
NAME: Colin Silvermane
RACE: Half-Drow
TEMPLATE: Unholy Scion
SUBTYPE: Native Outsider
SUBTYPE: Dragonblood
SUBTYPE: Endless
AGE: Unknown
HAIR: Silver
SKIN: Dusky
HEIGHT: 6'1"
WEIGHT: 240 lbs
SPEED: 120 ft
1)Rogue 1 d6
2)Fighter 1 d10
3)Warblade 1 d12
4)Eternal Blade 3 d10
5)Archivist 2 d6
6)Ordained Champion 5 d8
7)Ruby Knight Vindicator 7 d8
8)Bone Knight 10 d10
9) -- --
10) -- --
11) -- --
12) -- --
13) -- --
ECL: 35
DMG REDUCT: 10/Good or Magic
EAB: 5
ESB: 5

STR 44 +17
DEX 23 +6
CON 22 +6
INT 32 +11
WIS 28 +9
CHA 35 +12
GOLD 1,413,847
( )

FORTITUDE 42 = 17 + 6 + 10 + 9
REFLEX 28 = 5 + 6 + 11 + 9
WILL 40 = 12 + 9 + 10 + 9

  • Miscellaneous includes ESB, +2 Luck bonus, +2 Profane bonus
  • +11 Insight bonus on REF saves when not flat-footed
  • +2 Racial bonus on saves vs enchantment spells and effects
  • +20 bonus to a single save with Diamoned Defense (Immediate Action)

    AC = Base + DEX + SIZE + ARMOR + SHIELD + NAT + MISC
    92 = 10 + 6(2) + 0 + 51 + 7 + 5 + 17

  • Miscellaneous includes +12 Deflection bonus, +3 Dodge bonus, +2 Luck bonus
  • +1 bonus to AC when fighting multiple opponents
  • -10 penalty to Touch attacks made by Incorporeal creatures

    FLAT FOOTED Subtract DEX mod and similar bonuses = *87
    TOUCH Excludes Shield, Armor, Natural = 36

    * Only if something denies DEX bonus to AC in spite of Uncanny Dodge

    15 = 6 + 9

  • Miscellaneous includes +4 Racial bonus, +5 Competence bonus
  • +2 bonus to Initiative when Greatsword is held

    46 = 20 + 17 + 0 + 9
    35 = 20 + 6 + 0 + 9

  • Miscellaneous includes EAB, +1 bonus from Haste, +3 Luck
  • BAB increased via Divine Power

    Greatsword +52 +39 5d6 19-20/x2 --

  • All attacks made vs Touch AC
  • Overcomes DR as Magic, Epic, Evil, Cold Iron, and Adamantine
  • Overcome any Damage Reduction of single foe for 1 round as Swift Action
  • +2d6 damage vs one opponent on all subsequent hits after the first
  • +1d6 Unholy damage vs one opponent per round as Free Action
  • +3d6 damage vs Good-aligned opponents
  • +2d6 damage vs Demons
  • +1d6 Sneak Attack damage
  • +1d6 damage with all melee attacks via Punishing Stance (worked in above)
  • +11 Insight bonus on Attack and Damage vs Chosen Foe Type, 2 Encounters/day
  • +4 Morale bonus to Attack and Damage with Greater Heroism
  • Spend Rebuke as Swift action to Smite (Any target type; +12 to attack, +17 damage)
  • Death Strike 1/day: Living target must make Fort Save DC 32 or die

    FULL ATTACK GREATSWORD: +52/+52/+47/+42/+37


    Appraise INT 18 = 11 + 5 + 2
    Balance DEX 6 = 6 + 0 + 0
    Bluff CHA 21 = 12 + 5 + 4
    Climb STR 18 = 17 + 0 + 1
    Concentration CON 71 = 6 + 33 + 32
    Craft(Armorsmithing) INT 19 = 11 + 6 + 2
    Craft(Weaponsmithing) INT 19 = 11 + 6 + 2
    Decipher Script INT 30 = 11 + 15 + 4
    Diplomacy CHA 48 = 12 + 30 + 6
    Disable Device INT 14 = 11 + 1 + 2
    Disguise CHA 18 = 12 + 0 + 6
    Escape Artist DEX 3 = 6 + 1 + -4
    Forgery INT 13 = 11 + 0 + 2
    Gather Information CHA 21 = 12 + 5 + 4
    Heal WIS 11 = 9 + 0 + 2
    Hide DEX 17 = 6 + 1 + 10
    Intimidate CHA 53 = 12 + 33 + 8
    Jump STR 26 = 17 + 0 + 9
    Knowledge(Religion) INT 78 = 11 + 33 + 34
    Knowledge(Arcana) INT 28 = 11 + 15 + 2
    Knowledge(The Planes) INT 28 = 11 + 15 + 2
    Knowledge(Geography) INT 14 = 11 + 1 + 2
    Knowledge(History) INT 14 = 11 + 1 + 2
    Knowledge(Nobility) INT 14 = 11 + 1 + 2
    Knowledge(Local [Waterdeep]) INT 14 = 11 + 1 + 2
    Knowledge(Local [The Northdark]) INT 14 = 11 + 1 + 2
    Knowledge(Local [The Sword Coast]) INT 14 = 11 + 1 + 2
    Knowledge(Local [The North]) INT 14 = 11 + 1 + 2
    Knowledge(Local [Gauth Grottoes]) INT 14 = 11 + 1 + 2
    Listen WIS 51 = 11 + 3 + 41
    Move Silently DEX 3 = 6 + 1 + -4
    Open Lock DEX 9 = 6 + 1 + 2
    Perform([Untrained]) CHA 14 = 12 + 0 + 2
    Perform(Dancing) CHA 17 = 12 + 3 + 2
    Ride DEX 38 = 6 + 10 + 22
    Search INT 15 = 11 + 1 + 3
    Sense Motive WIS 31 = 9 + 20 + 2
    Sleight of Hand DEX 5 = 6 + 1 + -2
    Spellcraft INT 98 = 11 + 33 + 54
    Spot WIS 53 = 9 + 3 + 41
    Survival WIS 24 = 9 + 0 + 15
    Swim STR 12 = 17 + 0 + -5
    Tumble DEX 6 = 6 + 0 + 0
    Use Rope DEX 8 = 6 + 0 + 2

  • +2 bonus to Disguise checks to act in character
  • +2 bonus to Appraise checks related to Armorsmithing
  • +2 bonus to Appraise checks related to Weaponsmithing
  • +2 bonus to Survival checks when on other Planes
  • +2 bonus to Rebuke checks
  • +4 Morale bonus to all skill checks with Greater Heroism

    Simple Weapon Proficiency
    Martial Weapon Proficiency (All)
    Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Hand Crossbow)
    Armor Proficiency (Light)
    Armor Proficiency (Medium)
    Armor Proficiency (Heavy)
    Shield Proficiency (All)
    Weapon Focus (Greatsword)
    Parrying Shield
    Undead Leadership
    Epic Leadership
    Legendary Commander
    Practiced Spellcaster (Archivist)
    Epic Spellcasting
    Epic Skill Focus (Spellcraft)
    Martial Study (Action Before Thought)
    Brand of the Nine Hells (Bel)
    Hellsworn (Hell's Fury)
    Monkey Grip
    Scribe Scroll

    Quick & Dirty Summary

    Make two rolls when performing the following, and take the better result:

  • Initiative checks
  • Attack rolls
  • Skill checks
  • Ability checks
  • Saving throws

    +25 Insight bonus to one attack roll, opposed ability or skill check, or saving throw 1/day (no action)

    Uncanny Dodge
    Improved Uncanny Dodge (23rd level)

    Darkvision 90' (See in normal and magical darkness)
    Fast Healing 4

    Fight without penalty while Disabled or Dying

    +10 bonus on Sense Motive checks vs Feints
    +18 bonus (+10 Enhancement, +8 unnamed) on checks vs. Bull Rush, Overrun, & Trip attacks

    +2 Luck bonus on all Spell Penetration checks

    Resistance to Acid 5
    Resistance to Cold 5
    Resistance to Electricity 5
    Resistance to Fire 5 (Immunity below makes this irrelevant)

    Immune to Poison
    Immune to Disease
    Immune to Fatigue
    Immune to Exhaustion
    Immune to Sleep spells & Effects
    Immune to Mind-affecting powers, spells, & effects
    Immune to Stunning
    Immune to Nonlethal Damage
    Immune to Paralysis
    Immune to Critical Hits & Sneak Attacks
    Immune to Ability Damage to STR, DEX, CON
    Immune to Ability Drain
    Immune to Energy Drain
    Immune to Death from Massive Damage
    Immune to Death Effects
    Immune to Impeded Movement (Web, Slow, Paralysis, etc)
    Immune to Grappling (auto-success on checks)
    Immunity to Fire

    Active Stance

  • Punishing Stance (IH) [Swap out for Swarm Pack Tactics when grouping]

    Readied Maneuvers (5)

  • Diamond Defense (DM)
  • Time Stands Still (DM)
  • Iron Heart Surge (IH)
  • White Raven Tactics (WR)
  • White Raven Hammer (WR)

    Persisted Spells

  • Divine Power
  • Divine Favor
  • Righteous Fury
  • Devil's Ego
  • Master Cavalier
  • Surge of Fortune
  • Choose Destiny
  • Essence of the Raptor
  • Wraithstrike (Via Anyspell)

    Long-Duration Spells

  • Primal Hunter (24 hours)
  • Primal Instinct (24 hours)
  • Primal Senses (24 hours)
  • Primal Speed (24 hours)
  • Deeper Darkvision (23 hours)
  • Energy Immunity [Fire] (23 hours)
  • Visions of the Future (23 hours)
  • Heart of Earth (23 hours)
  • Crown of the Grave (23 hours)
  • General of Undeath (24 hours)
  • Moment of Prescience (23 hours or until expended)

    Death Pact in effect (which may or may not be granted)

    Pavilion of Grandeur recast every 23 days as needed during wartime excursions/sieges

    Faustian Pact (Pact Certain; 7 points for 60% gp increase) in effect with Bel

  • Half-Drow Traits (Deepwyrm subrace)
    Dragonblood Subtype
    Darkvision 60'
    Immune to Sleep spells and effects
    +2 Racial bonus on saves vs enchantment spells and effects
    +1 Racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks
    +2 Racial bonus on Bluff and Gather Information checks
    Drow Blood
    Favored Class: Any

    Spell-like Abilities (Caster level = Character level)

  • Detect Magic 3/day
  • Disguise Self 1/day

  • Unholy Scion Traits
    +2 DEX, +6 INT, +2 WIS, +4 CHA
    Native Outsider Subtype
    Darkvision 60'
    Fast Healing 4
    Deflection bonus to AC equal to CHA modifier
    Claw attack 1d4 damage
    Familial Charm: Mother always Charmed; can cast spell-like abilities via mother
    Unholy Strike: Natural and melee weapons treated as Evil for overcoming DR; +2d6 damage vs Good
    Immunity to Poison
    Immunity to Mind-affecting spells and abilities
    Resistance to Acid 5
    Resistance to Cold 5
    Resistance to Electricity 5
    Resistance to Fire 5
    Spell Resistance 35

    Spell-like abilities (Caster Level = Character level; Save DC 22 + Spell Level)

    • Charm Person 3/day
    • Desecrate 1/day
    • Enervation 1/day
    • Protection from Good 3/day
    • Major Image 3/day
    • Poison 3/day
    • Dominate Person 1/day
    • Baleful Polymorph 1/day
    • Animate Dead 1/day
    • True Seeing 3/day
    • Unholy Aura 3/day
    • Unhallow 1/day
    • Harm 1/day
    • Gate (to Nine Hells and Prime Material only) 1/day
    • Polymorph Any Object 1/day

    Fighter Abilities
    Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus (Greatsword)
    Rogue Abilities
    Sneak Attack +1d6
    Archivist Abilities
    Spellcasting (Caster level 19; Effective caster level 23)
    Prayerbook: Must keep a spellbook like a wizard
    Dark Knowledge (Tactics) 3/day: DC 15 Knowledge check (varies), +1 attack bonus for allies vs creature/type
    Scribe Scroll feat for free
    Lore Mastery: +2 bonus to Decipher Script and Knowledge (Religion)
    Ordained Champion Abilities
    Spellcasting (increase Archivist level)
    Gain War domain spells to class spell list
    Levels stack for Rebuking (15th total)
    Diehard feat for free
    Smite [Su]: Spend Rebuke as Swift action to Smite (+12 to attack, +17 damage)
    Channel Spell [Sp]: Cast any spell into weapon as Move action. Held 8 hours, affects next target
    Divine Bulwark [Sp]: Sacrifice spell as Swift action to gain DR/Chaotic (1+spell level; 5 rounds)
    Fist of the Gods [Sp]: Sacrifice spell as Swift action to deal extra damage (1+spell level; 5 rounds)
    Holy Warrior [Sp]: Spend Rebuke as Swift action to use WIS instead of STR on attack & damage; 5 rounds
    War Caster: +2 effective caster level for War domain spells
    Bone Knight Abilities
    Bonecraft Armor [Ex]: +4 Intimidate, DR 2/Bludgeoning (Full Plate)
    Rebuke Undead
    Spellcasting (increase Archivist level)
    Bone March [Su]: Assume control of animated undead from willing caster within 60' as Standard action. Maximum 4xHD; single no more than 10 HD
    Summon Skeletal Steed: As Paladin ability, Skeleton Heavy Warhorse, 10th level
    Master of the White Banner: Undead under your control w/in 60' gain Turn Resist = CHA mod
    Improved Bonecraft Armor [Ex]: +1 DR, some Undead Immunities, Fight w/o penalties while Disabled/Dying
    Fill the Ranks: Animate Dead 1/day (Karrnathi Skeleton or Zombie only)
    Bonecraft Weapon [Ex]: +1d6 damage vs living opponents
    Exoskeleton of Undeath [Ex]: Gain rest of Undead immunties (except Mind-affecting); Cannot remove armor
    Death Strike [Su]: 1/day a Living target must make Fort Save DC 32 or die
    Warblade Abilities
    Battle Clarity: +11 Insight bonus on REF saves when not flat-footed
    Weapon Aptitude: Swap out weapon specific feats

    Eternal Blade Abilities
    Gain Blade Guide
    Eternal Training 2/day: Insight bonus on Attack and Damage vs Chosen Foe Type = INT Mod; or Maneuver
    Guided Strike: Overcome any Damage Reduction of single foe for 1 round as Swift Action
    Uncanny Dodge

    Ruby Knight Vindicator Abilities
    Divine Recovery: Spend Rebuke attempt as Swift Action to recover one expended maneuver
    Armored Stealth: No penalties on Hide checks in armor
    Divine Impetus: Spend Rebuke attempt to gain an extra Swift Action in current round

    Maneuvers Known

  • Action Before Thought (DM)
  • Insightful Strike (DM)
  • Rapid Counter (DM)
  • Diamond Defense (DM)
  • Time Stands Still (DM)
  • Iron Heart Surge (IH)
  • White Raven Tactics (WR)
  • White Raven Hammer (WR)
  • Order Forged From Chaos (WR)

    Stances Known

  • Punishing Stance (IH)
  • Leading the Charge (WR)
  • Swarm Pack Tactics (WR)

  • Languages Known
    Drow Sign Language
    Inherent Bonuses & Grafts
    +5 Inherent bonus to STR
    +5 Inherent bonus to DEX
    +5 Inherent bonus to CON
    +5 Inherent bonus to INT
    +5 Inherent bonus to WIS
    +5 Inherent bonus to CHA

    Silthilar Bones (+2 CON)
    Silthilar Muscles (+2 STR)
    Silthilar Tendons (+2 DEX)
    Silthilar Flexible Spine (+4 Racial bonus to Initiative, Balance, Escape Artist, Tumble)

    Magic Items By Body Slot
    • HEAD: Crown of the Grave
    • FACE: Empty
    • THROAT: Retributive Amulet
    • TORSO:
    • BODY: Bonecraft Full Plate
    • WAIST: Belt of Battle
    • SHOULDERS: Empty
    • ARMS: Strongarm Bracers
    • HANDS: Casting Glove
    • RING (R): Empty
    • RING (L): Empty
    • FEET: Boots of Temporal Acceleration

    Slotless Worn Magic Items
    • Earring of Feather Falling
    • Earring of Sustenance
    • Armband of Adaptation
    • Ring of Anticipation
    • Casting Glove
    • Belt of Many Pockets

    "Single Use" Magic Items

    • Manual of Quickness of Action +5
    • Manual of Gainful Exercise +5
    • Manual of Bodily Health +5
    • Tome of Clear Thought +5
    • Tome of Leadership & Influence +5
    • Tome of Understanding +5
    • Silthilar Bones
    • Silthilar Muscles
    • Silthilar Tendons
    • Silthilar Flexible Spine

    Other Magic Items

    • Greatsword
    • Shield
    • Metamagic Rod, Greater (Persistent Spell) x3
    • Boccob's Blessed Book
    • Curative Staff
    • Hellfire Staff

    Crown of the Grave
    [ 0 gp ]
    This bone crown (created via spell) grants the ability to Command (as per the spell) undead, despite the fact that it they are normally immune to such effects. This can be done once per minute. The creature gets a Will save to resist (DC 24; DC 28 by spending a Rebuke).

    Earring of Feather Fall
    [ 4,400 gp ]
    Can use Feather Fall at will.

    Earring of Sustenance
    [ 5,000 gp ]
    No need to eat or drink; only need 2 hrs sleep.

    Bonecraft Full Plate
    [ gp ]
    This suit of masterwork Full Plate, crafted almost entirely of bone, grants the following Extraordinary traits:

  • +4 bonus on Intimidate checks
  • DR 3/Bludgeoning
  • Able to act and fight normally while Disabled or Dying
  • Immune to Poison
  • Immune to Disease
  • Immune to Fatigue
  • Immune to Exhaustion
  • Immune to Sleep effects
  • Immune to Stunning
  • Immune to Nonlethal Damage
  • Immune to Paralysis
  • Immune to Critical Hits & Sneak Attacks
  • Immune to Ability Damage to STR, DEX, CON
  • Immune to Ability Drain
  • Immune to Energy Drain
  • Immune to Death from Massive Damage
  • Immune to Death Effects

    In addition, it holds the following magical enhancements:

  • +1 Enhancement bonus to Armor Class
  • Speed [+3 MP]: Grants constant Haste
  • Nimbleness [+1 MP]: +1 Maximum Dexterity bonus, -2 Check Penalty
  • Halfweight [+3 MP]: Weighs half normal amount; treated as Light armor in all ways
  • Comfort [+5000 gp]: Immune to normal temperature extremes
  • Freedom [+60,000 gp]: Constant Freedom of Movement
  • Glamered [+2700 gp]: Can change the item's appearance
  • Greater Anchoring [+15,000 gp]: +10 Enhancement bonus on checks vs. Bull Rush, Overrun, & Trip attacks
  • Stonemeld [+80,000 gp]: Grants DR 5/-; Meld With Stone 3/day
  • +5 Natural Armor bonus to AC [+50,000 gp]
  • +10 Resistance bonus to Saving Throws [+1,000,000 gp]
  • +30 Competence bonus to Concentration [+90,000 gp]
  • +30 Competence bonus to Spellcraft [+90,000 gp]
  • +30 Competence bonus to Knowledge (Religion) [+90,000 gp]
  • +30 Competence bonus to Spot [+90,000 gp]
  • +30 Competence bonus to Listen [+90,000 gp]

    It also has Armor Spikes with the Spellblade (Mordenkainen's Disjunction) weapon ability [+6000 gp]

    The armor also has a Lesser Crystal of Screening attached, imposing a -5 Penalty on Touch attacks made by incorporeal creatures.

    Belt of Battle
    [ 12,000 gp ]
    Grants a +2 Competence bonus to Initiative while worn. In addition, it has 3 charges which are renewed each day. Spending 1 or more charges (as a Swift Action)grants you an extra action which must be taken immediately

  • 1 Charge = 1 Move Action
  • 2 Charges = 1 Standard Action
  • 3 Charges = 1 Full-round Action

    The belt also bestows the following Enhancement bonuses to the wearer's ability scores:

  • +16 STR
  • +6 DEX
  • +6 CON
  • +6 INT
  • +6 WIS
  • +6 CHA

    Belt of Many Pockets
    [ 22,000 gp ]
    The black leather belt seems to be nothing more than a well-made article of clothing, but closer examination reveals eight small pouches along it's inner front. In fact, a total of 64 extradimensional pouches exist in the belt, with seven more "behind" each of the eight readily apparent ones. Each pouch is similar to a miniature Bag of Holding, able to contain up to 1 cubic foot of material weighing as much as 10 pounds.
    In addition, a Familiar can be placed in any pocket no matter it's size or weight. The familiar has no need for food, air, or water while inside the pouch.
    Anything stored in the belt's pockets is effectively weightless and doesn't affect the wearer's weight capacity so long as the belt is worn around the waist. If removed, the belt is one-tenth the total weight of all the items stored within it.
    While worn around the waist, the belt responds to its wearer's desire to extract something (by opening the correct pouch) or store something (by opening an empty pouch). Retrieving a specific item from the pouch is a move action, but doesn't provoke the attacks of opportunity that retrieving a stored item usually does.

    Armband of Adaptation
    [ 18,000 gp ]
    No need to breathe, immune to harmful gases & vapors (as per Necklace of Adaptation).

    Casting Glove (Right)
    [ 20,000 gp ]
    This glove (worn on the right hand) allows an item to be stored or retrieved as a Free Action. In addition, once per round you can activate or consume a stored magic item as if you were holding it in your hand. The activation and all effects function just as normal for the item, and the activation requires the same type of action.
    Silvermane usually keeps his staff "Endgame" within the glove.

    Casting Glove (Left)
    [ 40,000 gp ]
    This glove (worn on the left hand) allows an item to be stored or retrieved as a Free Action. In addition, once per round you can activate or consume a stored magic item as if you were holding it in your hand. The activation and all effects function just as normal for the item, and the activation requires the same type of action.
    Silvermane usually keeps his Curative Staff within the glove.

    Ring of Anticipation
    [ 12,000 gp ]
    Grants a +2 Competence bonus on Listen and Spot checks. In addition, make two rolls when making Initiative checks and take the better result.

    Ring of Adamantine Touch
    [ 12,000 gp ]
    All melee and natural weapons wielded by the wearer are treated as Adamantine for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.

    Boots of Temporal Acceleration
    [ 43,000 gp ]
    Once per day as a Swift Action (Command), speed time up as Time Stop. Take two rounds worth of actions then resume acting during your current turn in normal time, but are Shaken for 1 round.

    [ 2,428,100 gp + 10,000 gp ]
    This Masterwork Large Bonecraft Cold Iron greatsword has the following Extraordinary traits:

  • +1d6 damage vs Living foes
  • +1d6 damage vs Good-aligned opponents
  • +2d6 damage vs Demons

    In addition, it holds the following magical enhancements:

  • +6 Enhancement bonus to Attack and Damage rolls
  • Collision [+2 MP]: Deals an extra 5 points of damage
  • Ravenous [+2 MP]: Deals an extra 2d6 damage vs one opponent per round on subsequent attacks after the first hit
  • Eager [+1 MP]: Draw as free action, +2 bonus to Init when held
  • Spellblade [+6000 gp]: Grants immunity to chosen spell (Greater Dispel Magic). Dissipate or redirect on next turn

    The sword also has a Greater Truedeath Crystal attached [+10,000 gp], meaning the wielder can make critical hits and sneak attacks normally against Undead. The weapon is also treated as a Ghost Touch weapon. In addition, it deals an extra 1d6 damage against undead.

    Lion's Shield
    [ 69,170 gp + 3,000 gp]
    This +5 Heavy Steel Shield is fashioned to appear as a roaring lion's head. 3/day as a Free action, the shield can be commanded to attack (independently of the wielder), biting with a +20 attack bonus (+20/+15/+10/+5 during Full Attack) for 2d6 damage.

    In addition, it holds the following enchantments:

  • Animated [+2 MP]
  • Focused [+1 MP]: +10 bonus on Sense Motive checks vs Feints; +1 bonus to AC vs multiple foes

    The shield also has a Greater Crystal of Screening attached, imposing a -10 Penalty on Touch attacks made by incorporeal creatures.

    Curative Staff
    [ 245,283 gp ]
    This custom-created staff contains the following spells. Creator caster level for the staff is 11th level. Each use of the staff drains one charge.
    Current Charges: 50

    • Heal (Quickened & Intensified [300 pts; Save DC 27])
    • Harm (Quickened & Intensified [300 pts; Save DC 27])
    • Break Enchantment

    Hellfire Staff
    [ 105,000 gp ]
    This custom-created staff contains the Hellfire Storm spell (Maximized; 80 points of untyped damage with No Save and No SR applicable to a 20' spread [300' range]).
    Each use of the staff drains one charge.
    Current Charges: 50

    Spells Prepared
    NOTE: Caster Level 19th; Effective Caster Level 23rd (+2 CL for War Domain spells)
    • 1st-Level Spells
      • Scholar's Touch
      • Primal Hunter (Cast during prep)
      • Divine Favor (Persisted)
    • 2nd-Level Spells
      • Invisibility
      • Primal Instinct (Cast during prep)
      • Divine Insight
      • Divine Insight
    • 3rd-Level Spells
      • Divine Retaliation
      • Evard's Menacing Tentacles?
      • Delay Death
      • Crown of the Grave (Cast during prep)
      • Anyspell (Persisted [Wraithstrike])
      • Primal Senses (Cast during prep)
      • Righteous Fury (Persisted)
    • 4th-Level Spells
      • Assay Spell Resistance
      • Essence of the Raptor (Persisted)
      • Heart of Earth (Cast during prep)
      • Deeper Darkvision (Cast during prep)
      • Primal Speed (Cast during prep)
      • Divine Power (Persisted)
    • 5th-Level Spells
      • Revive Undead
      • Surge of Fortune (Persisted)
    • 6th-Level Spells
      • Greater Dispel Magic
      • Chain Lightning
      • Banishment
      • Energy Immunity [Fire] (Cast at prep time)
    • 7th-Level Spells
      • Avasculate (possibly put in staff)
      • Avasculate
      • Blasphemy
      • Teleport, Greater
      • Master Earth
    • 8th-Level Spells
      • Polymorph Any Object
      • Moment of Prescience (Cast during prep)
      • General of Undeath (Cast during prep)
      • Visions of the Future (Cast during prep)
    • 9th-Level Spells
      • Power Word Kill
      • Miracle
      • General of Undeath
      • Choose Destiny (Persisted)
      • Visage of the Deity, Greater

      Epic Spells [7/day]

      • Momento Mori, Improved [ 972,000 gp ]: Slay 1 living target (Swift Action) Fort DC 52 (save=3d6+20 damage), SR applies
      • Epic Mage Armor [ 972,000 gp ]: Grants a +51 Armor bonus to AC (1 minute casting time)

    Doober [ Skeletal Warhorse Summoned Mount ]

    HD: 8d12 ( 96 hp + 50T)
    Initiative: +7
    Speed: 120 feet
    AC: 78 (-1 Size, +2 DEX, +12 Natural, +2 Luck, +2 Dodge, +51 Armor)
    TAC: 15
    FFAC: 74*
    Base Attack/Grapple: +20/+11
    Attack: Hoof +37 melee (1d6+17)
    Full Attack: Two Hooves +37 melee (1d6+17), Bite +32 melee (1d4+9)
    Space/Reach: 10 ft/5 ft
    Special Attacks: -
    Special Qualities: Empathic Link, Improved Evasion, Scent, Low-light Vision, Deeper Darkvision 90', Share Spells, Improved Speed, Immunity to Cold, Immunity to Fire, Undead Traits, DR 5/Bludgeoning, Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge (23rd level)
    Saves: Fort +29, Ref +24, Will +24
    Abilities: STR 24, DEX 15, CON --, INT 7, WIS 10, CHA 5
    Skills: Appraise +0, Balance +4, Climb +14, Concentration -1, Escape Artist +4, Hide +12, Intimidate -1, Jump +22, Listen +26, Move Silently +4, Search +0, Sense Motive +2, Spot +26, Survival +15, Swim +14
    Feats: Endurance, Run

    All attacks made vs Touch AC

    Make two rolls when performing the following, and take the better result:

  • Initiative checks
  • Attack rolls
  • Skill checks
  • Ability checks
  • Saving throws

    +25 Insight bonus to one attack roll, opposed ability or skill check, or saving throw 1/day (no action)

    +8 bonus on checks vs. Bull Rush, Overrun, & Trip attacks

    Permanent Spells [23rd level]:

    • Greater Magic Fang (Hooves & Bite)
    • Superior Resistance