Seishi springs at the thing as soon as she's close enough - no attempt at purification now; she leaps at it, leading with the curved steel blade of her tachi, channeling her energy to speed and strength and slashing at it with her sword to drive it back. Oh, lucky Kitty. Broken and bleeding, she sprawls to the pavement, no longer having the strength to hold herself upright. Scarlet trails from her throat, down and across her breast, across the silver star and the oak-leaf medallion. Her one hand still holds the black feather as she sprawls. Brown eyes, still open as they begin to glaze, are just able to recognize Liam - and close as he touches her, relief. There's a tiny motion, almost a nod. She didn't understand, but she remembered - and she knows. Claire told her, showed Pete, months ago. It'll be all right. No struggle, no panic, because that would only make the blood flow faster. Her lips try to move, try to form words, all the same. /Sera. Truth./ Kess is heedless of the talons, letting them scrape over kevlar and through leather, not caring if they find the flesh between the armour plates, or slash across her unprotected face. She's concentrating on grappling with this thing, with clamping down a hold and trying to catch those dangerous wrists, her own wings thrashing to keep it still. "You know," she grits out between clenched teeth. "I think I preferred you without hands." Disgusting as that was. Eyes narrowed, the need for revenge still tightly curbed, she seeks only to pin and hold for now, though Seishi's attack brings a grim quirk to her lips. The momentary mindless, instinctual rush of panic subsides, and Constantine finds his steely faith--faith not in some distant God but in himself and the world around him--starting to falter. He's brandishing a medallion at the creature. He must look ridiculous. Doubt flickers in his eyes for a moment. Then he drives it back fiercely. He must believe in this, must believe that Liam can reach Kitty in time, must believe that he has power over this vicious black-winged creature. Although he'll probably get mocked later. Oh, and a knife. He has a knife too. Timothy puts said knife to good use after he slams into the creature, slashing at it as it slashes at him, barely seeming to notice when he inevitably begins to bleed. He's doing his damnedest to make *it* bleed too, after all. Fair's fair. His common sense has clearly long since wandered off to go drinking with his sense of self-preservation (and the two bastards 'forgot' to tell his misplaced sense of nobility, and that bit of him that HATES to see powerful things beating up on weaker things that they were going. Bastards.) He makes no effort to keep close quarters with the thing, though, if (and when) it's driven away by the attacks of others. After all, he's also got that gun. Writhing in Kess's arms, the Sera-thing shrieks, still clawing, struggling to get free as the scent of roses seems so /cloying/, so thick and so intense it's as though the world itself is an opening bloom, the perfume trapped here within this strange little space as the snow continues to fall. It'll continue to slash at everything and everyone within reach for awhile, just as destroyed and twisted and horrifying as the black-winged things ever were. Angels move to surround Liam, and help him, while some move to Claire, and the rest move to touch John, Timmy, Jack, Kess, Seishi. If they can. Offering up courage, strength, power, comfort, peace, love. Do what you will. Do what you must. Slashed by tachi, by knife, beaten by fists, threatened with gun and fended off by medallion, the thing loses its talons, its wings; they break away, tear away, and leave a bleeding, broken body, pregnant and breathing blood. It gives up the fight, and will drop to the ground, hands reaching, twilight eyes opening wide, startled, afraid. No, no no. My friends. Help me. Far enough away that she's hidden in shadow and snowfall, looking on like some drugged observer, Seravina watches them do what they will. What they must, an curls her arms around her lower belly, thoughtful. Lost. Liam's here, which is good. It lets Jack devote his full attention to smashing the thing that hurt Kitty into a bloody pulp. Not quite a berserk frenzy, but pretty damned close; he's furious enough to try and scramble past the rest of those attacking to get at it. Though the stray touch of one of the white angels is enough to make him remember himself, at least a little, and he turns to blink at it, owlishly...then withdraws, to a little distance, to watch Liam and those surrounding Kitty. He wraps thin arms around himself, but the rage and fear has subsided enough to leave him dumb and shivering. The healing he can see - death'll be fended off, this time. He closes his eyes and extends the entropy sense as far as it can go, to seek for any more areas of corruption. Are there yet more? Not too late. He has her. Liam takes Kitty's hand, slipping an arm under her, holding her gently, pouring all his healing in. Mending torn flesh, broken vessels, veins slashed, lungs soaked with blood. It's alright. The pattern goes /here/, and /here/, and there's no need to be afraid, or feel pain. Then he has help, white wings, a font of power he can't possibly equal. Liam turns Kitty's head to the side, gently, for the blood she'll need to cough out -- and then his eyes raise to the fight, wide with shining sapphire horror. "Don't!" His voice is low but carries well in the snowy dark. Suddenly pleading. "Don't. All they want is to be loved." Seishi might have pursued, but the change of form and Liam's shout and everything else happens all at once and she catches herself, falling back, braced with her sword protectively in front of her. "I can still feel corruption," she says shortly, a little too loudly - hearing's still scrambled. Kitty can't speak aloud, but Liam is quite capable of perceiving the flood of relief at his words - one independent from the first breath she manages of air, between the hacking coughs. No need to be afraid. It's still hard to think straight, dizzy and half drowned in her own vital fluids. But the words, rasped and unclear and quiet enough so that she's no idea how far they'll carry, aren't hers, and aren't ones she's ever likely to forget. "F'give her. It's ... all she knows." Here's hoping the guess is right. Kess lets her grip slacken as soon as the body so like Sera's gives up the fight, letting it slip to the ground as she sinks, feet finally touching down. Breathing hard, she stares at the figure, frowning with confusion and disbelief, the warming touches of angels distracting. She's trying to be numb, here. Looking around, her gaze falls on Kitty, worry flaring, meets Liam's sapphire one, and she nods, once. Right, yes. "I don't think this works any more," she says to whoever's listening, lifting the hand bearing the ring. It feels odd. So what do we do? She crouches down by the pseudo-Sera, wings folding close behind her, and her gaze shifts to the white angels. "Can't you do something?" It's all your fault. She remembers the last time she saw this thing, and would rather not see it that way again. Would rather see it whole, hale and loved, like the real Seravina. Forgiveness? Close enough. Constantine slowly lowers the medallion, letting it slip back beneath his shirt, at Liam's cry. "Where?" he asks Seishi, a little dazedly. If he was about to say more, it's abruptly cut off as he suddenly shivers violently, the adrenaline and the cold combining to shake his body like a ragdoll. Kitty's words get a blink, then a thoughtful look. Still trembling slightly, John kneels down next to the other-Sera, then reaches out to take her hand and signal his acceptance of her. "Oh, well, that's okay then," is Timothy's a-bit-too-cheerful reply to Liam. Though he does feel a bit more like himself (selfish coward and all) since the ministering angel's touch. "Let's all join hands and sing tra-la-la and be happy." A stern glance at the Serathing. "You know, if you really do want to be loved, not eviscerating people for fun would be a good start. You'd be surprised what a difference that can make." Well, it's not exactly forgiveness, but neither is it outright hostility. So long as it doesn't do anything aggressive, at least. Corruption reigns, Seishi is right. Perhaps they were right to back off of the fight... perhaps not. Aggressive? Sera's head turns toward Kess, and she murmurs, sounding miserable, "Aw, Kessie. And I tried so /hard/." The tears running from her eyes turn darker, and begin to spill as blood, and she moves, faster than thinking, to tear her hand from John's and slam her fist against the bird-girl's head, raking newly hooked claws over Kess's face. Maim. Blind. Hurt. "Are YOU JUST STUPID?" she wonders. She'll probably be slapped down really quickly, but as quickly as she can, she'll look to Liam, snarling, "They'll *never* see." To their credit, or perhaps their damnation because they seem ever too late, the angels move to try and drag Kess out of the altercation, if she'll let them. Far enough away, Sera begins to walk toward the grouping, coming out into the moonlight, bathed in silver, in blue, half-covered in snow. In one shaking hand is a gun--standard police issue. It looks just like Ray's. Feels just like it, too. "Of course they will," she says sadly. "Someday." Fear /lives/ around her. Fear, and determination. There. It doesn't give up, does it? And quite right it'll be slapped down. Opening his eyes, Jack moves back to hit it as hard as he can with the pistol, square in the skull. "Be _still_," he hisses at it, before aiming the gun at it again. "And I'll forgive when it actually repents and stops hurting my friends." It comes out as a snarl - the anger's back again in full force, and the wish for vengeance. "But what are we supposed to see?" Oh, hell. He didn't mean she wasn't /dangerous/. A brief tightening of his arm, subtle hug, and Liam has to put Kitty down now -- he leaves her surrounded by white wings and capable healing hands, as carefully as he can but as fast as he can; his own dark wings spread, speckled with snowflakes, as he lunges forward, trying to get past the others and to the Sera-thing. Light spilling from him, strength and love and resolve to whoever it touches. He'll heal her too, if he can, and no hesitation to it. Liam loves everything. Seishi doesn't attack again, although she flinches visibly when she/it lashes out at Kess, and she doesn't dare drop her guard. "Jack," she says, more quietly now, "don't you remember? The dream - the Truth? The sword that saves?" "Joy," Kitty gasps. "Love. /Life/." Given that she can't manage more than a whisper, the words are, in essence, useless. White wings around her, till she can't see past them, just let her head sink back and close her eyes and pray silently. Let /this/ guess be right. They're almost out of time. Kess' look to the Sera below her is sympathetic, right up until it moves. There's only time for a shocked widening of her eyes and a warding lift of her hand, before she's hit and clawed. She falls to the side with a pained cry that edges on sonics, one hand catching her on the snow as the other tries to cover the bloodstreaked side of her face, wings flaring and finding themselves butting up against incoming bodies. Reeling, half-blinded, she protests any hands on her, skittering raggedly away from them all. It /hurts/, and she wants to curl up, and she sobs, trying to clear her good eye of blood, but more keeps rushing over it. Head wounds do bleed harshly, and she coughs as blood runs into her mouth. And she tried so /hard/, she didn't /want/ to hate, and they keep hurting. How much is enough? When is it too much? "Don't let them win," she murmurs brokenly, mostly to herself, not knowing if anyone is in range to hear. Don't become what they are. It hurts, and it's growing darker; it's not far before she has to lie down, whimpering to herself. Darkness steals in, and it's so much warmer than the world. Constantine springs back to his feet, going tense again, anger replacing his hesitant forgiveness. See, this is what happens when I let my guard down. The trembling is gone, replaced by the perfect concentration of anger. "See," says Timothy conversationally, as he fires a stasis-blast at the Serathing, more a reflexive action than a planned thing. (Which means he didn't take much time to aim). "This is exactly what I'm talking about." Somehow, the idea that this thing doesn't need to be hurt so much as stopped has penetrated his head, though, else he'd have used the more conventional gun. And then the *other* Sera shows up. He looks back and forth between the two. He opens his mouth. He closes his mouth. He opens it again and says, "Should I even *bother* asking at this point?" Thrashing, shrieking, screaming. I /hate/ you. Whose fault? Whose? I /hate/. I *hate*. Jack's gun hits her square in the skull, and though the skin splits and blood flows, it won't stop her. Venom and fear and anger and rage and it suddenly seems to sag as the Sera that's standing watches all of this with a look of something like pained awe. The gun in her hand melts into a white feather, and she holds it in her hand, as though she might crush it to pieces. Timmy's gun hits /Kess/, rather than the Sera-thing, but that's good, because now the angels will be able to take her, to heal her. They'll offer all they are to Liam, to Kitty, to Kess. To anyone else broken and bleeding. They only /look/ at the Sera-thing, who whimpers up at the one holding the feather, "Someday?" The twilight-eyed woman stares down at the bleeding, ruined replica of herself, and at the torn, bruised companions around her, and prays to whatever may be listening that it isn't naivete that answers. She nods. "Someday." The feather slips from her fingers, and is carried away on a light wind, as the snow continues to fall, and the creature laying on the ground disintegrates into feathers, rose petals and ashes. The world itself seems to wake up, and only one white-winged angel remains -- even Claire is gone, leaving behind her drawings. The look Jack gives Seishi is utterly blank, for the moment, before the confusion ebbs from his gaze, to be replaced by dawning comprehension. He stands, irresolute, and wonders, more gently, "What now, then?" His gaze goes to what is presumably the true Sera, wondering, before he seeks Claire. Where's she? Nowhere. Liam wasn't fast enough, didn't make it on time, and he skids to the ground to touch only ashes and rose petals, drifting white feathers. Oh. And then he's looking up at Seravina, bemused, blue eyes absent. He tried. But if he's not needed, there's that shock waiting (dying and healing and dying and healing and all those sweet tastes of heaven), and his focus scatters, a little. Seishi's tachi lowers as the images dissolve, and she looks around, dark eyes wide and a little baffled. For lack of anything else to find a grip on, she focuses on the one remaining white-winged angel, her brow creasing. What now? Kitty lies quietly, curled on her side, one hand cupped over the medallion. Just breathing is interesting enough. Still coughing intermittently, quietly. Just watching. Just watching. Constantine stares at the ground where the otherSera was just moments ago. Then he lets out a long, shaking breath and turns to stare at the real Seravina. "Sera, love. Are you all right?" It seems a ridiculous thing to ask now, but he can't think of anything else. Timothy looks back at the now-disintegrated Serathing. And then back at the real Sera. This optical ping-pong match continues for several seconds. "Riiiiight," he says, finally. For lack of anything better to say. And, with that, he just turns and wanders vaguely back toward his car, muttering something to the effect of " to get out of this city." The white winged angel looks to Sera, who looks relatively numb, herself, and he murmurs, "Some of you... Some of you can, in fact, see. That others cannot is no great shame; it will come to you in time." Wonderful words of wisdom? Infuriating platitudes? Either way, the angel will move to take Kess, once the stasis gun has worn off; she needs to be home, needs to be rested. Snowy white wings lift, imposing, graceful, wondrous, and the noble creature stands, tall, proud--does anyone wonder if Kess would find herself horrified to be in the arms of the thing she blames? Sera moves to reach her hands out for Seishi, for Jack, for John, turning to look at Kess and Kitty. She's thin and shaking, wide-eyed and shivering, but her answer, to John, is, "Mmm-hmmm." The world is still crazily /alive/ around her, but the fear is slowly being stripped down, and down, and down. The angel remains, not ascending just yet, mild, sapphire eyes watching the group. "The dream is this," he whispers. "Before it ends... will you ask anything else?" Jack asks the question one would expect, voice gravelly with weariness and too much smoke. "How can I reach the Tower?" he wonders, regarding the blue-eyed one with that barely hidden eagerness. The pistol's placed back in its holder, to ride at the small of his back. Is there still need? Sera, perhaps, thin and afraid, but she has others, she has her friends, she doesn't need Liam. The little angel turns his head, then rises, limping slowly back to lower himself beside Kitty. Brushing at her hair. Only then does he lift his gaze to the other angel. Certain that Kess will be alright in the other's hands. And he wants, terribly, to know -- is this the end? Will this be the last of you, brother? But the words don't come. "Sera -" Okay, those two syllables worked fine. Then Kitty's interrupted by another coughing fit. Her one hand rests on Liam's sleeve, but the other's stretched out toward Seishi and Jack and John, and Sera. Especially Sera. No questions for her. Maybe she's done with asking them - strange as that might seem. Blood darkens the rags of her jacket, the blue and yellow tatters of her shirt ... and the pale grey of the body armour she was wearing under it. Thank you, Kess; thank you, Claire; thank you, Pete. Constantine glances around him, taking in the scene. Then he steps forward to try to put his arms around Seravina and simply hold her, for the fleeting comfort the contact will give them both. "It's all right now," he murmurs, as much to himself as to her. "With your friends at hand, Jack," the angel murmurs. "What you need will be left for you there. You'll need to see," he answers softly. "The shadows will fall, and show you," he promises. "Until then, try to see; it will be help." The angel goes to Liam's side, carefully crouching to offer out a hand, to touch the angel--just a touch. No giving, no taking. Just a touch. There is so much /love/ on his face; he smiles so beatifically as he shakes his head, whispering, "No. For once, believe my promise." It isn't a chastisement, so much as a plea. Kitty is smiled upon, by the the angel, and Sera reaches for the other woman's hand, attempting to remain close to John. Just hold on to me for a bit; it'll be fine in a little while, right? The angel just nods to John, as though in confirmation of the statement. Not the answer he wanted...but Jack bows his head to the angel in acquiescence. "I shall," he replies, though he doesn't reach for any of the others' hands. I don't want to have to take them through this, both for my own selfishness and their safety's sake. It's the ability he doubts, not the intent, but Liam would /like/ very much to believe. He doesn't have any words, just now, and still has one hand gently on Kitty. His other hand goes to cup the other angel's.... just a touch. More miraculous than anything else that could be offered. Only for a moment. Not trying to keep, or to hold. One moment to savour. His own smile is loving, warm, dazed. When the white-winged angel has moved on, he'll help Kitty to sit. Seishi lets out a long, shuddering sigh, sliding her tachi carefully into its sheath and moving to Kitty and Sera, reaching out to her friends. "I'm sorry," she tells Sera, very softly. Sorry I didn't understand sooner. Kitty's hand tightens on Liam's arm: there's gratitude, too, and not by any means just for helping her up. Human chain, angel and Kitty and Sera and John, Seishi a doubled link, Jack included by glances. "Jack," she manages in kinder tones, "try to go without us and I will personally -" pause to cough - "kick your ass all the way across the Atlantic." And her hand tightens on Sera's, now. Look: not afraid to touch you, or Liam. Not afraid of it happening again. Someone has to start to trust. Constantine doesn't move for as long as Sera needs him. "We love you, Sera; we're with you, we're here whenever you need us." Perhaps because it comes from someone like John, the statement doesn't come across as quite so maudlin and sentimental as it might have. The young woman, pregnant, cold, shaking... she shakes her head, reaching out to Seishi, aching to pull all of these people into her embrace, warm and sweet and loving. Hands to hands to hands to hugs to watching. Close. My /friends/. "No," she pleads. "You try so *hard* and all you've ever wanted is the best, is to give the best, and to share the best," she murmurs. "Never be sorry for what a good friend you are to me, and to everyone." Nuzzling into John's arms is so damn easy; he's comfort and familiarity, and she doesn't even think about it. To be close to Seishi and Kitty and Jack and John; it heals things that she didn't know might've been broken. "I know," she whispers. "And I love you. All of you." Even when I'm frightened. Even when things happen, and I don't understand. Maybe people have learned something of this, of themselves, and the world. And maybe it'll never really be clear what happened, tonight. But Sera likes to believe it wasn't for nothing. The fact of the matter is, who knows what tomorrow brings? Maybe understanding will come. Maybe they'll all see. Someday.