose to make it more powerful than normal by adding +20 to the DC required to create it and multiplying its price by 5. If the item or substance deals damage, double the damage dealt. If the item or substance doesn't deal damage and doesn't have a specific listed duration (or has an instantaneous duration), double all dimensions of its area. If the item or substance doesn't fit any of these categories, then it cannot be affected by this feat.
Automatic Quicken Spell
You can cast any of your lesser spells with a moments thought.
PRE: Quicken Spell, Spellcraft 30 ranks, ability to cast 9th level arcane or divine spells
You may cast all 0, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spells as quickened spells without using higher level spell slots. The normal limit to the number of quickened spells you may cast per round still applies. Spells with a casting time of more than 1 full round can't be quickened.
You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take this feat, the spells of your next three lowest spell levels can now be quickened with no adjustment to their spell slots. Thus, a wizard who took this feat twice could quicken his 0 through 6th level spells with no adjustment to their spell slots.
Automatic Silent Spell
You can cast any of your lesser spells silently.
PRE: Silent Spell, Spellcraft 24 ranks, ability to cast 9th level arcane or divine spells
You may cast all 0, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spells as silent spells without using higher level spell slots.
You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take this feat, the spells of your next three lowest spell levels can now be silenced with no adjustment to their spell slots. Thus, a wizard who took this feat twice could silence his 0 through 6th level spells with no adjustment to their spell slots.
Automatic Still Spell
You can cast any of your lesser spells without gestures.
PRE: Still Spell, Spellcraft 27 ranks, ability to cast 9th level arcane or divine spells
You may cast all 0, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spells as stilled spells without using higher level spell slots.
You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take this feat, the spells of your next three lowest spell levels can now be stilled with no adjustment to their spell slots. Thus, a wizard who took this feat twice could still his 0 through 6th level spells with no adjustment to their spell slots.
Bane of Enemies
Your attacks deal great damage to your Favored Enemies
PRE: Survival 24 ranks, five or more Favored Enemies
Any weapon you wield against one of your favored enemies is treated as a bane weapon for that creature type (thus its enhancement bonus is increased by +2 and it deals +2d6 points of damage). This ability doesn't stack with similar abilities (for instance, if the weapon is already a bane weapon).
Blinding Speed
You can trigger short bursts of great speed.
You can act as if Hasted for 5 rounds each day. The duration of the effect need not be consecutive rounds. Activating this power is a free action.
You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take this feat, it grants an additional 5 rounds of Haste each day.
Bonus Domain
You have access to one additional Domain of spells.
PRE: WIS 21, ability to cast 9th level divine spells.
Choose an additional Domain from your deity's Domain list. You now have access to that Domain's spells as normal for your Domain spells, as well as to the Domain's granted ability.
You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different Domain (but you cannot have more Domains than your deity grants access to, obviously).
Bulwark of Defense
PRE: CON 25, Defensive Stance 3/day
Your defensive stance bonus increases to +4 STR, +6 CON, +4 resistance bonus on all saves, and a +6 dodge bonus to AC.
Chaotic Rage
Your rage is particularly damaging to lawful creatures.
PRE: Rage or Frenzy 5/day, Chaotic alignment
Any weapon you wield while in a rage is treated as a chaotic weapon (penetrates damage reduction as if it were chaotic, and deals an extra +2d6 points of damage against creatures of lawful alignment). This ability does not stack with similar abilities, such as if the weapon is already a chaotic weapon.
Colossal Wild Shape [Wild]
You can Wilde Shape into animals of Colossal size.
PRE: Ability to wild shape into a Gargantuan creature
You can use your wild shape ability to take the shape of a Colossal animal.
Combat Archery
You can fire a bow in melee safely.
PRE: Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot
You do not incur any attacks of opportunity for firing a bow when threatened.
Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor
You can craft magic arms and armor of epic power.
PRE: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Knowledge(Arcana) 28 ranks, Spellcraft 28 ranks
You can craft magic arms and armor which exceed the normal limits for such items. For instance, you could craft a magic sword with an enhancement bonus greater than +5, with a total effective enhancement bonus (market price) of greater than +10, or that required prerequisite spells of higher than 9th level.
Craft Epic Rod
You can craft magic rods of epic power.
PRE: Craft Rod, Knowledge (Arcana) 32 ranks, Spellcraft 32 ranks
You can craft rods that exceed the normal limits from such items. For instance, you could craft a rod with an enhancement bonus greater than +5 or a rod with prerequisite spells higher than 9th level.
Craft Epic Staff
You can craft magic staffs of epic power.
PRE: Craft Staff, Knowledge (Arcana) 35 ranks, Spellcraft 35 ranks
You can craft staffs that exceed the normal limits for such items. For instance, you could craft a staff that casts spells greater than 9th level, or a staff with an enhancement bonus greater than +5.
Craft Epic Wondrous Item
You can craft wondrous items of epic power.
PRE: Craft Wondrous Item, Knowledge (Arcana) 26 ranks, Spellcraft 26 ranks
You can craft wondrous items that exceed the normal limits for such items. For instance, you could craft a Cloak of Charisma with an enhancement bonus greater than +6 or an item that required prerequisite spells higher than 9th level.
Damage Reduction
You can shrug off some damage from attacks.
You gain damage reduction 5/-. This does not stack with damage reduction granted by magic items or nonpermanent magical effects, but it does stack with any damage reduction granted by permanent magical effects or class features, or this feat itself.
A character can gain this feat multiple times, each time you gain the feat, your damage reduction increases by 5.
Deafening Song
Your bardic music deafens those nearby.
PRE: Perform 24 ranks, bardic music class feature
You can use song or poetics to temporarily deafen all enemies within a 30 foot spread from you. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 you class level + your CHA modifier) negates the effect. The deafening effect lasts for as long as you continue the deafening song. You can choose to exclude any characters from the effect (usually your allies).
You may sing, play, or recite a deafening song while taking other mundane actions, but not magical ones. You may keep up the deafening song for a maximum of ten rounds. Using this ability counts as one of your bardic music uses for the day.
Death of Enemies
Devastating Critical
Dexterous Fortitude
Dexterous Will
Diminutive Wild Shape [Wild]
Dire Charge
Distant Shot
Dragon Wild Shape [Wild]
Efficient Item Creation
Energy Resistance
Enhance Spell [Metamagic]
Epic Dodge
Epic Endurance
Epic Fortitude
Epic Inspiration
Epic Leadership
Epic Prowess
Epic Reflexes
Epic Reputation
Epic Skill Focus
Epic Speed
Epic Spell Focus
Epic Spell Penetration
Epic Spellcasting
Epic Toughness
Epic Will
Exceptional Deflection
Extended Life Span
Familiar Spell
Fast Healing
Fine Wild Shape [Wild]
Forge Epic Ring [Item Creation]
Gargantuan Wild Shape [Wild]
Great Charisma
Great Constitution
Great Dexterity
Great Intelligence
Great Smiting
Great Strength
Great Wisdom
Group Inspiration
Hindering Song
Holy Strike
Improved Alignment-based Casting
Improved Arrow of Death
Improved Aura of Courage
Improved Aura of Despair
Improved Combat Casting
Improved Combat Reflexes
Improved Darkvision
Improved Death Attack
Improved Elemental Wild Shape [Wild]
Improved Favored Enemy
Improved Heighten Spell
Improved Ki Strike
Improved Low-Light Vision
Improved Manifestation
Improved Manyshot
Improved Metamagic
Improved Sneak Attack
Improved Spell Capacity
Improved Spell Resistance
Improved Stunning Fist
Improved Whirlwind Attack
Incite Rage
Infinite Deflection
Inspire Excellence
Instant Reload
Intensify Spell [Metamagic]
Keen Strike
Lasting Inspiration
Legendary Climber
Legendary Commander
Legendary Leaper
Legendary Rider
Legendary Tracker
Legendary Wrestler
Lingering Damage
Magical Beast Companion [Wild]
You can befriend a magical beast.
PRE: Magical Beast Wild Shape, Knowledge (Nature) 24 ranks, Wild Shape 6/day
As the druid's animal companion ability, except that you may also apply it to magical beasts. Despite the greater intelligence of magical beasts, companion beasts will not submit to tasks (or perform tricks) that animals cannot accomplish. At most, you cna have magical beast and animal companions whose combined HD are not more than twice your caster level.
Magical Beast Wild Shape [Wild]
You can Wild Shape into magical beast form.
PRE: Knowledge (Nature) 24 ranks, Wild Shape 6/day
You can use your normal Wild Shape ability to take the form of a magical beast. The size limitation is the same as your limitation on animal size. You gain any extraordinary abilities of the magical beast whose form you take.
Master Staff
Master Wand
Mighty Rage
Mobile Defense
Multiweapon Rend
Music of the Gods
Negative Energy Burst [Divine]
Overwhelming Critical
Penetrate Damage Reduction
Perfect Health
Perfect Multiweapon Fighting
Perfect Two-weapon Fighting
Permanent Emanation
Planar Turning
Plant Wild Shape [Wild]
Positive Energy Aura
Ranged Inspiration
Rapid Inspiration
Reflect Arrows
Righteous Strike
Ruinous Rage
Scribe Epic Scroll
Shattering Strike
Sneak Attack of Opportunity
Spectral Strike
Spell Knowledge
Spell Opportunity
Spell Stowaway
Spellcasting Harrier
Storm of Throws
Superior Initiative
Swarm of Arrows
Tenacious Magic
Terrifying Rage
Thundering Rage
Trap Sense
Two-weapon Rend
Uncanny Accuracy
Undead Mastery [Divine]
Unholy Strike
Vermin Wild Shape [Wild]
Vorpal Strike
Widen Aura of Courage
Widen Aura of Despair
Zone of Animation
Page Last Updated March 25th, 2005

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