Items of Magic

From time to time, even I feel the need to boost my abilities well beyond their norm. As such, I keep a personal vault full of items to employ on such occasions. Some of the items I employ on a regular basis...others only when true need arises. The latter are denoted by an asterisk.

Worn Items
- Head Slot: Headband of Epic Intellect +10 [Power Bonded]
- Face Slot: Mask of Epic Charisma +10 [Power Bonded]
- Ear Slot, Right: Rhapsody of Pain (Paired item, see below)
- Ear Slot, Left: Rhapsody of Pain (Paired item)
- Allows the wearer to function as if under the effects of both a Sadism and Masochism spell. Furthermore, the wearer is immune to the debilitating effects of pain, although he still feels the pain
- Neck Slot: Amulet (see below)
- Back Slot: Mantle of Great Stealth [Power Bonded*]
- +30 competence bonus to Hide and Move Silently
- Blur effect
- Nondetection
- Torso Primary Slot: Robes (see below)
- Torso Secondary Slot:
- Torso Outer Slot:
- Arm Slot, Right: Armband of Wound Closure [Power Bonded]
- Arm Slot, Left:
- Wrist Slot: Bracers of Relentless Might +10 [Power Bonded]
- Grants +10 enhancement bonus to STR and CON
- Wearer treated as two sizes larger for opposed checks based on size
- Waist Slot:
- Hand Slot: Gauntlets (see below)
- Finger Slot 1: Ring of Arcane Might
- +1 Effective Caster level
- Finger Slot 2: Flesh Ring of Scorn
- Any critical hit made against a non-Outsider is automatically a critical
- Finger Slot 3: Ring of Spellholding (Endurance of Ilmater)
- Finger Slot 4:
- Finger Slot 5:
- Finger Slot 6:
- Finger Slot 7:
- Finger Slot 8:
- Finger Slot 9:
- Finger Slot 10:
- Leg Slot:
- Ankle Slot, Right: Empty
- Ankle Slot, Left: Empty
- Feet Slot: Boots of Swiftness
- Grants a +10 enhancement bonus to Dexterity
- Doubles wearer's speed
- Grants Evasion (or Improved if already have)
- Jumping distance not limited by height
- +20 competence bonus on Balance, Climb, Jump, and Tumble checks
- Haste 3/day (20 round duration)
Accessories Worn/Carried
- Baldric: The baldric itself carries no enchantments other than those to grant it extra durability. It is made of black leather and has various runes etched into its otherwise plain surface. Rather than having a sword scabbard upon it, there is a holster of sorts in which three black, slender magical rods are kept. The rods are as follows:
- Epic Spellcaster Rod (Grants +10 Spellcraft for casting Epic spells)
- Rod of Epic Absorption (Can absorb 150 spell levels to be reused)
- The third rod is actually his primary sword, polymorphed.
- Badge of Freedom: This takes the form of a small charm pinned to the chest area of his robes.