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Urathear Iejir Jurmand

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Creator: Tony
Mun: Tony
Age: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown
Race: Born Gnome, currently Elf.

Urathear Iejir Jurmand, Rath, stands exactly 6 feet tall, and weighs less than 100 pounds on a conventional scale. His bright blue glowing eyes, crimson lips, and long flowing blonde hair are seen as rather elegant by most, although some find his look unsettling, especially when they are on his bad side. His cheeks are sunken, and there are perpetual soft rings of exhaustion around his eyes. His frame is very gaunt and pale, but he is far from weak. Most of his strength comes from magic, but denied that he can rely on his speed and cunning in hand to hand combat.

He wears an overly large red cloak with a golden thread trim. And the massive hood more than hides his face in shadows, leaving only his bright blue eyes to stare out from the depths. His cloak is a magical one which links to a hidden realm, which only he can access. Any that may find a way to access this realm will regret it as he keeps his pets within this hidden cavern, three drakes one white, one red, and one blue. These drakes retrieve any of Rath's treasure at a moments thought from him, and have it ready for him to grab as if it were on his person.

His most used weapon is a long thin obsidian blade and a short fat diamond blade. These weapons hone Rath's powers during his casting and strengthen both his melee and his magic abilities. Rath is far from alone in his physical form and can call upon any of more than 30 subordinate souls to assist in control of his body, thereby granting him a new form, and new powers.


Rath, born a gnome, was taken in at a young age by a drow, Ssinurm the Wise. He was unnamed until age 8, between infancy and age 8 he lived under Ssin's wing, along with many other adopted children. After that, he took on his first name "Life-Taker Jurmand" and made his way to the city. He raised himself from there on, living off of hired jobs such as assassination. Until around his 25th year, when he began to assemble a group of friends to adventure for greater treasure and recognition. Most of that band is dead, although some remain including Adoc, Vesian, and Marcus. Some sort of pact remains between them, although it's nature is not yet known.

Through his adventures he was killed many times and reincarnated in various forms, the one that stuck was an elvyn form. He was also driven mad during these adventures and eventually departed from his companions and started on a crusade against the pantheon of Gods in Genesis, his homeworld. His crusade was more of a well thought out plan of assassination, and deception and less of an outright war. He was given the title demi-God and he bidded his time, until one day his plan was ready for execution. The entire pantheon of Gods was killed, and Life-Taker was victorious. Proclaiming himself the God of All Genesis he began to rule as such, and in the process the power went to his head and he ended up destroying the whole of Genesis.

Narrowly escaping by the hand of a higher power, he was sent to RhyDin and forbidden to take on any power until his Master, the God of Gods, deemed him worthy. He worked long and hard at deceiving this higher power, but never succeeded, then he met a woman, Gold. Gold turned his life around, turned him away from the most evil of deeds, to a more civil path. And that is when he was given power. To reflect this small change, Life made a small change in his name. His new name was Lyfe-Tayker Jurmand. Most say this was a trivial change, a subconcious way of him letting everyone now he is the same as he always was. But the fact that he has yet to destroy any worlds should be a testament to the contrary.

Gold eventually died, and he met other women, and gained more and more power. Then, one day he went to his Master and requested Godhood. His master gave him this privelege, and told him if he could kill the current God of Blood, the title would be his. He did so, and with this ascendance he gave himself yet another name, Urathear Iejir Jurmand. A draconic name, to show from whence his magics come. His name, literally translated means Taker of Life, but given license to interpret his intentions one can see why this name is fitting. Rath always viewed Gods as people who got their power from the people, or "took" their power from the people. And in Draconian thought, blood is your life. So his name is fitting since he places him as the Diety of Blood.

Ever since he has had minor relapses into his power hungry past, but over all has done little that warrants punishment. Through the years he has gained loves and slaves, power and riches. He currently owns a tavern, a temple, and a dome. All of these building are tied to whoever holds the title of God of Blood, which is currently bestowed on Vesian Arwyn since Rath is away. His currently known and most important slaves are Anastriana Amastacia, Ariskull Ixen, Briana Marie Ixen, Elysium, Fantasia, Raelyna Rectorium, and Sharazai.

In regards to his absence, it is as he would say "a misunderstanding." You see, he and a number of other Gods assembled a Council of Elder Gods to monitor each other and prevent outright holy war. This council has the power to punish all of it's members however it wishes. Rath was attempting to help one of his servants, Briana Marie Ixen, to retake her homeland, and the council was getting in the way. Now, the council is not in the way, after the unfortunate deaths of three of its members. Some claim Rath had them eliminated, but the only assassin that Rath is known to have employedd in recent years has been held by the council since before the murders occured. Without this evidence, the council will be hard pressed to convict him of any assassination plots. He is currently being held in a prison in Arcania, as he awaits his trials conclusion.