STILL BEING WORKED ON!!! As it stands, the Forum is poor...lets get some Shops open and make some money people!
NAME: Zartenoth: Land of the Coming Storm ACRONYM: ZLotCS FINANCES: 10, 323 GP's |
SHOP NAME: SylverShyne Inn OWNER: Aiyana Moonshyne SIGNED ON: September 4th, 1999 FINANCES: Unknown at this time due to repairs |
GUILD: Storm Riders of Rhy'Din ACRONYM: StRoR FINANCES: 1500 GP's |
SHOP NAME: Storm Riders Tavern OWNER: For Sale/Kingdom Ran SIGNED ON: May 25th, 1999 FINANCES: 6 GP to the good |
SHOP NAME: SylverShyne Inn OWNER: Aiyana Moonshyne SIGNED ON: September 4th, 1999 FINANCES: Unknown at this time due to repairs |