================================== Reports =================================== Message: 3/6 Posted Author Solace House attacked. Sat Dec 07 BH News Services ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On the main news bulletins and front pages of newspapers today: In yet another terrifying attack by the terrorist group plaguing the metahuman population of Beacon Harbor, two explosive devices were found at Solace House yesterday evening. The BHPD received the call warning of the attack a little before midnight last night, and Solace House was immediately alerted. The staff executed a swift evacuation, and the bomb squad were able to disarm the devices before they could be set off. The charity, set up to help the metahumans that come into the city, is the latest target of the anti-meta group, Humanity's Fist, who have planted bombs at residences, businesses and public places over the past few months. Solace House's benefactress, Adrienne Rathborne, had this to say: "In truth, we had been expecting such an attack. Solace House gives metahumans a chance at a life in Beacon Harbor, and it is clear that this is what this group do not want metahumans to have. A chance at a life. I am simply glad that we were warned in time, and that no-one was hurt. Thanks to the speedy response of the emergency services, the House was saved. I can only hope that the next target is as fortunate." Ms Rathborne also sent pleas to the group to stop their campaign of fear and violence, a sentiment echoed by citizens all over the city. Accusations have been levelled at City Hall about the lack of action being taken to deal with this menace, and a spokesperson for Mayor Wilkins gave this statement: "The fine men and women of the BHPD are doing everything that they can to combat this threat to the safety of our city. The City does not condone discrimination of any kind, nor the destruction and tragedy that this group has been causing, and every effort is being made to bring these dangerous criminals to justice." ==============================================================================