Below are the various Domains you may select from. Each deity allows access to certain Domains, so be sure to check what your selected deity allows before choosing. The POWER listed under each Domain is the granted power that the deity bestows upon you for choosing that Domain. The SPELLS are what the deity grants you access to upon your gaining access to each spell level, usable once per day each.
If you are confused on how spells work, because you are a first time gamer, or do not play spellcasters often, PLEASE read this ERRATA on how to read spells. It is extremely useful and is written by D&D official, Skip Williams.
Changes from the FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting
The list of deities for each domain includes a few changes from the domain list in the FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting. The addition of the Cold and Repose domains (the latter introduced in Faiths and Pantheons) requires some slight shifting of domains. The affected deities are:
Auril: Air, Cold, Evil, Storm.
Jergal: Fate, Law, Repose, Rune, Suffering.
Kelemvor: Fate, Law, Protection, Repose, Travel.
Osiris: Good, Law, Plant, Repose, Retribution.
Ulutiu: Animal, Cold, Law, Ocean, Protection.
Urogalan: Earth, Halfling, Law, Protection, Repose.
We use D&D domains as well as other d20 systems, so if it is wrong in your D&D book, it is because we have added new domains from other books, some have the same domain name. Please choose which domain you'd like to use. Sometimes they can be completely different from each other (having different powers AND spells).
If the DM wishes, this rule may change or be omitted entirely, so please ask if you are unsure, he may want you to use D&D spells only, so it's important to ask.

(From the Player’s Guide to Faerûn)
DEITIES: Angharradh, Chauntea, Finder Wyvernspur, Kossuth, Lathander, Shiallia, Silvanus
POWER: If you fall below 0 hit points, you regain a number of hit points equal to 1d8+ your Charisma modifier. This supernatural ability functions once per day. If an attack brings you to -10 or fewer hit points, you die before this power takes effect.
1) Charm Person
2) Restoration, Lesser
3) Remove Disease
4) Reincarnate
5) Atonement
6) Heroes’ Feast
7) Restoration, Greater
8) Polymorph Any Object
9) Freedom

(From the Player’s Guide to Faerûn)
DEITIES: Jergal, Kelemvor, Osiris, Urogalan
POWER: You may use death touch once per day. To deliver a death touch, you must succeed on a melee touch attack against a living creature (using the rules for touch spells). When you touch, roll 1d6 per cleric level you possess. If the result equals or exceeds the creature’s current hit points, it dies (no save). Death touch is a supernatural ability and a death effect.
1) Hide From Undead
2) Gentle Repose
3) Speak With Dead
4) Death Ward
5) Slay Living
6) Undeath to Death
7) Destruction
8) Surelife
9) Wail of the Banshee

(From the Player’s Guide to Faerûn)
DEITIES: Hoar, Horus-Re, Kiaransalee, Loviatar, Osiris, Shevarash, Tyr, Uthgar
POWER: If you have been harmed by someone in combat, you may make a strike of vengeance with a melee or ranged weapon against that individual on your next action. If this attack hits, you deal maximum damage. You can use this supernatural ability once per day.
1) Shield of Faith
2) Bear’s Endurance
3) Speak With Dead
4) Fire Shield
5) Mark of Justice
6) Banishment
7) Spell Turning
8) Discern Location
9) Storm of Vengeance

(From the Player’s Guide to Faerûn)
DEITIES: Deneir, Dugmaren Brightmantle, Jurgal, Mystra, Thoth
POWER: You gain Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat.
1) Erase
2) Secret Page
3) Glyph of Warding
4) Explosive Runes
5) Planar Binding, Lesser
6) Glyph of Warding, Greater
7) Drawmij’s Instant Summons
8) Transcribe Symbol
9) Teleportation Circle

Page Last Updated April 16th, 2006

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