FORTITUDE | 30 | = | 9 | + | 6 | + | 5 | + | 10 |
REFLEX | 37 | = | 10 | + | 15 | + | 6 | + | 6 |
WILL | 27 | = | 7 | + | 5 | + | 5 | + | 10 |
AC | = | Base | + | DEX | + | SIZE | + | ARMOR | + | SHIELD | + | NAT | + | MISC |
42 | = | 10 | + | 15 | + | 0 | + | 8 | + | 0 | + | 5 | + | 4 |
FLAT FOOTED | Subtract DEX mod and similar bonuses | = | 42* |
TOUCH | Excludes Shield, Armor, Natural | = | 29 |
20 | = | 15 | + | 5 |
57 | = | 20 | + | 18 | + | 0 | + | 19 |
54 | = | 20 | + | 15 | + | 0 | + | 19 |
Unarmed Strike | +62 | +39 | 4d6 | x2 | -- |
FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE: +62/+62/+62/+62/+57/+57/+52/+52/+47/+47
FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM: +66/+66/+66/+66/+61/+61/+56/+56/+51/+51
FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/SHIFTING: +63/+63/+63/+63/+58/+58/+53/+53/+48/+48
FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/RAGE: +64/+64/+64/+64/+59/+59/+54/+54/+49/+49
FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/DANCING MONGOOSE: +62/+62/+62/+62/+62/+62/+57/+57/+52/+52/+47/+47
FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/RAGING MONGOOSE: +62/+62/+62/+62/+62/+62/+62/+62/+57/+57/+52/+52/+47/+47
FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM & SHIFTING: +67/+67/+67/+67/+62/+62/+57/+57/+52/+52
FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM & RAGE: +68/+68/+68/+68/+63/+63/+58/+58/+53/+53
FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM & DANCING MONGOOSE: +66/+66/+66/+66/+66/+66/+61/+61/+56/+56/+51/+51
FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM & RAGING MONGOOSE: +66/+66/+66/+66/+66/+66/+66/+66/+61/+61/+56/+56/+51/+51
FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/SHIFTING & RAGE: +65/+65/+65/+65/+60/+60/+55/+55/+50/+50
FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/SHIFTING & DANCING MONGOOSE: +63/+63/+63/+63/+63/+63/+58/+58/+53/+53/+48/+48
FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/SHIFTING & RAGING MONGOOSE: +63/+63/+63/+63/+63/+63/+63/+63/+58/+58/+53/+53/+48/+48
FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/RAGE & DANCING MONGOOSE: +64/+64/+64/+64/+64/+64/+59/+59/+54/+54/+49/+49
FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/RAGE & RAGING MONGOOSE: +64/+64/+64/+64/+64/+64/+64/+64/+59/+59/+54/+54/+49/+49
FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM & SHIFTING & RAGE: +69/+69/+69/+69/+64/+64/+59/+59/+54/+54
FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM & SHIFTING & DANCING MONGOOSE: +67/+67/+67/+67/+67/+67/+62/+62/+57/+57/+52/+52
FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM & SHIFTING & RAGING MONGOOSE: +67/+67/+67/+67/+67/+67/+67/+67/+62/+62/+57/+57/+52/+52
FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM & RAGE & DANCING MONGOOSE: +68/+68/+68/+68/+68/+68/+63/+63/+58/+58/+53/+53
FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM & RAGE & RAGING MONGOOSE: +68/+68/+68/+68/+68/+68/+68/+68/+63/+63/+58/+58/+53/+53
FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM & SHIFTING & RAGE & DANCING MONGOOSE: +69/+69/+69/+69/+69/+69/+64/+64/+59/+59/+54/+54
FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM & SHIFTING & RAGE & RAGING MONGOOSE: +69/+69/+69/+69/+69/+69/+69/+69/+64/+64/+59/+59/+54/+54
Appraise | INT | 15 | = | 10 | + | 5 | + | 0 |
Autohypnosis | WIS | 10 | = | 5 | + | 5 | + | 0 |
Balance | DEX | 22 | = | 15 | + | 5 | + | 2 |
Bluff | CHA | 37 | = | 7 | + | 30 | + | 0 |
Climb | STR | 23 | = | 18 | + | 0 | + | 5 |
Concentration | CON | 72 | = | 6 | + | 36 | + | 30 |
Craft(Armorsmithing) | INT | 11 | = | 10 | + | 1 | + | 0 |
Craft(Blacksmithing) | INT | 11 | = | 10 | + | 1 | + | 0 |
Craft(Weaponsmithing) | INT | 11 | = | 10 | + | 1 | + | 0 |
Craft(Gemcutting) | INT | 11 | = | 10 | + | 1 | + | 0 |
Craft(Alchemy) | INT | 15 | = | 10 | + | 5 | + | 0 |
Decipher Script | INT | 15 | = | 10 | + | 5 | + | 0 |
Diplomacy | CHA | 23 | = | 7 | + | 12 | + | 4 |
Disable Device | INT | 20 | = | 10 | + | 10 | + | 0 |
Disguise | CHA | 17 | = | 7 | + | 10 | + | 0 |
Escape Artist | DEX | 30 | = | 15 | + | 10 | + | 5 |
Forgery | INT | 15 | = | 10 | + | 5 | + | 0 |
Gather Information | CHA | 17 | = | 7 | + | 10 | + | 0 |
Handle Animal | CHA | 8 | = | 7 | + | 1 | + | 0 |
Heal | WIS | 5 | = | 5 | + | 0 | + | 0 |
Hide | DEX | 68 | = | 15 | + | 15 | + | 38 |
Intimidate | CHA | 39 | = | 7 | + | 30 | + | 2 |
Jump | STR | 104 | = | 18 | + | 36 | + | 50 |
Knowledge(Local [Waterdeep]) | INT | 11 | = | 10 | + | 1 | + | 0 |
Knowledge(Local [The Dalelands]) | INT | 11 | = | 10 | + | 1 | + | 0 |
Knowledge(Local [The Northdark]) | INT | 11 | = | 10 | + | 1 | + | 0 |
Knowledge(Local [Gauth Grottoes]) | INT | 11 | = | 10 | + | 1 | + | 0 |
Knowledge(Arcana) | INT | 45 | = | 10 | + | 5 | + | 30 |
Knowledge(History) | INT | 11 | = | 10 | + | 1 | + | 0 |
Knowledge(Nature) | INT | 12 | = | 10 | + | 1 | + | 2 |
Knowledge(Architecture) | INT | 11 | = | 10 | + | 1 | + | 0 |
Knowledge(Dungeoneering) | INT | 11 | = | 10 | + | 1 | + | 0 |
Knowledge(Geography) | INT | 11 | = | 10 | + | 1 | + | 0 |
Knowledge(Nobility) | INT | 11 | = | 10 | + | 1 | + | 0 |
Knowledge(Religion) | INT | 11 | = | 10 | + | 1 | + | 0 |
Knowledge(The Planes) | INT | 11 | = | 10 | + | 5 | + | 0 |
Listen | WIS | 63 | = | 5 | + | 20 | + | 38 |
Move Silently | DEX | 60 | = | 15 | + | 15 | + | 30 |
Open Lock | DEX | 25 | = | 15 | + | 10 | + | 0 |
Perform(Dance) | CHA | 8 | = | 7 | + | 1 | + | 0 |
Perform([Untrained]) | CHA | 7 | = | 7 | + | 0 | + | 0 |
Profession(Stonemason) | WIS | 6 | = | 5 | + | 1 | + | 0 |
Psicraft | INT | 11 | = | 10 | + | 1 | + | 0 |
Ride | DEX | 20 | = | 15 | + | 5 | + | 0 |
Search | INT | 25 | = | 10 | + | 15 | + | 0 |
Sense Motive | WIS | 25 | = | 5 | + | 20 | + | 0 |
Sleight of Hand | DEX | 27 | = | 15 | + | 10 | + | 2 |
Spellcraft | INT | 45 | = | 10 | + | 5 | + | 30 |
Spot | WIS | 65 | = | 5 | + | 20 | + | 40 |
Survival | WIS | 23 | = | 5 | + | 5 | + | 13 |
Swim | STR | 31 | = | 18 | + | 0 | + | 13 |
Tumble | DEX | 27 | = | 15 | + | 10 | + | 2 |
Use Magic Device | CHA | 37 | = | 7 | + | 30 | + | 0 |
Use Psionic Device | CHA | 8 | = | 7 | + | 1 | + | 0 |
Use Rope | DEX | 15 | = | 15 | + | 0 | + | 0 |
Simple Weapon Proficiency |
Martial Weapon Proficiency (All) |
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Hand Crossbow) |
Armor Proficiency (Light) |
Armor Proficiency (Medium) |
Armor Proficiency (Heavy) |
Two-Weapon Fighting |
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting |
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting |
Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting |
Improved Unarmed Strike |
Superior Unarmed Strike |
Epic Prowess |
Epic Prowess |
Epic Prowess |
Epic Prowess |
Blind Fight |
Combat Casting |
Improved Feint |
Precise Strike |
Able Learner |
Quick & Dirty Summary Make two rolls for Initiative and take better result
Uncanny Dodge
Fast Healing 2
Low-light Vision
Immune to Fire
Multiple teleport effect via trees (expended after usage)
Maneuvers Readied Active Stance Skill Tricks
Spell-like Abilities
Persisted Spells
Long-duration spells active Contingent Teleport active (recast every 21 days, 0 hp or less)
Human Traits Bonus Feat: Able Learner 4 Extra Skill points + 1/level Favored Class: Any |
Phrenic Abilities +2 INT, +2 WIS, +4 CHA 1 Bonus Power Point Power Resistance 10 + Level = 43 3/day Psi-like Abilities
1/day Psi-like Abilities
Rogue Abilities Sneak Attack +3d6 Trapfinding Evasion Trap Sense +1 Uncanny Dodge |
Fighter Abilities Bonus Feat: Improved Unarmed Strike Bonus Feat: Superior Unarmed Strike |
Avenger Abilities Sneak Attack +3d6 Death Attack DC 27 Poison Use +2 bonus on saves vs poison Uncanny Dodge Improved Uncanny Dodge
Warblade & Bloodclaw Master Abilities Battle Clarity: +10 Insight bonus on REF saves when not flat-footed Weapon Aptitude: Swap out weapon specific feats Uncanny Dodge (Upgrades & stacks with Rogue and Avenger) Battle Ardor: +10 Insight bonus on Critical Hit confirmation rolls
Shifting 2/day: +2 STR and claws as Free Action, 16 round duration
Maneuvers Known
Stances Known
Abjurant Champion Abilities Abjurant Armor: Add class level (+5) to Abjuration spells that grant Armor or Shield bonus Extended Abjuration: Double duration of all Abjuration spells (as Extend Spell feat) Swift Abjuration: Cast Abjuration spells of up to 3rd level as Swift Action Arcane Boost: As a Swift Action, burn spell slot to do one of the following for 1 round -
Martial Arcanist: Effective caster level = BAB (if worse normally) |
Chameleon Abilities Aptitude Focus 3/day (Arcane & Combat Foci enabled; swapped out Divine) Floating Bonus Feat (Change each day); Current feat: Mimic Class Feature 3/day (Evasion, Rage, Smite, Sneak Attack, Turn/Rebuke Undead) Ability Boon +6 (Choose each time change focus; currently STR & DEX) Arcane Focus Spells Prepared (Caster Level 20th)
Languages Known Common Chondathan Elven Dwarven Undercommon Elven (Drow dialect) Drow Sign Language Draconic Giant Goblin Sylvan Orc Infernal Abyssal |
Skill Tricks |
Inherent Bonuses & Grafts +5 Inherent bonus to STR +5 Inherent bonus to DEX +5 Inherent bonus to CON +5 Inherent bonus to INT +5 Inherent bonus to WIS +5 Inherent bonus to CHA
Silthilar Bones (+2 CON) |
Strategy/Routine Sleep, wake up and adopt Arcane and Divine Focus (DEX and WIS). After getting spells memorized, fire off the divine spells to be Persisted and the long duration ones (20hrs+). Then take 10 mins to swap out Divine Focus for Combat Focus (Swap out WIS for STR). Viola.
Combat spell sequence (1st fight of day, with Boots=3 rounds in 1 round):
Combat spell sequence (2nd and third fight of day, with Time Stop via staff):
Magic Items By Body Slot
"Single Use" Magic Items
Other Magic Items
Circlet of Rapid Casting
Third Eye Conceal
Earring of Feather Fall
Earring of Sustenance
Amulet of Natural Weapons
Robes of the Untrue Archmagi It also holds the following enchantments (base item as per Vest of the Archmagi [200,000 gp +15,000 base Intelligent item]):
Rogue's Vest
Belt of Battle The belt has also been enchanted to grant the following Enhancement bonuses:
Belt of Many Pockets
Armband of Adaptation
Bracers of Murder
Casting Glove (Right)
Casting Glove (Left)
Ring of Heavy Armor
Ring of Proof vs Poison
Rings of Wizardry
Ring of Jumping
Ring of Anticipation
Boots of Temporal Acceleration
Staff of the Untrue Archmagi
Staff of the Untrue Archpriest