In the Vault of the Drow there is a society of female fighters. While each noble house maintained its own sorority, the society as a whole is an instrument of the clerical hierarchy. When house Kilsek chose exile over annihilation, the Kilsek sorority remained loyal to their house. Like the rest of their kin, they marched out of the Vault of the Drow with their heads held high.
Since then the society restructured itself to meet the needs of its new situation. They have become Venrit’s elite warriors, fanatical servants of House Kilsek and the Spider Queen.
Each has sworn a blood oath to Venrit, a fact reflected in the society’s new name: the Bloodsister’s.

©2006 commissoned art by Molly Nemecek
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B. Attack
F. Save
R. Save
W. Save
Combat reload
Poison use
Two-weapon style
Tunnel fighting
Improved two-weapon style
Throw sword
Sneak attack +1d6
Mind of steel
Twist the knife
Sneak Attack +2d6
Hit Die: d10
- Race: Drow
- Gender: Female.
- Alignment: Any Evil.
- Base Attack Bonus: +6 or better
- Feats: Ambidexterity, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (hand crossbow), Two-Weapon Fighting
(This prestiege class was back in 3.0, so some feats and skills are obsolete if you have plans to use this in a 3.5 campaign. Please ask your DM if this can be altered.)
Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Innuendo, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Spot, and Use Rope.
Skill Points/Level: 2 + INT Modifier
Class Features
- Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A Bloodsister is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and light and medium armor.
- Combat Reload: [Ex]
At 1st level, a bloodsister learns to use her hand crossbow with amazing speed. She can load a hand crossbow as a free action, which allows her to take the full attack action with the crossbow.
Furthermore such is her deftness with this maneuver that the loading action does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
- Poison Use: [Ex]
By 2nd level, a bloodsister masters the use of poisons with her weapons. She never runs the risk of accidentally poisoning herself when applying poison to a weapon.
- Two-Weapon Style: [Ex]
The favored melee weapons of the bloodsister are the short sword and dagger. While so armed and two-weapon fighting, a bloodsister of 3rd level or higher gains a +1 competence bonus to all her melee attacks.
- Tunnel Fighting: [Ex]
Bloodsisters are trained to fight underground in confined spaces. They know how to close with enemies quickly and get their blades up close and personal.
When charging an opponent, a bloodsister of 4th level or higher does not provoke attacks of opportunity from that creature by moving through the squares it threatens.
- Improved Two-Weapon Style: [Ex]
Starting at 5th level, a bloodsister fighting with both a short sword and a dagger receives a +2 competence bonus to all of her melee attacks.
- Throw Sword: [Ex]
When in desperate straights, bloodsisters throw their short swords like daggers. A bloodsister of 6th level or higher can throw a short sword without penalty, with a range increment of 10 feet.
- Sneak Attack: [Ex]
Bloodsisters see no reason to fight fair. They gang up on opponents whenever possible and often fight in teams. At 7th level, a bloodsister gains the ability to sneak attack foes. Any time the bloodsister’s target would be denied his Dexterity bonus to AC (whether he actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), the bloodsister’s attack does +1d6 points of damage. The damage increases to +2d6 at 10th level. Should the bloodsister score a critical hit with a sneak attack, her extra damage is not multiplied.
It takes precision and penetration to hit a vital spot, so ranged attacks can only count as sneak attacks if the target is 30 feet away or less.
With a sap or an unarmed strike, the bloodsister can make a sneak attack that deals subdual damage instead of normal damage. She cannot use a weapon that does normal damage to deal subdual damage in a sneak attack, not even with the -4 penalty, because she must make optimal use of her weapon in order to execute the sneak attack.
A bloodsister can only sneak attack living creatures with discernable anatomies – undeads, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Additionally, any creature immune to critical hits is similarly immune to sneak attacks. Also, the bloodsister must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach a vital spot. The bloodsister cannot sneak attack while striking at a creature with concealment, or by striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.
If a bloodsister gets a sneak attack bonus from another source (such as rogue levels), the bonuses to damage stack.
- Mind of Steel: [Ex]
Priestesses of Lolth instruct the best of the bloodsisters in mental techniques useful in warding off hostile magic. Starting at 8th level, a bloodsister gains a +4 resistance bonus against mind-affecting spells.
- Twist the Knife: [Ex]
A bloodsister learns to inflict maximum pain and damage with her weapons. The critical multipliers of the short sword and dagger are increased to x3 when wielded by a bloodsister of 9th level or higher.
Page last updated: Feburary 13th, 2006

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