Below are the various Domains you may select from. Each deity allows access to certain Domains, so be sure to check what your selected deity allows before choosing. The POWER listed under each Domain is the granted power that the deity bestows upon you for choosing that Domain. The SPELLS are what the deity grants you access to upon your gaining access to each spell level, usable once per day each.
If you are confused on how spells work, because you are a first time gamer, or do not play spellcasters often, PLEASE read this ERRATA on how to read spells. It is extremely useful and is written by D&D official, Skip Williams.
Changes from the FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting
The list of deities for each domain includes a few changes from the domain list in the FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting. The addition of the Cold and Repose domains (the latter introduced in Faiths and Pantheons) requires some slight shifting of domains. The affected deities are:
Auril: Air, Cold, Evil, Storm.
Jergal: Fate, Law, Repose, Rune, Suffering.
Kelemvor: Fate, Law, Protection, Repose, Travel.
Osiris: Good, Law, Plant, Repose, Retribution.
Ulutiu: Animal, Cold, Law, Ocean, Protection.
Urogalan: Earth, Halfling, Law, Protection, Repose.
We use D&D domains as well as other d20 systems, so if it is wrong in your D&D book, it is because we have added new domains from other books, some have the same domain name. Please choose which domain you'd like to use. Sometimes they can be completely different from each other (having different powers AND spells).
If the DM wishes, this rule may change or be omitted entirely, so please ask if you are unsure, he may want you to use D&D spells only, so it's important to ask.

(From the Player’s Guide to Faerûn, Player’s Handbook 3.5)
DEITIES: Callarduran Smoothhands, Chauntea, Dumathoin, Geb, Gond, Grumbar, Luthic, Moradin, Obad-Hai, Segojan Earthcaller, Urdlen, Urogalan
POWER: Turn or destroy air creatures as a good cleric turn undead. Rebuke, command, or bolster earth creatures as an evil cleric. Use these abilities a total number of times per day equal to 3 + your CHA modifier. This granted power is a supernatural ability.
1) Magic Stone
2) Soften Earth and Stone
3) Stone Shape
4) Spike Stones
5) Wall of Stone
6) Stoneskin
7) Earthquake
8) Iron Body
9) Elemental Swarm (earth spell only)

(From the d20 Ultimate Divine Spellbook)
POWER: Turn or destroy air creatures as a good cleric. Rebuke or command earth creatures as an evil cleric. Use these abilities a total number of times per day equal to 3 + your CHA modifier. This granted power is a supernatural ability.
1) Magic Stone
2) Soften Earth and Stone, Force Strike against Earth
3) Stone Shape, Sand Trap
4) Spike Stones
5) Wall of Stone
6) Stoneskin
7) Earthquake, Cavernous Travel
8) Iron Body
9) Elemental Swarm (earth spell only)

(From the Player’s Guide to Faerûn)
DEITIES: Aerdrie Faenya, Angharradh, Corellon Larethian, Deep Sashelas, Eilistraee, Erevan Ilesere, Fenmarel Mestarine, Hanali Celanil, Labelas Enoreth, Rillifane Rallathil, Sehanine Moonbow, Shevarash, Solonor Thelandira
POWER: You gain Point Blank Shot as a bonus feat.
1) True Strike
2) Cat's Grace
3) Snare
4) Tree Stride
5) Commune With Nature
6) Find the Path
7) Liveoak
8) Sunburst
9) Antipathy

(From the Book of Exalted Deeds)
DEITY: Phieran
POWER: You can perform a feat of endurance, which is the supernatural ability to gain an enhancement bonus to Constitution equal to one half of your level. Activating the power is a free action, the power lasts for 1 minute, and it is usable once per day.
1) Endure Elements
2) Bear's Endurance
3) Refreshment
4) Sustain
5) Stoneskin
6) Bear's Endurance, Mass
7) Globe of Invulnerability
8) Spell Turning
9) Iron Body

(From the Player’s Guide to Faerûn, Player’s Handbook 3.5)
DEITIES: Abbathor, Auril, Bahgtru, Bane, Beshaba, Cyric, Deep Duerra, Erythnul, Garagauth, Ghaunadaur, Gruumsh, Hextor, Ilneval, Kiaransalee, Laduguer, Lolth, Loviatar, Luthic, Malar, Mask, Nerull, Sebek, Selvetarm, Set, Shar, Shargaas, Talona, Talos, Tiamat, Umberlee, Urdlen, Vecna, Velsharoon, Vhaeraun, Yurtrus
POWER: You cast evil spells at +1 caster level.
1) Protection From Good
2) Desecrate
3) Magic Circle against Good
4) Unholy Blight
5) Dispel Good
6) Create Undead
7) Blasphemy
8) Unholy Aura
9) Summon Monster IX (evil only)

(From the d20 Ultimate Divine Spellbook)
POWER: You cast evil spells at +1 caster level.
1) Protection From Good, Claws of the Demon
2) Desecrate
3) Magic Circle against Good, Agony
4) Unholy Blight
5) Dispel Good
6) Create Undead
7) Blasphemy
8) Unholy Aura
9) Summon Monster IX (evil only), Thief Soul

(From the Player's Guide to Faerûn)
DEITIES: Berronar Truesilver, Cyrrollalee, Eldath, Hathor, Isis, Lliira, Luthic, Yondalla
POWER: As a free action, you may protect a number of creatures equal to your CHA modifier (minumum of 1 creature) with a +2 dodge bonus to AC. This supernatural ability lasts 1 round per level. An affected creature loses this protection if it moves more than 10 feet from you. You may also affect yourself with this ability.
1) Bless
2) Shield Other
3) Helping Hand
4) Imbue With Spell Ability
5) Rary's Telepathic Bond
6) Hero's Feast
7) Refuge
8) Protection from Spells
9) Prismatic Sphere

(From the Player's Guide to Faerûn, Complete Warrior)
DEITIES: Beshaba, Hathor, Hoar, Jergal, Kelemvor, Lyris, Nerull, Obad-Hai, Savras
POWER: You gain the uncanny dodge ability, allowing you to retain your Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, you still lose your Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. If you have another class that gives you uncanny dodge, your cleric level adds to that class's level for determining when you gain the improved uncanny dodge class feature (see page 26 of the Player's Hanbook).
1) True Strike
2) Augury
3) Bestow Curse
4) Divination (Player's Guide to Faerûn)
*Status (Complete Warrior)
5) Mark of Justice
6) Geas/Quest
7) Vision
8) *Mind Blank (Complete Warrior)
Moment of Prescience (Player's Guide to Faerûn)
9) Foresight
* Both books are from D&D, Complete Warrior came before Player's Guide to Faerûn, so the guide is the more updated version. However DM's should use whichever book they have available for their campaign

(From the Book of Exalted Deeds)
DEITIES: Valarian
POWER: Gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like abilities of feys (such as dryads, nymphs, and sprites.)
1) Faerie Fire
2) Charm Person
3) Inspired Aim
4) Blinding Beauty
5) Tree Stride
6) Heroes' Feast
7) Liveoak
8) Unearthly Beauty
9) Summon Nature's Ally IX

(From the d20 Ultimate Divine Spellbook)
POWER: Can cast Enchantment spells at +1 caster level.
1) Detect Fey
2) Charm Person
3) Sleep, Greater
4) Cloak of the Trickster
5) Kiss of the Selkie
6) Erase Memory
7) Blinding Beauty, Healing Flame
8) Irresistible Dance
9) Gift of the Leprechaun

(From the Player’s Guide to Faerûn, Player’s Handbook 3.5)
DEITIES: Gond, Kossuth, Obad-Hai, Talos
POWER: Turn or destroy water creatures as a good cleric turns undead. Rebuke, command, or bolster fire creatures as an evil cleric rebukes undead. Use these abilities a total number of times per day equal to 3 + your CHA modifier. This granted power is a supernatural ability.
1) Burning Hands
2) Produce Flame
3) Resist Energy (cold or fire only)
4) Wall of Fire
5) Fire Shield
6) Fire Seeds
7) Fire Storm
8) Incendiary Cloud
9) Elemental Swarm (cast as a fire spell only)

(From the d20 Ultimate Divine Spellbook)
POWER: Turn or destroy water creatures as a good cleric turns undead. Rebuke or command fire creatures as an evil cleric rebukes undead. Use these abilities a total number of times per day equal to 3 + your CHA modifier. This granted power is a supernatural ability.
1) Burning Hands
2) Produce Flame
3) Resist Elements (cold or fire only)
4) Wall of Fire
5) Fire Shield
6) Fire Seeds, Flameblock
7) Fire Storm
8) Incendiary Cloud
9) Elemental Swarm (cast as a fire spell only)

(From the d20 Ultmate Divine Spellbook)
POWER: Speak and understand Sylvan, and gain a +2 bonus to Survival checks while in the forest.
1) Goodberry
2) Tree Shape
3) Speak with Plants
4) Commune with Nature
5) Tree Stride
6) Awaken
7) Transport via Plants
8) Liveoak
9) Shambler
From the d20 Ultimate Divine Spellbook)
POWER: You gain a +2 bonus to all Craft checks and Willpower saves to resist illusions. You may also spontaneously cast make whole with any of this domains spell slots.
1) Forge Mastery
2) Wood Shape
3) Stone Shape
4) Minor Creation
5) Fabricate
6) Major Creation
7) Move Earth
8) Symbol of Stunning
9) Repair, Greater
Page Last Updated April 16th, 2006

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