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Laws of the Lycanthropes

*ok those of you who ever played in Paradise RPG (a lot of you) should recognize this. Trace asked me to keep these when I deleted the game and so I did. Then I also decided recently to add them here for reference. Right now I only have them for the Rats and the Wolves because that's all we really have (well at least of the ones they had the laws written up for.)

Laws of the Rodere

Group Name: Rodere
Clan Name: (None as of yet)
Rat King:A mark of kingmanship. Either a tattoo or a burn mark of a crown.
1. We are of the shadows, and always will remain so. We will always be the gatherers and seekers of information.
2. Your loyalties are first to your King and second to your brethren.
3. Challengers to the throne must first defeat all above them and then face the King in a fight to the death.
The King alone has the right to serve out punishments. Depending on the severity of the crime, the King has the options of either death, discommunication or to name Sin Valor as anyone's meat.
Sin Valor or worthless one, can ask to become Lower in order to avoid death.
Hogar Sagrado: scared home and meeting place.
Curador: Usually a schooled individual in the arts of healing. Generally he does not turn anyone away from their places of healing, and will accept any lycanthrope. A neutral lycanthrope
Shaman: Always a were-rat, this person is the mystic guide for the rodere.

The Laws of the Wolves/Lions

Group Name: Lukoi
Clan Name: Nahuala Clan (Name is most likely soon to change)
King/Queen: Ulfric (Usually a male)
King/Queen’s Mate: Lupa (usually a female)
Enforcer One: Skoll (Male or female)
Enforcer Two: Hati (male or female)
Challenger: Fenir
Second in command: Geri and Freki
Kings deciever or one who does his dirtywork: Bolverk (doesn't always need to be a member of the pack)
Lowest wolf: Omega or Cave less One
Punishable wolf: Loki
1. No one who is not of the Nahaula clan shall know our sacred name.
2. Above all else your loyalty shall be to the Nahaula clan. It is your duty to protect our words and place of power.
3. We consume the flesh of our fallen to keep them with us forever. Only those considered traitors should be left to the wind.
4. Only the battle for succession shall be to the death. To reach any other rank, the only the claim of dominance is needed.
5. A Lupa who believes her Ulfric is unworthy of her may call the challenge of Freyja. Then any Nahaula member who does not give in to the shift may claim her. Then the Ulfric must accept that person to be dominate to him, and a battle of Succession will occur.
6. In the Nahaula Clan the wolves are not above the lions nor are the lions above the wolves. In the Ulfric's eyes they are the same as such they are to treat each other as equals
PUNISHMENT: All punishments shall be decreed by the Ulfric, and must be accepted by the whole of the clan. If the Loki to be punished seeks out protection by those they accept as dominate then the protector shall have the right to act in the Loki’s place. Or the Loki may claim to be the Cave less One, and from that point shall be ignored.
Lunanpar: Sacred meeting place.
Freyja: The Lupa decrees that her mate or Ulfric is not worthy of the position
Vagamour: Usually a Wiccan who acts as a guide and protector in all things mystic. Generally human, they are a neutral and honorary member of the pack.
“I am (enter title), and you have no name amoung the Lukoi. Your voice is only the wind outside our cave.”
“The trees themselves bow before the wind.”
Asking Protection:
Non-member of the Nahaula asking protection:
“May I find shelter from the wind among you?”
“Be welcome brother/sister. Our cave is yours, we shall share the hunt.”
Lesser wolf asking dominate for protection:
Generally done through touch, it is considered to be weak to ask for protection verbally. All the asking wolf has to do is touch the one they accept as dominate. The dominant then accepts by touching back.