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Ssinurm Jurmand(presumed deceased)

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Creator: Tony
Mun: Tony
Age: Unknown
Father: Alake'kah Oussviir
Mother: Iira'Ardulynrae Jurmand(deceased)
Race: Drow

Ssinurm Jurmand, Ssin, stands 5 foot 8 inches and weighs 125 pounds. He has shoulder length gray hair and his eyes are slate blue. He is usually wearing black leather armor over his entire body and dons a black cloak over his armor to conceal his motions. His skills with magics are matched by few and his talents with the rapier are nearly unequaled. Stealth and speed are his main advantages, since he can't exactly take a beating.

His facial features are very fleshy considering his weight, and his lips are just a shade or two pinker than the rest of his silver grey skin. More often than not he is unseen and hiding in the shadows, but when he does appear he is incredibly charming. His charming is only surpassed by his sense of right and wrong. He always seeks to do the most charitable thing, and his rumored death is a testament to his good will.


Ssin, born to a traditional female dominate drow society, of traditional parents. He was always looked down upon by those around him due to his supposed impure ancestry on his mother's side. His mother was rumored to be half-elven. Although this biase is likely only due to jealousy since he was the most sought after male in his city.

When a disturbing prophecy was recieved he was sent out with a raiding party to prevent disaster. It is on this mission that his chance to be free from what he saw as the "opressive drow culture" once and for all. He took this oppurtunity and set out on his own, adopting children in need and caring for them as his own. His first adoption was a small gnome infant, who would one day become Urathear Iejir Jurmand. Ssin tried to curb his first child's natural rage and greed, but to no avail.

However, even after this apparent failure Ssin never gave up. He kept trying to be part of Rath's life, and kept adopting children and caring for them as best he could. Most of his children turned out very well, and all of them turned out better than they would have if he had not taken them in.

His most recent contact with Rath was at Rath's last wedding to Sinder Sarga. Both Sinder and Ssin are presumed dead. Sinder due to her extended absence after her divorce from Rath, and Ssin due to a story which has been told by many.

You see, rumor has it that Ssin was wandering down the road and heading home after the wedding, when he stumbled upon a group of brigands who were assualting a ver young little girl, or so it seemed. He naturally jumped into the fray and saved the girl, only to find that the little girl, was not little at all, she was a vampire. And the brigands, were not brigands but common townsfolk who were out to defend their homes. The little girl then killed Ssin and went on her way. None of the bodies were found, and the girl has not been seen since. The only witness being a dryad who was watching from within her wooden sanctuary throughout the ordeal.