Experience Awards

Winning EXP = PS (Point Spread) X 2
Losing EXP = 1/4 of Winner's EXP value
A spar can only be fought between two people with a dice difference no more than 20 sides, or with dice that are set in value. Otherwise it is void, and you will earn no EXP (Experience Points) for the Spar.

MS/Mass Spar:
Winning EXP = Varies
Losing EXP = 50 EXP
The GC of the Kingdom/Guild decides how much EXP is to be granted. No more then 500 exp can be given to anyone participating in a Mass Spar.

HM/Honor Match:
Winning EXP = PS (Point Spread) X 5
Losing EXP = 1/4 of Winner's EXP value
Must be fought under a manner of honor. If such is found out not to be true, then the match is void. If someone is challenged to an HM they must accept it or pay fines, even if there was no question of honor. After the fight, the one who had been challenged may present proof that there was no question of honor involved, and may try to get compensation for the fight. If the loss is valid, a great shame is placed upon said person, and if there were any specific terms for having lost, they are to be complied with.

SM/Slave Match:
Winning EXP = PS (Point Spread) X 6
Losing EXP = 1/4 of Winner's EXP value
The loser of this match becomes the slave of the winner for a set amount of time, which is agreed upon before the Match begins...otherwise it is void. A Slave Match can only be fought with a side difference of 30, otherwise is has to be set in value. The loser can request a Release Match upto 10 times during his or her enslavement.

RM/Release Match:
Winning EXP = PS (Point Spread) X 6
Losing EXP = 1/4 of Winner's EXP value
A Release Match is fought between a slave and his/her owner, or the slave may choose a 'Champion' to fight in their stead. There are no dice side difference restrictions placed on a Release Match, though as usual the value may be set if both parties are in agreement. If the slave owner wins, the slave remains their property. In the case of a 'Champion' battling the slave owner and losing, the 'Champion' also becomes a slave to the same owner. If the slave, or their 'Champion', wins, then the slave is to be freed immediately.

DM/Death Match:
Winning EXP = PS X (Lowest Dice Sides) X 10
Losing EXP = 0...dead people don't need EXP
If you win you live, if you lose you die. Simple enough. The dice difference can only be 20 sides, or a value set by the one being challenged. Do take note that it is the choice of the one being challenged in all cases, not the challenger's choice. All Terms of the Match are also the choice of the one being challenged, and the challenger has to abide by the terms with no complaints, or they suffer as if they had automatically lost an Honour Match against the one they challenged. So saying, be careful about declaring DM's on a whim.
Each side MUST have a witness present, and there has to be a Procter besides the witnesses and the contenders. If you lose you have 24 hours to find a healer and be rezzed. An auto-rezz match is worth nothing.

Proctoring Matches:
Registered Forum Proctors will receive 50-100 EXP for each match they proctor, depending on how well they perform their duties, which include such things as keeping the match moving along smoothly and in a timely manner, being fair in all judgements, keeping accurate scores, and enforcing their word if and when it is questioned. Only registered Proctors will receive EXP for such duties, unless it is specified otherwise by the GC for special occasions such as Tournaments and Festivals.

Events and Story Lines:
EXP granted for Events such as Tournaments and Festivals, as well as SL's, is dependent on the situation at hand, and will usually be announced along with notification of the Event.

A successfully returned Application, along with the applicant being accepted, is worth 15 EXP.

Priestial Duties

Magical Healing: 20XP

Natural/Herbal Healing: 30XP

Curing Illness: (Same formula as Healing)

Removal of Curses: 250 XP 100 if read from a scroll

Resurrection: 300 XP 75 if read from a scroll

Marriage: 150XP

Divorces: 130XP

Birthings: 350XP

Naming Ceremonies: 200XP

Theft Attempt:
The EXP awarded is based on the approximate value of the item(s) stolen, and the method or manner in which it was done.
Everytime something is stolen, no matter the value, a base 2 EXP will be given. A further bonus EXP value of 1 point per 100 gp value is added to that. For instance, stealing 100 gp's from a partron at an inn: Gain 2 EXP just for stealing the pouch, plus an extra point for the 100 gp value for a total of 3 EXP.
Maximum per Theft Attempt is 10 EXP.

Mage Duel:
Winning EXP = PS (Point Spread) X 2
Losing EXP = 1/4 of Winner's EXP value
A Magic Duel (Mages and Priests included) can only be fought between two people with a dice difference no more than 20 sides, or with dice that are set in value. Otherwise it is void, and you will earn no EXP (Experience Points) for the Duel.

Mass Magic Duel:
Winning EXP = Varies
Losing EXP = 50 EXP
The GC of the Kingdom/Guild decides how much EXP is to be granted. No more then 500 exp can be given to anyone participating in a Mass Magic Duel.

Assassination Attempt:
For a 2d Target: (Targets dice sides) X (Damage to Target)

For a 3d Target: (Targets dice sides) X (Damage to Target) X 1.5

For a 4d Target: (Targets dice sides) X (Damage to Target) X 2

EXAMPLE: If the target dies at say 24/14 HTK (Hits To Kill) and has 4d50, then multiply 50x24x2=2400 EXP

In the event the assassination fails but the target chooses to fight a DM, any you win, EXP will be the PS x 10.
If you flee from a failed assassination you will be awarded only an amount determined by Target's Dice Type (i.e. 2d, 3d, 4d) x 10.

Mass Assassination Attempt:
EXP is to be determined using the formula for the Assassination Attempt above, then split equally amongst the Assassins.

1-14=0 15-19=1 20-24=2 26-29=3 30-34=4 35-39=5
40-44=6 45-49=7 50-54=8 55-59=9 60-64=10 65-69=11
70-74=12 75-79=13 80-84=14 85-89=15 90-94=16 95-99=17

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