FORTITUDE | 42 | = | 17 | + | 6 | + | 10 | + | 9 |
REFLEX | 28 | = | 5 | + | 6 | + | 11 | + | 9 |
WILL | 40 | = | 12 | + | 9 | + | 10 | + | 9 |
AC | = | Base | + | DEX | + | SIZE | + | ARMOR | + | SHIELD | + | NAT | + | MISC |
92 | = | 10 | + | 6(2) | + | 0 | + | 51 | + | 7 | + | 5 | + | 17 |
FLAT FOOTED | Subtract DEX mod and similar bonuses | = | *87 |
TOUCH | Excludes Shield, Armor, Natural | = | 36 |
15 | = | 6 | + | 9 |
46 | = | 20 | + | 17 | + | 0 | + | 9 |
35 | = | 20 | + | 6 | + | 0 | + | 9 |
Greatsword | +52 | +39 | 5d6 | 19-20/x2 | -- |
FULL ATTACK GREATSWORD: +52/+52/+47/+42/+37
Appraise | INT | 18 | = | 11 | + | 5 | + | 2 |
Balance | DEX | 6 | = | 6 | + | 0 | + | 0 |
Bluff | CHA | 21 | = | 12 | + | 5 | + | 4 |
Climb | STR | 18 | = | 17 | + | 0 | + | 1 |
Concentration | CON | 71 | = | 6 | + | 33 | + | 32 |
Craft(Armorsmithing) | INT | 19 | = | 11 | + | 6 | + | 2 |
Craft(Weaponsmithing) | INT | 19 | = | 11 | + | 6 | + | 2 |
Decipher Script | INT | 30 | = | 11 | + | 15 | + | 4 |
Diplomacy | CHA | 48 | = | 12 | + | 30 | + | 6 |
Disable Device | INT | 14 | = | 11 | + | 1 | + | 2 |
Disguise | CHA | 18 | = | 12 | + | 0 | + | 6 |
Escape Artist | DEX | 3 | = | 6 | + | 1 | + | -4 |
Forgery | INT | 13 | = | 11 | + | 0 | + | 2 |
Gather Information | CHA | 21 | = | 12 | + | 5 | + | 4 |
Heal | WIS | 11 | = | 9 | + | 0 | + | 2 |
Hide | DEX | 17 | = | 6 | + | 1 | + | 10 |
Intimidate | CHA | 53 | = | 12 | + | 33 | + | 8 |
Jump | STR | 26 | = | 17 | + | 0 | + | 9 |
Knowledge(Religion) | INT | 78 | = | 11 | + | 33 | + | 34 |
Knowledge(Arcana) | INT | 28 | = | 11 | + | 15 | + | 2 |
Knowledge(The Planes) | INT | 28 | = | 11 | + | 15 | + | 2 |
Knowledge(Geography) | INT | 14 | = | 11 | + | 1 | + | 2 |
Knowledge(History) | INT | 14 | = | 11 | + | 1 | + | 2 |
Knowledge(Nobility) | INT | 14 | = | 11 | + | 1 | + | 2 |
Knowledge(Local [Waterdeep]) | INT | 14 | = | 11 | + | 1 | + | 2 |
Knowledge(Local [The Northdark]) | INT | 14 | = | 11 | + | 1 | + | 2 |
Knowledge(Local [The Sword Coast]) | INT | 14 | = | 11 | + | 1 | + | 2 |
Knowledge(Local [The North]) | INT | 14 | = | 11 | + | 1 | + | 2 |
Knowledge(Local [Gauth Grottoes]) | INT | 14 | = | 11 | + | 1 | + | 2 |
Listen | WIS | 51 | = | 11 | + | 3 | + | 41 |
Move Silently | DEX | 3 | = | 6 | + | 1 | + | -4 |
Open Lock | DEX | 9 | = | 6 | + | 1 | + | 2 |
Perform([Untrained]) | CHA | 14 | = | 12 | + | 0 | + | 2 |
Perform(Dancing) | CHA | 17 | = | 12 | + | 3 | + | 2 |
Ride | DEX | 38 | = | 6 | + | 10 | + | 22 |
Search | INT | 15 | = | 11 | + | 1 | + | 3 |
Sense Motive | WIS | 31 | = | 9 | + | 20 | + | 2 |
Sleight of Hand | DEX | 5 | = | 6 | + | 1 | + | -2 |
Spellcraft | INT | 98 | = | 11 | + | 33 | + | 54 |
Spot | WIS | 53 | = | 9 | + | 3 | + | 41 |
Survival | WIS | 24 | = | 9 | + | 0 | + | 15 |
Swim | STR | 12 | = | 17 | + | 0 | + | -5 |
Tumble | DEX | 6 | = | 6 | + | 0 | + | 0 |
Use Rope | DEX | 8 | = | 6 | + | 0 | + | 2 |
Simple Weapon Proficiency |
Martial Weapon Proficiency (All) |
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Hand Crossbow) |
Armor Proficiency (Light) |
Armor Proficiency (Medium) |
Armor Proficiency (Heavy) |
Shield Proficiency (All) |
Weapon Focus (Greatsword) |
Parrying Shield |
Undead Leadership |
Epic Leadership |
Legendary Commander |
Practiced Spellcaster (Archivist) |
Epic Spellcasting |
Epic Skill Focus (Spellcraft) |
Martial Study (Action Before Thought) |
Brand of the Nine Hells (Bel) |
Hellsworn (Hell's Fury) |
Monkey Grip |
Scribe Scroll |
Quick & Dirty Summary Make two rolls when performing the following, and take the better result: +25 Insight bonus to one attack roll, opposed ability or skill check, or saving throw 1/day (no action)
Uncanny Dodge
Darkvision 90' (See in normal and magical darkness) Fight without penalty while Disabled or Dying
+10 bonus on Sense Motive checks vs Feints +2 Luck bonus on all Spell Penetration checks
Resistance to Acid 5
Immune to Poison Active Stance Readied Maneuvers (5) Persisted Spells Long-Duration Spells Death Pact in effect (which may or may not be granted) Pavilion of Grandeur recast every 23 days as needed during wartime excursions/sieges Faustian Pact (Pact Certain; 7 points for 60% gp increase) in effect with Bel
Half-Drow Traits (Deepwyrm subrace) Dragonblood Subtype Darkvision 60' Immune to Sleep spells and effects +2 Racial bonus on saves vs enchantment spells and effects +1 Racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks +2 Racial bonus on Bluff and Gather Information checks Drow Blood Favored Class: Any Spell-like Abilities (Caster level = Character level)
Unholy Scion Traits +2 DEX, +6 INT, +2 WIS, +4 CHA Native Outsider Subtype Darkvision 60' Fast Healing 4 Deflection bonus to AC equal to CHA modifier Claw attack 1d4 damage Familial Charm: Mother always Charmed; can cast spell-like abilities via mother Unholy Strike: Natural and melee weapons treated as Evil for overcoming DR; +2d6 damage vs Good Immunity to Poison Immunity to Mind-affecting spells and abilities Resistance to Acid 5 Resistance to Cold 5 Resistance to Electricity 5 Resistance to Fire 5 Spell Resistance 35 Spell-like abilities (Caster Level = Character level; Save DC 22 + Spell Level)
Fighter Abilities Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus (Greatsword) |
Rogue Abilities Sneak Attack +1d6 Trapfinding |
Archivist Abilities Spellcasting (Caster level 19; Effective caster level 23) Prayerbook: Must keep a spellbook like a wizard Dark Knowledge (Tactics) 3/day: DC 15 Knowledge check (varies), +1 attack bonus for allies vs creature/type Scribe Scroll feat for free Lore Mastery: +2 bonus to Decipher Script and Knowledge (Religion) |
Ordained Champion Abilities Spellcasting (increase Archivist level) Gain War domain spells to class spell list Levels stack for Rebuking (15th total) Diehard feat for free Smite [Su]: Spend Rebuke as Swift action to Smite (+12 to attack, +17 damage) Channel Spell [Sp]: Cast any spell into weapon as Move action. Held 8 hours, affects next target Divine Bulwark [Sp]: Sacrifice spell as Swift action to gain DR/Chaotic (1+spell level; 5 rounds) Fist of the Gods [Sp]: Sacrifice spell as Swift action to deal extra damage (1+spell level; 5 rounds) Holy Warrior [Sp]: Spend Rebuke as Swift action to use WIS instead of STR on attack & damage; 5 rounds War Caster: +2 effective caster level for War domain spells |
Bone Knight Abilities Bonecraft Armor [Ex]: +4 Intimidate, DR 2/Bludgeoning (Full Plate) Rebuke Undead Spellcasting (increase Archivist level) Bone March [Su]: Assume control of animated undead from willing caster within 60' as Standard action. Maximum 4xHD; single no more than 10 HD Summon Skeletal Steed: As Paladin ability, Skeleton Heavy Warhorse, 10th level Master of the White Banner: Undead under your control w/in 60' gain Turn Resist = CHA mod Improved Bonecraft Armor [Ex]: +1 DR, some Undead Immunities, Fight w/o penalties while Disabled/Dying Fill the Ranks: Animate Dead 1/day (Karrnathi Skeleton or Zombie only) Bonecraft Weapon [Ex]: +1d6 damage vs living opponents Exoskeleton of Undeath [Ex]: Gain rest of Undead immunties (except Mind-affecting); Cannot remove armor Death Strike [Su]: 1/day a Living target must make Fort Save DC 32 or die |
Warblade Abilities Battle Clarity: +11 Insight bonus on REF saves when not flat-footed Weapon Aptitude: Swap out weapon specific feats
Eternal Blade Abilities
Ruby Knight Vindicator Abilities
Maneuvers Known
Stances Known
Languages Known Common Elven Illuskan Chondathan Orc Draconic Infernal Abyssal Drow Sign Language Undercommon |
Inherent Bonuses & Grafts +5 Inherent bonus to STR +5 Inherent bonus to DEX +5 Inherent bonus to CON +5 Inherent bonus to INT +5 Inherent bonus to WIS +5 Inherent bonus to CHA
Silthilar Bones (+2 CON)
Magic Items By Body Slot
"Single Use" Magic Items
Other Magic Items
Crown of the Grave
Earring of Feather Fall
Earring of Sustenance
Bonecraft Full Plate In addition, it holds the following magical enhancements: It also has Armor Spikes with the Spellblade (Mordenkainen's Disjunction) weapon ability [+6000 gp] The armor also has a Lesser Crystal of Screening attached, imposing a -5 Penalty on Touch attacks made by incorporeal creatures.
Belt of Battle The belt also bestows the following Enhancement bonuses to the wearer's ability scores:
Belt of Many Pockets
Armband of Adaptation
Casting Glove (Right)
Casting Glove (Left)
Ring of Anticipation
Ring of Adamantine Touch
Boots of Temporal Acceleration
Greatsword In addition, it holds the following magical enhancements: The sword also has a Greater Truedeath Crystal attached [+10,000 gp], meaning the wielder can make critical hits and sneak attacks normally against Undead. The weapon is also treated as a Ghost Touch weapon. In addition, it deals an extra 1d6 damage against undead.
Lion's Shield In addition, it holds the following enchantments: The shield also has a Greater Crystal of Screening attached, imposing a -10 Penalty on Touch attacks made by incorporeal creatures.
Curative Staff
Hellfire Staff
Spells Prepared NOTE: Caster Level 19th; Effective Caster Level 23rd (+2 CL for War Domain spells)
Doober [ Skeletal Warhorse Summoned Mount ]
HD: 8d12 ( 96 hp + 50T) All attacks made vs Touch AC Make two rolls when performing the following, and take the better result: +25 Insight bonus to one attack roll, opposed ability or skill check, or saving throw 1/day (no action) +8 bonus on checks vs. Bull Rush, Overrun, & Trip attacks Permanent Spells [23rd level]: