
NAME: Darius Van Roeyen-Neirdre
ALIAS: ShadowHeart
RACE: Human
SUBTYPE: Psionic
SUBTYPE: Endless
AGE: Unknown
EYES: Blue-grey
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Tanned
HEIGHT: 6'1"
WEIGHT: 225 lbs
SPEED: 120 ft; Swim 120 ft
1)Rogue 5 d6
2)Fighter 2 d10
3)Avenger 5 d6
4)Abjurant Champion 5 d10
5)Warblade 3 d12
6)Bloodclaw Master 3 d12
7)Chameleon 10 d8
8) -- --
9) -- --
10) -- --
11) -- --
12) -- --
13) -- --
ECL: 35
EAB: 7
ESB: 6
XXX --
XXX --

STR 46 +18
DEX 41 +15
CON 22 +6
INT 30 +10
WIS 21 +5
CHA 24 +7
OVER HEAD: 14,720
OFF GROUND: 29,440
PUSH/DRAG: 73,600
LT LOAD: 4896
MED LOAD: 9808
HVY LOAD: 14,720
GOLD 32,830
( ) 0

FORTITUDE 30 = 9 + 6 + 5 + 10
REFLEX 37 = 10 + 15 + 6 + 6
WILL 27 = 7 + 5 + 5 + 10

  • Miscellaneous includes ESB & Ability Boon bonuses
  • +11 Insight bonus to saves w/Defensive Precognition (33 minutes) or +9 bonus as Swift Action 3/day
  • +10 Insight bonus to REF saves when not Flat-footed
  • +19 to a single save with Iron Heart Focus (Immediate Action)
  • +18 bonus on Will saves (Immediate Action) until next turn w/Empty Mind 3/day
  • +2 bonus on saves vs poison
  • +4 Morale bonus on saves with Greater Heroism

    AC = Base + DEX + SIZE + ARMOR + SHIELD + NAT + MISC
    42 = 10 + 15 + 0 + 8 + 0 + 5 + 4

  • Miscellaneous includes +5 Deflection, +1 bonus from Haste, -2 from Punishing Stance
  • +9 Shield bonus with Shield spell (Swift Action)
  • +11 Insight bonus to AC w/Defensive Precognition (33 minutes) or +9 bonus as Swift Action 3/day
  • +12 Shield bonus for 33 minutes w/Force Screen 1/day

    FLAT FOOTED Subtract DEX mod and similar bonuses = 42*
    TOUCH Excludes Shield, Armor, Natural = 29

    20 = 15 + 5

  • Miscellaneous includes +5 Competence bonus

    57 = 20 + 18 + 0 + 19
    54 = 20 + 15 + 0 + 19

  • Miscellaneous includes EAB, Epic Prowess x4, Combat Aptitude Focus bonus, +1 Haste, +3 Luck bonus
  • Base attack boosted by Divine Power

    Unarmed Strike +62 +39 4d6 x2 --

  • All attacks are made versus Touch AC
  • May make one critical threat an auto-crit 7/day
  • Sneak Attack +16d6 (or +2 bonus to attacks per die sacrificed); +3d6 Sneak Attack w/Mimic for one attack
  • +2 Profane bonus on attack and damage rolls vs Flat-footed targets
  • +2 extra Enhancement bonus (+7 total) vs Undead, plus 2d6 damage
  • +10 Insight bonus on Critical Hit confirmation rolls
  • +1 attack and damage 2/day with Shifting (16 rounds)
  • +2 attack and damage 1/day with Rage (7 rounds; Fatigued after)
  • +7 attack & +10 damage with Smite
  • +1d6 damage to all melee attacks with Punishing Stance (worked in above)
  • +11 Morale bonus to melee damage (worked in above)

    FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE: +62/+62/+62/+62/+57/+57/+52/+52/+47/+47


    FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM: +66/+66/+66/+66/+61/+61/+56/+56/+51/+51

    FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/SHIFTING: +63/+63/+63/+63/+58/+58/+53/+53/+48/+48

    FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/RAGE: +64/+64/+64/+64/+59/+59/+54/+54/+49/+49

    FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/DANCING MONGOOSE: +62/+62/+62/+62/+62/+62/+57/+57/+52/+52/+47/+47

    FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/RAGING MONGOOSE: +62/+62/+62/+62/+62/+62/+62/+62/+57/+57/+52/+52/+47/+47


    FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM & SHIFTING: +67/+67/+67/+67/+62/+62/+57/+57/+52/+52

    FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM & RAGE: +68/+68/+68/+68/+63/+63/+58/+58/+53/+53

    FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM & DANCING MONGOOSE: +66/+66/+66/+66/+66/+66/+61/+61/+56/+56/+51/+51

    FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM & RAGING MONGOOSE: +66/+66/+66/+66/+66/+66/+66/+66/+61/+61/+56/+56/+51/+51

    FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/SHIFTING & RAGE: +65/+65/+65/+65/+60/+60/+55/+55/+50/+50

    FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/SHIFTING & DANCING MONGOOSE: +63/+63/+63/+63/+63/+63/+58/+58/+53/+53/+48/+48

    FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/SHIFTING & RAGING MONGOOSE: +63/+63/+63/+63/+63/+63/+63/+63/+58/+58/+53/+53/+48/+48

    FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/RAGE & DANCING MONGOOSE: +64/+64/+64/+64/+64/+64/+59/+59/+54/+54/+49/+49

    FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/RAGE & RAGING MONGOOSE: +64/+64/+64/+64/+64/+64/+64/+64/+59/+59/+54/+54/+49/+49


    FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM & SHIFTING & RAGE: +69/+69/+69/+69/+64/+64/+59/+59/+54/+54

    FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM & SHIFTING & DANCING MONGOOSE: +67/+67/+67/+67/+67/+67/+62/+62/+57/+57/+52/+52

    FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM & SHIFTING & RAGING MONGOOSE: +67/+67/+67/+67/+67/+67/+67/+67/+62/+62/+57/+57/+52/+52

    FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM & RAGE & DANCING MONGOOSE: +68/+68/+68/+68/+68/+68/+63/+63/+58/+58/+53/+53

    FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM & RAGE & RAGING MONGOOSE: +68/+68/+68/+68/+68/+68/+68/+68/+63/+63/+58/+58/+53/+53


    FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM & SHIFTING & RAGE & DANCING MONGOOSE: +69/+69/+69/+69/+69/+69/+64/+64/+59/+59/+54/+54

    FULL ATTACK UNARMED STRIKE w/GREATER HEROISM & SHIFTING & RAGE & RAGING MONGOOSE: +69/+69/+69/+69/+69/+69/+69/+69/+64/+64/+59/+59/+54/+54

    Appraise INT 15 = 10 + 5 + 0
    Autohypnosis WIS 10 = 5 + 5 + 0
    Balance DEX 22 = 15 + 5 + 2
    Bluff CHA 37 = 7 + 30 + 0
    Climb STR 23 = 18 + 0 + 5
    Concentration CON 72 = 6 + 36 + 30
    Craft(Armorsmithing) INT 11 = 10 + 1 + 0
    Craft(Blacksmithing) INT 11 = 10 + 1 + 0
    Craft(Weaponsmithing) INT 11 = 10 + 1 + 0
    Craft(Gemcutting) INT 11 = 10 + 1 + 0
    Craft(Alchemy) INT 15 = 10 + 5 + 0
    Decipher Script INT 15 = 10 + 5 + 0
    Diplomacy CHA 23 = 7 + 12 + 4
    Disable Device INT 20 = 10 + 10 + 0
    Disguise CHA 17 = 7 + 10 + 0
    Escape Artist DEX 30 = 15 + 10 + 5
    Forgery INT 15 = 10 + 5 + 0
    Gather Information CHA 17 = 7 + 10 + 0
    Handle Animal CHA 8 = 7 + 1 + 0
    Heal WIS 5 = 5 + 0 + 0
    Hide DEX 68 = 15 + 15 + 38
    Intimidate CHA 39 = 7 + 30 + 2
    Jump STR 104 = 18 + 36 + 50
    Knowledge(Local [Waterdeep]) INT 11 = 10 + 1 + 0
    Knowledge(Local [The Dalelands]) INT 11 = 10 + 1 + 0
    Knowledge(Local [The Northdark]) INT 11 = 10 + 1 + 0
    Knowledge(Local [Gauth Grottoes]) INT 11 = 10 + 1 + 0
    Knowledge(Arcana) INT 45 = 10 + 5 + 30
    Knowledge(History) INT 11 = 10 + 1 + 0
    Knowledge(Nature) INT 12 = 10 + 1 + 2
    Knowledge(Architecture) INT 11 = 10 + 1 + 0
    Knowledge(Dungeoneering) INT 11 = 10 + 1 + 0
    Knowledge(Geography) INT 11 = 10 + 1 + 0
    Knowledge(Nobility) INT 11 = 10 + 1 + 0
    Knowledge(Religion) INT 11 = 10 + 1 + 0
    Knowledge(The Planes) INT 11 = 10 + 5 + 0
    Listen WIS 63 = 5 + 20 + 38
    Move Silently DEX 60 = 15 + 15 + 30
    Open Lock DEX 25 = 15 + 10 + 0
    Perform(Dance) CHA 8 = 7 + 1 + 0
    Perform([Untrained]) CHA 7 = 7 + 0 + 0
    Profession(Stonemason) WIS 6 = 5 + 1 + 0
    Psicraft INT 11 = 10 + 1 + 0
    Ride DEX 20 = 15 + 5 + 0
    Search INT 25 = 10 + 15 + 0
    Sense Motive WIS 25 = 5 + 20 + 0
    Sleight of Hand DEX 27 = 15 + 10 + 2
    Spellcraft INT 45 = 10 + 5 + 30
    Spot WIS 65 = 5 + 20 + 40
    Survival WIS 23 = 5 + 5 + 13
    Swim STR 31 = 18 + 0 + 13
    Tumble DEX 27 = 15 + 10 + 2
    Use Magic Device CHA 37 = 7 + 30 + 0
    Use Psionic Device CHA 8 = 7 + 1 + 0
    Use Rope DEX 15 = 15 + 0 + 0

  • +2 bonus on Disguise checks to act in character
  • +2 bonus on Appraise checks related to Craft (Alchemy)
  • +2 bonus on Use Magic Device checks involving scrolls
  • +2 bonus on Spellcraft checks to decipher spells on scrolls
  • +2 bonus on Use Rope checks involving bindings
  • +2 bonus on Survival checks when following tracks
  • +4 Morale bonus to all skill checks with Greater Heroism

    Simple Weapon Proficiency
    Martial Weapon Proficiency (All)
    Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Hand Crossbow)
    Armor Proficiency (Light)
    Armor Proficiency (Medium)
    Armor Proficiency (Heavy)
    Two-Weapon Fighting
    Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
    Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
    Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting
    Improved Unarmed Strike
    Superior Unarmed Strike
    Epic Prowess
    Epic Prowess
    Epic Prowess
    Epic Prowess
    Blind Fight
    Combat Casting
    Improved Feint
    Precise Strike
    Able Learner

    Quick & Dirty Summary

    Make two rolls for Initiative and take better result

    Uncanny Dodge
    Improved Uncanny Dodge (20th level)
    +18 on checks vs. Bull Rush, Overrun, & Trip

    Fast Healing 2
    Heal 5 x Arcane spell level sacrificed (Swift Action)
    Gain DR/-- = 2 x Arcane spell level sacrificed for 1 round as Swift Action
    No need to eat, drink, breathe; Only need 2 hours sleep

    Low-light Vision
    Darkvision 90' (See in Normal or Magical Darkness)
    Detect Scrying constantly active
    Deathwatch constantly active
    Status at will
    Detect Magic at will
    Detect Thoughts at will (DC 16)
    Detect any teleportation effect within 100' radius (exact location, size, number); delay effect 1 round

    Immune to Fire
    Immune to Cold
    Immune to Disease
    Immune to Poison
    Immune to Fatigue
    Immune to Exhaustion
    Immune to Ability Damage
    Immune to Ability Drain
    Immune to Death Spells & Effects
    Immune to Energy Drain
    Immune to All Negative Energy Effects
    Immune to Mind-affecting powers, spells, & effects
    Immune to Information-gathering powers, spells, & effects (except Metafaculty)
    Immune to Sleep spells & Effects
    Immune to All Harmful Vapors & Gases (no need to breathe)
    Immune to Critical Hits & Sneak Attacks

    Multiple teleport effect via trees (expended after usage)
    Multiple teleport effect via water (expended after usage)
    Cannot be tracked via nonmagical means (leaves no trail/tracks whatsoever)

    Maneuvers Readied

  • Raging Mongoose (TC)
  • Dancing Mongoose (TC)
  • Swooping Dragon Strike (TC)
  • Iron Heart Surge (IH)
  • Iron Heart Focus (IH)

    Active Stance

  • Punishing Stance

    Skill Tricks

  • Acrobatic Backstab: Move through foe's space to render it flat-foot
  • Back on Your Feet: Stand from prone immediately with no AoO
  • Spot the Weak Point: Make next attack a Touch Attack
  • Conceal Spellcasting: Sleight of Hand vs Spot to conceal you are casting a spell
  • Timely Misdirection: Feint check to take away AoOs against you

    Spell-like Abilities
    Zone of Truth 3/day (DC 16)
    Darkness 3/day

    Persisted Spells
    Divine Power
    Divine Favor
    Swift Haste
    Essence of the Raptor
    Righteous Fury
    Sheltered Vitality
    Hunter's Eye

    Long-duration spells active
    Primal Hunter (24 hours)
    Primal Instinct (24 hours)
    Primal Senses (24 hours)
    Primal Speed (24 hours)
    Deeper Darkvision (20 hours)
    Pass Without Trace (20 hours)
    Tree Stride (20 hours or until expended)
    Swamp Stride (20 hours or until expended)
    Heart of Air (20 hours)
    Heart of Earth (20 hours)
    Heart of Water (20 hours)
    Undead Bane Weapon (20 hours)
    Energy Immunity - Fire (24 hours)
    Energy Immuntity - Cold (24 hours)
    Anticipate Teleportation (24 hours)
    Sense Weakness (24 hours or until expended) x7
    Nystul's Magic Aura on all magic items (20 days/casting, 4 items/day, rotated, appear nonmagical)

    Contingent Teleport active (recast every 21 days, 0 hp or less)

  • Human Traits
    Bonus Feat: Able Learner
    4 Extra Skill points + 1/level
    Favored Class: Any
    Phrenic Abilities
    +2 INT, +2 WIS, +4 CHA
    1 Bonus Power Point
    Power Resistance 10 + Level = 43

    3/day Psi-like Abilities

    • Defensive Precognition: +11 Insight bonus to AC and Saves for 33 minutes; or +9 bonus as Swift Action
    • Empty Mind: +18 bonus on Will saves (Immediate Action) until next turn
    • Intellect Fortress: Immediate Action shield that halves damage vs PR applicable powers for 33 rounds
    • Mind Thrust: 33d10 damage (Will save DC 34 negates)
    • Psionic Teleport: 3300 mile range; self plus 11 Medium creatures

    1/day Psi-like Abilities

    • Aversion: 49 hour duration, Will save DC 35 negates
    • Body Adjustment: Heals user of 16d12 damage
    • Brain Lock: Target is Dazed and unable to take actions, Will save DC 19 negates
    • Concussion Blast: 16d6 force damage; or 1d6 force damage vs 16 targets; or other combo; No Save
    • Energy Current: Concentration & choose dmg type; 2 targets 21d6 dmg, save DCs 34; or lower damage for more targets
    • Fission: Create duplicate of self for 33 rounds
    • Force Screen: +12 Shield bonus for 33 minutes
    • Psionic Dominate: As per the spell save DC 34; 14 targets OR 10 targets of any race
    • Psychic Crush: Will save vs DC 15 or Target unconscious with -1 hp; Save = 15d6 damage
    • Tower of Iron Will: Immediate 10'r shield granting PR 31 vs mind-affecting, lasts 25 rounds
    • Ultrablast: 33d6 damage 15'r spread, Will save DC 24 half

    Rogue Abilities
    Sneak Attack +3d6
    Trap Sense +1
    Uncanny Dodge
    Fighter Abilities
    Bonus Feat: Improved Unarmed Strike
    Bonus Feat: Superior Unarmed Strike
    Avenger Abilities
    Sneak Attack +3d6
    Death Attack DC 27
    Poison Use
    +2 bonus on saves vs poison
    Uncanny Dodge
    Improved Uncanny Dodge

    Caster Level 23rd; Save DCs 20+Spell level

    • 1st-Level Spells (11/day)
      • Insightful Feint
      • True Strike
      • Sticky Fingers
      • Healer's Vision
    • 2nd-Level Spells (11/day)
      • Alter Self
      • Invisibility
      • Pass Without Trace
      • Spider Climb
    • 3rd-Level Spells (10/day)
      • Enduring Scrutiny
      • Amorphous Form
      • Deeper Darkness
      • Vital Strike
    • 4th-Level Spells (10/day; 1 used for Persistent Ferocity)
      • Freedom of Movement
      • Cursed Blade
      • Greater Invisibility
      • Ferocity of Sanguine Rage

    Warblade & Bloodclaw Master Abilities
    Battle Clarity: +10 Insight bonus on REF saves when not flat-footed
    Weapon Aptitude: Swap out weapon specific feats
    Uncanny Dodge (Upgrades & stacks with Rogue and Avenger)
    Battle Ardor: +10 Insight bonus on Critical Hit confirmation rolls

    Shifting 2/day: +2 STR and claws as Free Action, 16 round duration
    Claws of the Beast: Add full STR mod to damage with both hands w/Tiger Claw weapons
    Superior Two-Weapon Fighting: Do not take -2 penalty for TWF with Tiger Claw weapons
    Tiger Claw Synergy
    Pouncing Strike: 2 Attacks on Charge or as Standard Action (expend one TC maneuver)
    Low-light Vision

    Maneuvers Known

  • Raging Mongoose (TC)
  • Dancing Mongoose (TC)
  • Swooping Dragon Strike (TC)
  • Sudden Leap (TC)
  • Wolf Fang Strike (TC)
  • Iron Heart Surge (IH)
  • Iron Heart Focus (IH)

    Stances Known

  • Punishing Stance (IH)

  • Abjurant Champion Abilities
    Abjurant Armor: Add class level (+5) to Abjuration spells that grant Armor or Shield bonus
    Extended Abjuration: Double duration of all Abjuration spells (as Extend Spell feat)
    Swift Abjuration: Cast Abjuration spells of up to 3rd level as Swift Action
    Arcane Boost: As a Swift Action, burn spell slot to do one of the following for 1 round -
    • Bonus on attack rolls = spell level
    • Bonus on damage rolls = 2 x spell level
    • Bonus to AC = spell level
    • Bonus on saving throws = spell level
    • Resistance to elements = 5 x spell level

    Martial Arcanist: Effective caster level = BAB (if worse normally)
    Chameleon Abilities
    Aptitude Focus 3/day (Arcane & Combat Foci enabled; swapped out Divine)
    Floating Bonus Feat (Change each day); Current feat:
    Mimic Class Feature 3/day (Evasion, Rage, Smite, Sneak Attack, Turn/Rebuke Undead)
    Ability Boon +6 (Choose each time change focus; currently STR & DEX)

    Arcane Focus Spells Prepared (Caster Level 20th)

    • 0-Level Spells (DC 20)
      • Mage Hand
      • Silent Portal
      • Caltrops
      • Prestidigitation
    • 1st-Level Spells (DC 21)
      • Mount
      • Rot of Ages
      • Improvisation
      • Disguise Self
      • Dispel Ward
      • Shield
      • Shield
    • 2nd-Level Spells (DC 22)
      • Heroics
      • Phantom Foe
      • Blur
      • Locate Object
      • Knock
      • Mirror Image
      • Wraithstrike (Persisted)
    • 3rd-Level Spells (DC 23)
      • Spellcaster's Bane
      • Fireball
      • Dismissal
      • Dispel Magic
      • Dimensional Anchor
      • Anticipate Teleportation (Cast during prep)
    • 4th-Level Spells (DC 24)
      • Assay Spell Resistance
      • Assay Spell Resistance
      • Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser
      • Orb of Force
      • Stoneskin
      • Sharptooth (Persisted)
    • 5th-Level Spells (DC 25)
      • Draconic Polymorph
      • Greater Heroism
      • Greater Heroism
      • Greater Heroism
      • Teleport
    • 6th-Level Spells (DC 26)
      • Chain Lightning
      • Greater Dispel Magic
      • True Seeing

    Languages Known
    Elven (Drow dialect)
    Drow Sign Language
    Skill Tricks
  • Acrobatic Backstab: Move through foe's space to render it flat-foot
  • Back on Your Feet: Stand from prone immediately with no AoO
  • Spot the Weak Point: Make next attack a Touch Attack
  • Conceal Spellcasting: Sleight of Hand vs Spot to conceal you are casting a spell
  • Timely Misdirection: Feint check to take away AoOs against you
  • Inherent Bonuses & Grafts
    +5 Inherent bonus to STR
    +5 Inherent bonus to DEX
    +5 Inherent bonus to CON
    +5 Inherent bonus to INT
    +5 Inherent bonus to WIS
    +5 Inherent bonus to CHA

    Silthilar Bones (+2 CON)
    Silthilar Muscles (+2 STR)
    Silthilar Tendons (+2 DEX)
    Silthilar Healing Blood (Fast Healing 2)

    Sleep, wake up and adopt Arcane and Divine Focus (DEX and WIS). After getting spells memorized, fire off the divine spells to be Persisted and the long duration ones (20hrs+). Then take 10 mins to swap out Divine Focus for Combat Focus (Swap out WIS for STR). Viola.

    Combat spell sequence (1st fight of day, with Boots=3 rounds in 1 round):
    Virtual Round 1: Defensive Precognition (Swift for +9 AC/Saves) + Greater Heroism (Standard)
    Virtual Round 2: Cursed Blade (Swift, on Unarmed Strikes) + Force Screen (Standard; +12 shield bonus, total AC now = 65)
    Normal Round: Full attack or other similar action

    Combat spell sequence (2nd and third fight of day, with Time Stop via staff):
    Virtual Round 1: Shield spell (Swift, +9) + Greater Heroism (Standard)
    Virtual Round 2: Cursed Blade (Swift, on US) + Defensive Precognition (Standard; +11 to AC/Saves) Virtual Round 3*: Heroics (Standard, bonus fighter feat)
    Virtual Round 4*: Stoneskin (Standard)
    Virtual Round 5*:

    Magic Items By Body Slot
    • HEAD: Circlet of Rapid Casting
    • FACE: Third Eye Conceal
    • THROAT: Amulet of Natural Weapons
    • TORSO: Rogue's Vest
    • BODY: Robe of the Untrue Archmagi
    • WAIST: Belt of Battle
    • SHOULDERS: Empty
    • ARMS: Bracers of Murder
    • HANDS: Casting Glove
    • RING (R): Ring of Jumping +30
    • RING (L): Ring of Wizardry IV
    • FEET: Boots of Temporal Acceleration

    Slotless Worn Magic Items
    • Ring of Proof vs Poison
    • Ring of Heavy Armor
    • Ring of Wizardry I
    • Ring of Wizardry II
    • Ring of Wizardry III
    • Earring of Feather Falling
    • Earring of Sustenance
    • Armband of Adaptation
    • Casting Glove
    • Belt of Many Pockets

    "Single Use" Magic Items

    • Manual of Quickness of Action +5
    • Manual of Gainful Exercise +5
    • Manual of Bodily Health +5
    • Tome of Clear Thought +5
    • Tome of Leadership & Influence +5
    • Tome of Understanding +5
    • Silthilar Bones
    • Silthilar Muscles
    • Silthilar Tendons
    • Silthilar Healing Blood

    Other Magic Items

    • Staff of the Untrue Archmagi (CL 20)
    • Staff of the Untrue Archpriest (CL 20)
    • Metamagic Rod, Greater (Persistent Spell) x3
    • Wand of Heroics (CL 5)
    • Wand of Greater Magic Weapon (CL 20)
    • Boccob's Blessed Book
    • Focus Items (500 gp)

    Circlet of Rapid Casting
    [ 15,000 gp ]
    This thin, golden circlet is engraved with dozens of different symbols and runes. It allows the wearer to cast a small numbers of spells each day as a Swift action. The circlet has 3 charges which are renewed at the beginning of each day. Spending one or more charges allows you to cast a single spell as part of the same Swift action as you used to activate the item. This spell must have a casting time that is no longer than 1 Standard action. Doing this expends the prepared spell as if you had cast the spell normally.

    • 1 Charge: Cast a single spell of 2nd level or less
    • 2 Charges: Cast a single spell of up to 3rd level
    • 3 Charges: Cast a single spell of up to 4th level

    Third Eye Conceal
    [ 120,000 gp ]
    While worn, this small, faintly glowing white crystal protects the wearer from view by all devices, powers, and spells that detect, influence, or read emotions or thoughts. This power protects against all mind-affecting powers and effects as well as information-gathering by clairsentience powers and effects (except for Metafaculty).

    Earring of Feather Fall
    [ 4,400 gp ]
    Can use Feather Fall at will.

    Earring of Sustenance
    [ 5,000 gp ]
    No need to eat or drink; only need 2 hrs sleep.

    Amulet of Natural Weapons
    [ 211,600 + 10,000 gp ]
    The enhancement bonuses (+5 to attack and damage) on this amulet are applied to attack and damage rolls for Unarmed Strikes.
    In addition, it holds the following enchantments, which are also applied to Unarmed Strikes

  • Collision [+2 MP]: +5 damage
  • Assassination [+1 MP]: Adds +1d6 Sneak Attack damage. Add +5 to DC of poison delivered via weapon
  • Deadly Precision [+2 MP]: Adds +2d6 Sneak Attack damage
  • Shadowstrike [+5000 gp]: 1/day as Swift action reach through shadow for extra 5 ft and deny target it's DEX bonus
  • Spellblade [+6000 gp]: User is immune to one single, targeted spell (Greater Dispel Magic). Dissipate or redirect spell as Free Action.
  • Gr. Truedeath Crystal: The wielder can make critical hits and sneak attacks normally against Undead. The weapon is also treated as a Ghost Touch weapon. In addition, it deals an extra 1d6 damage against undead.

    Robes of the Untrue Archmagi
    [ 1,381,550 gp ]
    This unique, intelligent set of robes has the following statistics and abilities:
    INT 19, WIS 19, CHA 10, EGO 25, Neutral Alignment, Speech, Telepathy, Read Magic, Read Languages

    It also holds the following enchantments (base item as per Vest of the Archmagi [200,000 gp +15,000 base Intelligent item]):

    • Recall 3 spells/day
    • Wearer can heal himself as Swift Action, 5 x level of arcane spell sacrificed
    • +8 Armor bonus to AC [+64,000 gp]
    • Soulfire: Negative energy & Death effect immunities [+3 MP; increase Armor bonus cost to 144,000 gp]
    • Health [+11,250 gp]: Immune to disease
    • Comfort [+5000 gp]: Immune to normal temperature extremes
    • Freedom [+60,000 gp]: Constant Freedom of Movement
    • Glamered [+2700 gp]: Can change the item's appearance
    • Called [+2000 gp]: Summon from anywhere on same Plane
    • Greater Anchoring [+15,000 gp]: +10 Enhancement bonus on checks vs. Bull Rush, Overrun, & Trip attacks
    • +5 Deflection bonus to AC [+50,000 gp]
    • +5 Natural Armor bonus to AC [+50,000 gp]
    • +5 Resistance bonus to Saving Throws [+25,000 gp]
    • +30 Competence bonus to Concentration [+180,000 gp]
    • +30 bonus to Spellcraft [+90,000 gp]
    • +30 bonus to Knowledge (Arcana) [+90,000 gp]
    • +30 bonus to Hide [+90,000 gp]
    • +30 bonus to Move Silently [+90,000 gp]
    • +30 bonus to Spot [+90,000 gp]
    • +30 bonus to Listen [+90,000 gp]
    • Deathwatch continually active
    • Detect Scrying continually [+10,000 gp]
    • Status at will [+11,000 gp]
    • Detect Magic at will [+3600 gp]
    • Detect Thoughts at will [+44,000 gp]
    • Zone of Truth 3/day [+6500 gp]
    • Darkness 3/day [+6500 gp]

    Rogue's Vest
    [ 18,000 gp ]
    This leather vest grants a constant +2 Competence bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks, as well as a +2 Competence bonus on Reflex saves. In addition, it grants +1d6 sneak attack damage.

    Belt of Battle
    [ 2,596,000 gp ]
    Grants a +2 Competence bonus to Initiative while worn. In addition, it has 3 charges which are renewed each day. Spending 1 or more charges (as a Swift Action)grants you an extra action which must be taken immediately

  • 1 Charge = 1 Move Action
  • 2 Charges = 1 Standard Action
  • 3 Charges = 1 Full-round Action
    The belt has also been enchanted to grant the following Enhancement bonuses:
  • +12 STR
  • +10 DEX
  • +6 CON
  • +6 INT
  • +6 WIS
  • +6 CHA

    Belt of Many Pockets
    [ 22,000 gp ]
    The black leather belt seems to be nothing more than a well-made article of clothing, but closer examination reveals eight small pouches along it's inner front. In fact, a total of 64 extradimensional pouches exist in the belt, with seven more "behind" each of the eight readily apparent ones. Each pouch is similar to a miniature Bag of Holding, able to contain up to 1 cubic foot of material weighing as much as 10 pounds.
    In addition, a Familiar can be placed in any pocket no matter it's size or weight. The familiar has no need for food, air, or water while inside the pouch.
    Anything stored in the belt's pockets is effectively weightless and doesn't affect the wearer's weight capacity so long as the belt is worn around the waist. If removed, the belt is one-tenth the total weight of all the items stored within it.
    While worn around the waist, the belt responds to its wearer's desire to extract something (by opening the correct pouch) or store something (by opening an empty pouch). Retrieving a specific item from the pouch is a move action, but doesn't provoke the attacks of opportunity that retrieving a stored item usually does.

    Armband of Adaptation
    [ 18,000 gp ]
    No need to breathe, immune to harmful gases & vapors (as per Necklace of Adaptation).

    Bracers of Murder
    [ 8,000 gp ]
    Grants +2 Profane bonus on attack and damage rolls vs Flat-footed targets. In addition, add +2 to save DC of Death Attacks.

    Casting Glove (Right)
    [ 20,000 gp ]
    This glove (worn on the right hand) allows an item to be stored or retrieved as a Free Action. In addition, once per round you can activate or consume a stored magic item as if you were holding it in your hand. The activation and all effects function just as normal for the item, and the activation requires the same type of action.
    Shadow usually keeps his Staff of the Untrue Archmagi within the glove.

    Casting Glove (Left)
    [ 40,000 gp ]
    This glove (worn on the left hand) allows an item to be stored or retrieved as a Free Action. In addition, once per round you can activate or consume a stored magic item as if you were holding it in your hand. The activation and all effects function just as normal for the item, and the activation requires the same type of action.
    Shadow usually keeps his Staff of the Untrue Archpriest within the glove.

    Ring of Heavy Armor
    [ 144,000 gp ]
    This ring grants a +1 Deflection bonus to AC (overridden by the bonus from Ring of Protection), and more importantly grants 100% Fortification (as the armor special ability).

    Ring of Proof vs Poison
    [ 54,000 gp ]
    Grants immunity to poison.

    Rings of Wizardry
    [ 40,000 gp ]
    [ 80,000 gp ]
    [ 140,000 gp ]
    [ 100,000 gp ]
    Each of these four rings will double the number of base spells a wizard is able to cast for the relevant level (1st through 4th respectively; bonus spells from INT are not doubled).

    Ring of Jumping
    [ 90,000 gp ]
    Grants a +30 Competence bonus to all Jump skill checks.

    Ring of Anticipation
    [ 12,000 gp ]
    Grants a +2 Competence bonus on Listen and Spot checks. In addition, make two rolls when making Initiative checks and take the better result.

    Boots of Temporal Acceleration
    [ 43,000 gp ]
    Once per day as a Swift Action (Command), speed time up as Time Stop. Take two rounds worth of actions then resume acting during your current turn in normal time, but are Shaken for 1 round.

    Staff of the Untrue Archmagi
    [ 371,370 gp ]
    This custom-created staff contains the following spells. Creator caster level for the staff is 20th level. Each use of the staff drains one charge.
    Current Charges: 50

    • Time Stop
    • Reaving Dispel
    • Replicate Casting
    • Power Word, Kill

    Staff of the Untrue Archpriest
    [ 153,750 gp ]
    This custom-created staff contains the following spells. Creator caster level for the staff is 20th level. Each use of the staff drains two charges.
    Current Charges: 50

    • Greater Restoration
    • Heal
    • Panacea
    • Break Enchantment
    • Gate