Casmus Docks The vast stretch of the Casmus Docks drives north into the waters of the Beacon Harbor Bay. All matter of ships are at rest here, everything from vast cargo haulers, military transports and pleasure craft. Most of the cargo is hauled via truck down Pikeman Circle Drive to Beacon Harbor's industrial centers. Traffic flows rather heavily from the heart of the city to the south. Across the bay, far to the north east, a lighthouse can be seen out on the Point. Its light pierces the thick fog that often plagues the bay in the early hours of the morning. A thick band of rubble, rocks dredged up from the bottom of the bay when the docks were constructed, forms a barrier between the shipping lanes and the long stretch of beach to the east. The snow is nearly blinding, whiteout conditions, but out by the docks it's not so bad as in the rest of the city. After all, by the water it's only the snow that's *falling* that the wind can whip about. As it is, it'd be hard to see the problem if not for the flames. It's the first accident in the chain that's the bad one. The tanker must have hit ice: it plowed neatly into a smaller vehicle, a passenger car, driving it *through* the wall of a building in a crush that warped metal all out of shape. And whatever the tanker's carrying, it started to leak. So far, it's only the liquid pooled on the ground that's burning. The snow's been retarding the spread. But that still means quite a bit of fire. The rest of the chain causes problems of its own. The accident and the weather combined to amplify panic: drivers trying to get clear of the scene skidded, resulting in pileups on the main access roads. Emergency response teams are having trouble *reaching* the site, let alone getting equipment there. Which is why, in this one particular instance, it was faster for a certain young woman dressed in black to call a friend for help. Sure, the buildings along the docks are crowded wall-to-wall. Sure, there's no normal route through. But if someone can be walked through those walls and fences - particularly someone effectively immune to fire and whatever toxins the smoke might be carrying, not to mention strong enough not to need special equipment - maybe they can give the emergency types a hand. "You up for this?" Kitty asks Piotr, low-voiced and trying not to shiver. The usual adrenaline glow is missing from her eyes. Having just arrived on the scene, he takes it in for a moment, trying to think about the best plan of action... he could start clearing cars out of the way to help the emergency crews... he could try plugging the leak in the tanker with his own body to prevent any further spill... he could even throw the tanker into the bay as a last resort... "I am ready, Katya. We have a lot of ground to cover..." "Yeah." Kitty shakes her head, eyeing the flickering orange glow through the driving white. "I'll check on the drivers, see if either of them are -" still alive - "in shape to be moved?" She makes it into a question; if there's anything Piotr can think of that she might be more useful for, she'll happily take advice. Rescue operations aren't her area of expertise. Colossus thinks this through, shifting into his metal form as he does, which helps fight the cold a great deal. Plugging the leak would just mean he can't do anything else until the crews get there, so that's no good. Perhaps turning the truck over so the leaking stops is a good first goal. "Da... that is good. I'll have to turn the truck over to stop the leak... let me know if you cannot move the driver, and I will... figure something out." "Right." Kitty doesn't linger longer than that - without metal to help, and needing freedom of motion that precludes /too/ heavy clothing, about the best thing she can do to warm herself up is run. Which she does. Through the snow: wonderful. Up and into the building, dodging the flames carefully and passing through the wall instead. And into the cab, which - to put it bluntly - scares the shit out of the driver, really; the shriek of terror is probably audible well past Colossus' position whether or not he's moved. Colossus does follow her, until she zips upwards... he has to go through the building door to door to make his way through, but he doesn't have to avoid the fire at all. Kitty gets there first, of course, and the shriek worries him at first, until he notices the difference between terror and pain, and realizes that Kitty can scare people rather easily. On his way to the truck, he takes some time to right a few cars that have overturned... It's so good to have helpful people like Piotr around. The truck is actually lodged about half in and half out of the building - people ought to pay more attention to their surroundings when building warehouses. This one was put together cheaply enough not to provide much more resistance than tissue paper. The car the truck crushed has, for a miracle, not exploded or burned or anything at all - yet. Despite the gasoline spattered about. The place is just *aching* for a spark. Which means that Kitty's re-emergence, helping the truck's driver limp (broken ankle, maybe broken leg), is with an even paler face. "The guy in the car's still alive," she tells Piotr. "But he's hurt pretty bad - I don't think it's safe to move him." And the two vehicles are tangled distressingly securely. Well. By the standards of people who aren't made of stronger metal than either car or truck. Colossus nods to her... at least the truck driver is getting out of harm's way. He glances at the mangle of metal and decides the smartest thing to do will be to remove the actual TANK portion of the truck that's doing most of the hazmat leaking. He goes about tearing apart the connections while making sure he doesn't jostle the wreckage with the injured man too much... which is hard to do, but Piotr's got a good handle on finesse with his strength. With a quick upward wrench, the tank is up and free, and the big metal man hoists it upwards and twists it so the leak side is facing up... and he proceeds to carry the giant tank out of the building, holding it over the other demolished cars as he carries it away, finding some room to set it down gently and safely, away from the devastation, which takes him a while to do, considering there's SO MUCH DEVASTATION... Kitty flashes a bright, relieved grin at the steel giant's choice of solutions - that one hadn't actually occurred to her, and it's less risky and easier than any of the ones that had. The truck driver, on the other hand, simply stares, agape. Did his ankle hurt? Were there fractures? He's ... managed to forget all about them for the moment. "C'mon," Kitty says after a moment, nudging the guy lightly back into limping motion. "We need to get upwind of this." Which means walking into the teeth of the storm. Wonderful. Flames flicker brightly about Piotr's feet and calves, but ... really. Even if he weren't being careful, they couldn't do much more than singe his clothing. They're simply not hot enough to do *him* any damage, and with the blizzard winds blowing between them and the tank he holds, they're not about to make the thing explode, either. All it takes is for him to get away from the stalled and damaged cars: there's no traffic coming *into* this particular area of the docks right now, so there's more room than there might normally be. And lots of snow to cushion the tank when he sets it down. It's a careful balancing act that Colossus has to do, since it's an oblong tank that doesn't lend itself to being lifted by one man very cleanly. He has to readjust his hold on the thing several times before he finally reaches the drop-off point, couching it gently in the snow and making sure it doesn't roll. As he turns to look back at the rest of the mayhem, he doesn't even notice the char-marks on his pants. He ponders the next phase... and notices that going out to where the accident stops also puts him right near where the emergency crews are trying to get IN. He pauses a moment to worry about what brandishing his power like this in public will draw to him, but it's only a momentary concern. He approaches the ambulance with his hands in the air, hoping not to panic them. "There is a badly injured man at the scene of the accident... and I can get you there quickly if you trust me..." The ambulance goes first... the hazmat team gets the next trip... There's a moment of dead silence as Colossus is stared at. Then the youngest of the paramedics on the scene asks one of his seniors, shaky voice perhaps a little louder than he'd intended, "... is that the Terminator?" The older man eyes him for a moment. "Look, I know you only moved here six months ago, but - ahhh, nevermind." He draws a deeper breath and turns to Colossus, lifting a hand to brush hair and snow out of his face. "If you can get us past this mess, that's fine by me." Whatever you are. Ahem. Colossus nods to them, offering a slight smirk for their confusion. "Please buckle your safety belts. I will do my best to minimize the bumpiness of the ride..." With that, he kneels down and gently reaches his hands beneath the ambulance, getting enough leverage to hoist it up on one side, then planting a hand square at the center to lift it up evenly, keeping it right-side up as best he can as he carries it past the debris and wreckage. As he brings it forth, he starts to worry that perhaps the hazmat team should have gone first, to make it safer to operate... but he's going by Kitty's tone of voice that the man is in need of immediate help if he's going to live. His caution slows him down a bit, as he doesn't want to disturb any of the equipment they'll need... There is not one sound from the ambulance's passengers. Not one. Possibly because the breathed "Oh. My. God." simply isn't loud enough to be audible outside it. Without fresh fuel, the fire's starting to die down - which is good news for the emergency crews, anyhow. No cooking the ambulance. And the ambulance is considerably smaller than the tank was. Much easier to find space for. Colossus places the ambulance down gently, away from the puddle, and before darting back to get the hazmat team... he takes a look around, trying to find Katya... wishing he had the handy radio set-up to communicate with. He has to trust she's okay, though... the snow makes her hard to see... no time, though. He quickly heads back to the hazmat truck... and hopefully they won't be suspicious either... but he approaches hands-in-the-air just in case. Hard to see, but not impossible. Katya's a dark outline against the snow some distance away, crouched down in the lee of a building upwind from the fire. And where Colossus doesn't have the radio set-up ... well, the hazmat team does, and has therefore assurance that the ambulance and its crew /are/ in one piece. By the time *that* truck's brought back (and if the snow weren't so thick, think of the crowd that show would be getting!), too, the ambulance crew are clustered around the wreckage of the truck and car, in the company of a certain slight young woman dressed in black. Kitty's gesturing, talking quickly with the EMTs. The older one who gave Colossus the go-ahead before looks up and waves to the steel Russian, beckoning him over with a sort of wary, half-frightened urgency. The hazmat truck is a bit more unwieldy than the ambulance, not to mention the fact that it's a freakin' HAZMAT truck, so he's extraordinarily careful in transporting it, but he gets it there safely... oddly not making sound - no grunts of exertion, no sighs of release - the only real indication that he's exerting some serious strength is the occasional grimace on his face during the awkward moments. But he rises up to his glemaing, snow-glistened height and catches sight of Kitty, smiling slightly in relief before catching the waves... and he strides quickly over to their position. "How bad is it?" he asks, warily... looking to Kitty for some sense of the situation... ... Colossus straightening up to his full height. That is never, ever going to cease to be an impressive sight. Behind him, the hazmat team manages to overcome being stunned and get into action ... but it takes both effort and training. "We managed to get the worst of the bleeding stopped," Kitty answers Piotr quickly, "but /I/ can't move him, there're neck injuries, and there's no way for them to get in to work." "Can you fix that for us?" the older paramedic asks, straightforward. There /is/ equipment to cut into and through the car. But ... sometimes individuals on-site are faster. Colossus nods to them. "I shall try..." he says, in his characteristic needless formality. He then glances to Kitty for a moment. "Katya... can you start to check on all the other overturned cars and make an assessment as to who needs the most urgent medical attention?" With that, he starts an assessment of his own... looking over the vehicle quickly to figure out just exactly where he needs to rend the metal in order to allow them access without jostling the victim dangerously. One hand braces the bulk of the vehicle to keep it from excess movement... and the other hand crunches carefully over the tattered rooftop and tears it free as if it were tissue paper... "Will this do?" he asks, setting the roof aside... The experienced one nods, only looking *slightly* poleaxed, and his "... uh - yes. Thank you," is voiced over a flurry of motion. It's the young one who comes close to fainting on the spot. Kitty'd already answered Piotr's request with, "On it," and headed out by phasing through the intervening wall. Colossus offers a slight smile to the uneasy youngster. "There's nothing to fear... Colossus is here." He turns away to head out of the building, rolling his pupilless eyes at himself for saying that - something even HE recognizes as corny... but really, how often does a guy get a chance to say something like that? As the Tin Man emerges from the hole ripped in the building, he scouts around for Katya for a moment... then picks up one car very gently, the driver of which has already scrambled out, and sets it down right-side up, quickly surveying the area to better figure out where he should go first.. The usual city teams - ambulance, towing, fire department - have been at work in the interim; though there are still a few cars at skewed, awkward angles, the actual /people/ have been cleared out. For the most part. Kitty's just stepped out of one of the cars with an exception: a car seat with its occupant still strapped more or less safely in. Her expression is furious. Colossus narrows his eyes a bit as Kitty emerges, and something about that expression suddenly makes him think twice about giving out his name - even a codename - like that. Too late now, though... business at hand. "What is the problem?" he quickly asks, heading over to the car she's inspecting. His codename, a version of her real name... which has, fortunately, nothing whatsoever to do with her legal name. Patricia. Hee hee. But that's not what Kitty's angry over. She nods toward the car's back seat. "There's a baby in there. No driver. Somebody just went off and /left/ the kid." Usually, times like these, Kitty's riding a high from the moment they actually see the situation. This time? This is the first expression she's had that's more involved than determination. Colossus would sigh if he breathed in this form, but he goes through the body language of one anyway, shaking his head. "Is the child alive?" He looks back toward the medical crew, hoping there's at least one of them not immediately occupied that he can wave over and can come and check the baby out... and he cannot help but spare a few passing thoughts towards his baby sister... "Oh, yeah. Crying its eyes out - the kid's got to be freezing, and scared." And possibly hurt, but Kitty's not letting herself think about that part. The ambulance crews are occupied; some of the firemen, who're often trained in the same direction, aren't. Kitty continues, "I think the rest of this is pretty much under control, I couldn't find anybody else left behind..." Without much thinking about it, she rests one of her much smaller and more fragile hands against his. It's entirely possible she's thinking about Illyana, too. Colossus breathes a slight sigh of relief at the fact that the child is at least alive... although life with a parent that would abandon them like that... although it could have been a babysitter or perhaps some other explanation... always hope for the best. His large, gleaming hand wraps around hers with a surprising gentleness as he waves over a couple of firemen... pushing thoughts of Illyana away as best he can for the moment... not even doing the 'guh, she's touching me' routine he's managed to perfect. Maybe he's doing better on that score. "I... suppose I should right some of those remaining cars..." "They've got tow trucks," Kitty says half-uncertainly. "Maybe we ought to get out of here before the snow clears up enough to let photographers get a good picture." On the other hand, there's an ambulance that would probably now like very much to get out. The firemen that come over - surprising how a gigantic form composed mainly of metallic muscle can compel attention - don't have much trouble getting into the (unlocked) car, and the child seat is removed entire for attention, a silvery thermal blanket laid over it to keep the wind off its inhabitant. Colossus nods to her. "That is a wise choice as well... but let me tend to one more thing and we will be on our way..." He nods to the ambulance blokes that give him a wordless head-gesture, and after they get in and settle in tight, he lifts the vehicle up once again, carrying it cautiously toward the road it came in from, and it takes him a bit of time to do, but once he's there, he sets it down gently. "Good luck, sirs..." he offers to them, before turning around and gesturing a 'let's get out of here' head bob toward a snowed-in section of road... into which he just wades as if there was nothing to impede him at all... Well. There /isn't/ anything to impede /him/ in that snow. Kitty trails after Piotr, and she's finally getting something like a grin. Not just impressed, but pleased; it's not just that he was carrying a freaking ambulance, it's that he was being polite about it. Phased, the snow doesn't get in her way much either - she hurries to catch up with him. Moving faster keeps her warmer. Even if it makes her tired a /lot/ faster, too. Colossus smiles a little to himself, too, as he doesn't get to really work out his metal form that often... and this human snowplow thing is kinda fun. "Are you all right, Katya?" he asks, concerned as she catches up with him. "We will stop at the nearest place to warm up, if you like..." He occasionally swoops a big arm around to cover their tracks... Avalanches of snow! Kitty flashes Piotr a quick grin, shivering. "'M okay. For a little while longer. Someplace we can find that won't scream 'hi, we're hiding from the cameras'..." Speaking of which, she rubs pointlessly at the dark smudges on her face with the back of a gloved hand. Colossus shakes his head. "I think we will be okay. I put aside a set of different clothes to change into... my 'work' outfit is a little conspicuous in this sense. I have a coat you can wear as well... we will be there shortly." He worries as he looks her over - the first time he's had a chance to for a while. "You look tired, Katya..." "I /am/ tired," Kitty admits reluctantly. "It's been a long few weeks." She reaches over and mock-pats at his arm - well, other than that her hand goes through his metal skin, it really is a pat. "But things are getting back to normal, more or less. Back down to the usual background amount of weirdness rather than getting it delivered straight to our door. I tell you, I am /never/ running a knowledge base for a group I can't give orders to again." Colossus tries to pick up his pace a bit, since tired and cold weather are a breeding ground for illness if you're not from Siberia... or made of steel. "I... do not know what your situation was, but it seems like she who controls the knowledge should control the group, da?" He turns a street corner and heads toward an alley way... "Well. If there's any kind of /organization/ going on, yeah. This was more like herding cats." If Colossus picks up his pace, that leaves Kitty nearly jogging. Not that she's arguing about the sense of warmth that creates. "Pretty crazy. Some of it's still going on, a little bit, but - I'm /not/ putting information together on that one anymore. It's Jack's problem." Colossus isn't entirely sure what she's talking about... but he never is when she starts going off on happenings within her little group. It's interesting nonetheless, though. He finally makes his way to the alleyway that's outside a little pub, and the snow is much lesser here. He slinks as best a giant metallic man can slink toward the middle of the alley and uncovers a plastic bag closed and wrapped tightly, shifting back to his human form and fishing around for the clothing... coat first for Kitty. "Here you go... I hope none of this weirdness put you in serious danger..." he says, naively. It's okay. Kitty's not sure what she's talking about, either. That's why she's abdicating responsibility for it. "Not too bad," she replies, taking the coat and huddling promptly within it. "Oooh, /warmth/. Thanks /so/ much - no, it wasn't too bad. One of the people involved was a healer, and another one made me some body armour, so it just got messy, not all that actually dangerous." By her standards. In retrospect. "/So/ glad it's over, though. We've got a backlog of things that need dealing with."