This section is dedicated to the basic steps of marriage. Please note that you may develop your own style of which to marry someone. These are examples of marriages done, maybe they will give the person ready to perform one some ideas

Marriage Basics

Skim through of a Marriage

1~Make sure the couple getting married have things planned out. Such as what time, where at, who to expect and what ceremony they want. This is vital to the Priest(ess) because they may have plans themselves.
2~If the couple cannot decide on what type of ceremony they want, then you as the priest may pick the style in which you wish to marry them. Make sure to be on time and state your reg # before the event takes place
3~Even though you may choose the style in which you wish to perform the ceremony, there are things you MUST include: these are: VOWS, POSSIBLE WITNESSES, EXCHANCHING OF ITEMS (can be rings, necklaces...some sort of token of love) and the FINAL PROUNCEMENT (EX: I now pronounce you man and wife)
4~CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully performed a legal wedding! Send log to forum leader, yourself and the GC of your kingdom/guild.


(The logs were unfortunately lost during an Angelfire Server screw up, so this section will be empty until another marriage takes place)